Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3612 Two things

I have to say that Bai Xuemei is really smart. Although Bao Jiayin said that she and Leng Lingxue were classmates, Bai Xuemei still fooled her.

Because Bai Xuemei knew that if she said this, Bao Jiayin would definitely not ask Leng Lingxue.

After all, they are classmates, and Leng Lingxue is not sure about this case now. If Bao Jiayin goes to ask, wouldn't he be deliberately showing off in front of his classmates.

Of course, her words were even more crooked. Bao Jiayin and Leng Lingxue had never dealt with each other and had always been competing with each other. Now when Bao Jiayin heard that Leng Lingxue gave up the lawsuit because she was not sure that she would pay no compensation, Bao Jiayin immediately became energetic. .

Bao Jiayin said directly: "I probably already understand the situation of this case. Although it is a little difficult to not pay a penny in compensation, as long as I take over, it will definitely be without a penny in compensation!"

"The lawyers at Dongzhen Law Firm are really different, and Lawyer Bao is even more courageous, different from ordinary female lawyers. Since Lawyer Bao said this, our boss and I are relieved. Also, please rest assured Lawyer Bao , our company will not pay a penny less for the legal fees, on the contrary, we will only pay more." Bai Xuemei said with a smile.

Otherwise, Bai Xuemei was still experienced and praised Bao Jiayin by the way.

Bao Jiayin felt happy when he heard it. After all, according to Bai Xuemei, she must be stronger than Leng Lingxue. Leng Lingxue didn't dare to take the case, and she was not sure that she could win the case.

As for what's going on here, I can't tell. Because it is an ordinary lawsuit, and it is a job arranged by a law firm. To put it in perspective, even if you lose, you will really have to pay compensation to the family of the deceased, and the worst thing you can do is not pay for the lawyer's fees. If he wins, he will definitely outshine Leng Lingxue this time.

In this way, Bao Jiayin finally took over the lawsuit.

The next day, Wudang Group.

When he got up early in the morning, Zhang Yu informed him that the board of directors would be held at two o'clock this afternoon.

It was indeed a bit surprising that the chairman suddenly held a board meeting, so all the directors were present.

Jiang Xianzhang and his son, Xiao Jiejie, Li Meizhen, Yuan Tianru, Yuan Jucheng, and Du Quan took their seats one after another, and Zhang Yu was the last one to enter.

Seeing that everyone was here, Zhang Yu had to say a few opening remarks before getting down to the main topic.

"Everyone, I invite you to convene this board of directors today. There are two main things. The first thing is that the Daiwa Automobile Factory owned by the group has acquired a Jiangnan axle factory today. The news has just come here. There is a Jiangnan axle factory here. Please take a look at the information about the axle factory." Zhang Yu said.

After saying this, he made a gesture, and Luo Chen was in his hand, holding a stack of documents. Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Luo Chen immediately distributed the information in his hand to everyone.

It turns out that just this morning, the trial court had opened to hear the case at Jiangnan Axle Factory.

Although the defendant, Yang He, the boss of the axle factory, is not here, it is not important, because there are many cases like this in China where the boss runs away. You can't just say that if the boss runs away, the Inquisition will just ignore it.

Taking into account various circumstances, the trial court declared Jiangnan Axle Factory bankrupt. Immediately afterwards, the judge awarded the existing assets of the axle factory to the workers to pay off the debt.

You know, this axle factory does not own land, it only has some equipment, and the rest belongs to Qiu Zumiao. These days, land is valuable, and although other things are also valuable, they are all second-hand. If the Tribunal forces an auction, it’s unclear whether it can be sold or not. Even if it is sold, it will not be sold at a high price.

During the court session, the trial court had to discuss with representatives from the axle factory. Director Ma, Tian Fengjiao and the others were naturally willing to transfer the factory to Brother BOSS after they had Brother BOSS's promise. Therefore, Leng Lingxue reached an agreement with the trial court and awarded the items in the factory to the people in the factory to pay off the debt.

Immediately afterwards, Brother BOSS took action and used real money to pay wages to everyone in the axle factory, and even gave them a little extra money. He also signed labor contracts with the workers, increased their wages, and then sold the car to the factory. The bridge factory got it in hand. As for the money that Director Ma and the others were defrauded by Yang He in the name of buying shares, Brother BOSS also compensated them.

From then on, the axle factory became part of Dahe Automobile. However, the money BOSS spent was definitely higher than buying these second-hand equipment, but Zhang Yu also said that it would take too much time to set up such a factory. Only buying them saves time and effort.

The information documents were handed into the hands of each director. Jiang Xianzhang, Yuan Jucheng, and Du Quan frowned a little after reading them. Even Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru shook their heads secretly.

It can be said that they all trust Zhang Yu very much, but they also feel that this matter is particularly unreliable.

It is said that it purchased an axle factory, but what kind of axle factory is this? There is no land, and the valuation of equipment and inventory is extremely low. What is the use of buying such a broken factory?

Because Zhang Yu said that there were two things in total, this should be considered one. No one said anything immediately, they all looked at Zhang Yu, waiting for Zhang Yu to say the second thing.

When Zhang Yu saw everyone looking over, he smiled and said: "You have all read the information about the axle factory. Not long after Dahe Automobile merged into Wudang Group, it was able to acquire an axle factory. This Definitely a good thing.”

"Good thing!" Xiao Jiejie didn't care about that and just clapped, "Pah, pah, pah... pah, pah..."

When others saw Xiao Jiejie applauding, they also felt that they should give the chairman some face and gave him a symbolic slap. There was sparse applause in the conference room.

The applause soon stopped, and Zhang Yu also knew that several directors were not very interested in this matter and did not think highly of such an axle factory at all.

But Zhang Yu still smiled and said: "Next, I will talk about the second thing. I plan to ask the Taoist Association to use their temple assets to invest in the axle factory as dry shares and pay dividends every year. I don’t know what you mean? You know, the current factory building of the axle factory is the property of Qiu Zumiao. In addition, we can also use some temple properties as warehouses. In this way, it is also a win-win situation. "

After hearing this, the big guy almost vomited blood. Even Jiang Xianzhang, Jiang Yulin, and Jiang Yuzhen knew that Zhang Yu always had methods and abilities, but this kind of thing was just nonsense.

How much profit can there be from such a broken axle factory? If you ask people from the Taoist Association to take dry shares, can you get a share of the money?

Of course, everyone present also knew that Zhang Yu was the vice president of the Taoist Association. Zhang Yu may have done this because he wanted to bribe people from the Taoist Association. But even so, how much profit can this axle factory make?

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