Jiangnan Axle Factory.

The current axle factory has been completely taken over by Dahe Automobile of Brother BOSS.

When I went to work at 8:30 this morning, Brother BOSS came to the axle factory and held an all-employee meeting.

Although it seems useless to take over such a broken axle factory, for Brother BOSS, it can be regarded as an improvement for the automobile factory. After all, in the past, most of the accessories from automobile factories had to be purchased. Now at least we can be self-sufficient in terms of chassis kits.

The only question is how can the chassis package produced by this axle factory compete with so many good cars in the World Automobile Obstacle Rally. To put it bluntly, with the quality of this chassis, it’s a good thing if it doesn’t fly out in obstacle courses.

That is to say, Brother BOSS thinks that if he drives carefully, he may not overturn the car at high speed. Anyone else would have died on the track if they were driving at high speed.

There is no large conference room in the axle factory, so all-employee meetings can only be held in the factory building. At the meeting, Brother BOSS publicly announced that Lao Ma, the director of the sales department, would be the new director of the axle factory. He also announced a high-profile wage increase in the factory.

The matter of supplementing wages for workers was completed yesterday, and in fact, contracts for wage increases have also been signed. At this moment, he announced again, which also made the employees rejoice and applaud.

Just as the applause ended, five Taoist priests wearing Taoist robes walked in from outside the workshop.

Among the five Taoist priests, the leader is a very thin middle-aged Taoist priest, followed by four young Taoist priests behind him. The five Taoist priests walked towards Brother BOSS. As soon as the workers present saw the five Taoist priests coming, they knew in their hearts that they must be here to collect rent.

Fortunately, the factory is now taken over by Brother BOSS. Since he dares to take over, the rent issue will definitely not be a problem.

"Cough cough cough..." When the five Taoist priests saw so many people gathered here, the lean middle-aged Taoist priest coughed loudly first, and then said loudly: "You are having a meeting!"

Brother BOSS, Director Ma, Tian Fengjiao, Director Li and other factory leaders all looked over as soon as they heard his voice.

Seeing the Taoist priest coming, BOSS made a vague guess. However, Director Ma still went ahead and said, "Mr. Lu, this is Taoist Zhang who is in charge of Qiu Zu Temple's property."

Brother BOSS nodded slightly and walked towards the five Taoist priests in a swagger. Director Ma, Tian Fengjiao and others immediately followed, somewhat like a star holding the moon.

Brother BOSS is already used to this kind of scene. When he was racing in Xiaoqiu Mingshan, he was like a god. It was the appearance of Zhang Yu that broke the myth and became a new myth.

Brother BOSS came to the middle-aged Taoist priest and said carelessly: "Hello, Taoist Priest."

Zhang Laodao said calmly: "Are you the new boss of Jiangnan Axle Factory?"

"Yes." Brother BOSS said bluntly.

"It's a good thing now that we have an owner... The rent at the Cheqiao Factory is now due. Our Taoist temple has given the factory an ultimatum two days ago. I think you know it. It's clearly stated above that if you don't pay the rent today, You guys should move and leave immediately. But I think that since you have become the new boss here, you will definitely not be able to leave and you still want to continue working. Then just pay the rent now." Zhang Laodao said lightly again.

"Of course I know about the ultimatum, but as for the rent, I hope the Taoist priest will wait a little longer. Let's wait until tomorrow." Brother BOSS said with a smile.

"Slow down...we'll talk about it tomorrow..." Zhang Laodao curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid this is not appropriate. Paying the rent today is our abbot's ultimatum. I won't be able to explain it even if I go back one day later. Besides, , since you have bought the factory, what are you waiting for? Whether it is cash or check, our Taoist temple accepts it. Bank transfer is also accepted... I think you are such a big boss and you can't come up with this little money... …”

Regarding the rent matter, Brother BOSS said that he would give the other party a day's grace, which was actually Zhang Yu's intention. Zhang Yu told him yesterday that if Qiu Zumiao came to collect rent today, he would definitely not be able to pay it. Therefore, Brother BOSS is now doing things according to Zhang Yu's wishes.

However, Zhang Yu did not tell Brother BOSS why he could not pay the rent today. He only said that he would not have to pay the rent in another day. If you give it now, it will be in vain.

Brother BOSS doesn't understand why Zhang Yu said this, but Zhang Yu has already said it, so he can only listen to Zhang Yu's words. So, Brother BOSS said: "Taoist Master, I just repaid the wages to the workers yesterday, and I really don't have any money on hand. I'm raising money now, and it won't be available until tomorrow. Otherwise, you can collect it tomorrow and keep it for you. You also said that , I have bought all the factories, so I can’t afford to be evicted if I default on the rent. Don’t worry about the money, I won’t give you a penny less.”

He does things with the attitude of being easy to talk to and discuss. It is estimated that the other party will definitely agree after hearing this. But he didn't expect that after Zhang Laodao heard this, he immediately said: "Our Taoist temple has always acted in accordance with the contract. Although there are still three years until Jiangnan Axle Factory signs the contract with us, today is the time for the ultimatum. If After today, the contract signed by Jiangnan Axle Factory and our Taoist temple will be invalid. If you want to rent it tomorrow, it will not be the original price. Now everything has increased in price, especially the rent. For a factory as big as ours , the lease to you is only 10 million a year, mainly because the contract period is too long and there is no way. Now someone has offered 15 million a year. When tomorrow, the old contract will be invalid, we will have to pay 15 million a year. If you If you don’t rent, you have to get out of here.”

Good guy, looking at Zhang Laodao, he is sure to defeat Brother BOSS.

In fact, even a fool can see that Brother BOSS has just bought a factory and must continue to work on it. If you move in a hurry, you will definitely not be able to find such a large factory for production. So I’m raising the price from the ground up, and I’m not afraid that Brother BOSS won’t agree.

Now that he has notified BOSS in advance, it can be said that the ugly words are made public. Anyway, he is not afraid that you will not agree.

Brother BOSS didn't expect that the other party would suddenly increase the price. This was really unexpected. Although Zhang Yu said that he would not have to pay until tomorrow, but if it was not reliable, wouldn't it mean that he would have to pay an extra 5 million a year. 5 million is not a small number, especially when opening a factory, even 10,000 yuan has to be calculated carefully.

"Taoist Master, what you said is a bit too much... The previous contract also made it clear that it was 10 million a year. I am just one day short of an increase of 5 million... Anyway, you are the one who said it Forget it..." Brother BOSS said a little dissatisfied.

"Look at what you said, the land here is our Taoist temple's property. How much money it costs is naturally our Taoist temple's final decision. If you don't pay after today, it means you have breached the contract first. Therefore, according to the contract, I have The power is to rent the factory to others... It is up to you whether to rent or not, whether to pay today or tomorrow..." Zhang Laodao said proudly.

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