Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3597 Cooking

"Eating too much staple food and meat at night is not good for your health... You are a Taoist priest, shouldn't you know how to maintain health better than me..." Leng Lingxue looked at Zhang Yu with a smile.

"Health preservation is health preservation... Yes, eating too much staple food and meat at night is indeed not good for the body... But... I can't say it's not at all..." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

The food in the Taoist temple is often very light, but I don't think it's so light.

"I'm mainly used to eating this at night. I knew you were coming, so I prepared more... If you're not used to it, just take a look at what you want to eat. We have it at home, and I'll make it for you..." Leng Ling Xue said.

"If I have them at home, I'd better do it myself..." Zhang Yu stood up and said, "Where are all the things?"

"You are a guest, how can I let you do it..." Leng Lingxue stood up immediately and said: "My craftsmanship is also good, you sit here and wait for me, soon... No... You still go Wait for me in the living room..."

"Go to the living room and wait for you..." Zhang Yu looked puzzled.

"I'm not used to having people watch me cooking..." Leng Lingxue said seriously.

"I'm afraid of stealing my master..." Zhang Yu curled his lips.

"You're just afraid of stealing from me, why do you talk so much..." Leng Lingxue glared at Zhang Yu.

"Okay, okay... Then I'll go out and wait..." Zhang Yu didn't care about watching people cooking, so he just walked outside.

After leaving the dining room, he came to sit down in the living room, and soon he could hear the busy sounds in the kitchen.



Zhang Yu was sitting and waiting when suddenly, there was another sound of oil crashing in the kitchen, followed by Leng Lingxue's cry of pain.

When he heard something was wrong, Zhang Yu hurriedly got up and rushed into the restaurant. As soon as I arrived at the door of the restaurant, I heard two more sounds of "crash" and "chi".



Immediately, there were two more sounds, one was Leng Lingxue's cry, and the other was the sound of a bowl falling to the ground.

Good guy, the kitchen is now full of oil smoke, but Zhang Yu could see clearly just now that flames were coming out of the pot, and Leng Lingxue hurriedly filled the bowl of water to extinguish the fire. It's okay if you don't water it, but when you water it, the oil will burst out of the pot even more, and then there will be a lot of oil smoke.

"Oh my god, what are you doing..." Zhang Yu rushed to Leng Lingxue's side in a few steps.

Leng Lingxue looked embarrassed, and even her tight white vest was splashed with several oil droplets. Not to mention, her body was covered in oil spots in several places.

"I was thinking about frying a steak for suddenly caught on fire..." Leng Lingxue said aggrievedly.

"You...your skills...forget it, forget it, it's my didn't get burned, right..." Zhang Yu said, first finding the gas switch, turning off the gas valve, and then checking again Leng Lingxue's body.

"'s nothing..." Leng Lingxue said, looking at her right wrist.

Zhang Yu immediately walked up to her and looked carefully, only to see that there was a small blister on Leng Lingxue's wrist caused by oil spots. Seeing this, Zhang Yu hurriedly said with concern: "You got burned, it's really my fault..."

As he spoke, he quickly took out a medicine bottle from his arms. This is an ointment for treating trauma, and it is very effective for all types of trauma.

After unscrewing the medicine bottle, he applied the ointment with his fingers, and then applied it on Leng Lingxue's burned wrist.

As soon as it was applied, Leng Lingxue soon felt a chill. This kind of coldness is very comfortable after a person is burned. The original hot feeling was replaced by a cold feeling, and the rest was icy.

Zhang Yu then applied a little ointment on Leng Lingxue's other burnt areas. This made Leng Lingxue no longer feel any pain, and was replaced by a burst of warmth.

She pursed her lips and said a little embarrassedly: "I... this is my first time cooking... this..."

Now that the smoke in the pot has dissipated, looking inside the frying spoon, there is a dark object with no trace of steak anywhere.

Seeing this thing, Leng Lingxue was even more embarrassed, and her pretty face turned a little red.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "It's no big deal. If I had known about your skills, I wouldn't have had to cook for you..."

What he said was also straightforward. It was okay that Leng Lingxue didn't listen, but after hearing it, he felt even more embarrassed.

"Who asked you to eat... I... I didn't do it for you... If it were me... I wouldn't have such trouble..." Leng Lingxue puffed up her cheeks and said angrily.

"Well... I'd better do it myself... Just eat your salad..." Zhang Yu said quickly when he saw that Leng Lingxue was a little angry.

"Hmph!" Leng Lingxue snorted heavily, ignored Zhang Yu and just walked towards the dining table.

Sitting at the dining table, Leng Lingxue said again: "Then you can make it yourself, there is everything in the refrigerator..."

"Sure!" Zhang Yu put the medicine bottle back into his arms, walked to the refrigerator, and opened the refrigerator door.

Not to mention, although Leng Lingxue doesn't have any skills, there is indeed no shortage of ordinary ingredients. It mainly contains eggs and vegetables, and there are also noodles, but I don’t know how she usually makes them.

Zhang Yu also made it easy to eat. He took noodles and a few vegetables, three eggs, some shrimps, and started making egg noodles.

Needless to say, his craftsmanship is obvious. He always stirs the pot first, which can make the aroma of the noodle soup more intense.

Put the vegetables in and stir-fry gently to release the aroma of the vegetables. Then add water, beat three poached eggs, add shrimps, and finally put noodles in it. Soon, the fragrant egg noodles were ready, and Zhang Yu filled a large bowl and served it to the table.

Leng Lingxue, who was eating salad, had already smelled the aroma. She usually ate salad in the evening, but she was used to it. But now that I smell the fragrance of the noodles, I can't help but feel a little greedy.

Seeing Zhang Yu bring such a large bowl of noodles to the table, she immediately curled her lips and said angrily, "You are a pig, you actually eat such a large bowl of noodles!"

"It's okay, I'm just a little hungry... By the way, do you want to try it..." Zhang Yu said casually.

"I...then I'll take less..." Leng Lingxue was greedy when she just smelled the fragrance. Now when she heard what Zhang Yu said, she immediately agreed.

Zhang Yu brought a small bowl, filled it for her, and added a poached egg.

Leng Lingxue picked up the chopsticks very quickly and ate all the noodles in a few seconds.

I always eat salad at night, which is not very oily. Now I suddenly eat this, which makes me a little hungry. After all, she works out every day and actually eats a lot.

She looked at Zhang Yu who was eating and felt too embarrassed to care about Zhang Yu anymore, so she simply took the bowl and walked to the pot.

Fortunately, there are still noodles and noodle soup left in the pot. Leng Lingxue scooped it all up and ate it all herself.

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