Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3594 Trouble

"Zhenhai Zhenbei, Zhenhai Zhenbei, the largest axle factory, Jiangnan axle factory has closed down! The bastard boss Yang He, who was engaged in gambling, owed 350 million yuan, and ran away with his sister-in-law. We have no choice. Take the axle as salary. The original price of the axle and frame is more than 30,000 yuan, more than 20,000 yuan, more than 10,000 yuan, all of them are 5,000 yuan, all of them are 5,000 yuan! Yang He bastard, you are not a human being, we have worked hard I’ve worked for you for more than half a year and you haven’t paid me any wages. Why don’t you pay me back my hard-earned money?”…

The sounds outside were very chaotic, as if they were all coming from big loudspeakers. But there seemed to be a lot of loudspeakers, at least five or six.

Upon hearing these voices, Director Ma and Tian Fengjiao's expressions suddenly changed, and they turned a little blue for a moment.

Zhang Yu, Brother BOSS, and Xiao Jiejie naturally heard these sounds.

Xiao Jiejie said doubtfully: "What's going on...Jiangnan Axle Factory has closed down..."

"Boss Yang He owes 350 million and ran away with his sister-in-law..." Zhang Yu looked at Tian Fengjiao and said deliberately: "Mr. Yang, where do you start with this? Why did you run away with your sister-in-law?" seems like you shouldn't have a sister-in-law..."

How could Zhang Yu not see the faces of Tian Fengjiao and Director Ma? He could already realize that there must be something weird in them.

"Uh..." Tian Fengjiao looked embarrassed. At this moment, she didn't know how to answer Zhang Yu's words. She could only look at Director Ma eagerly and ask for help.

Director Ma was obviously a little panicked. He wanted to explain, but he didn't seem to know how.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Zhang Yu stood up and just walked towards the window. When I came to the window and looked outside, I saw that there were forty or fifty people gathered at the door of the factory.

Because the sky is already a little dark, I can't see the faces of these people clearly, but I can still hear the sound of horns below, Zhenhai Zhenbei, Zhenhai Zhenbei, the largest axle factory, Jiangnan axle factory has closed down..." "Son of a bitch" The boss, Yang He, owed 350 million yuan from eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and ran away with his sister-in-law..." "We had no choice but to use the axle as wages. The original price is more than 30,000 yuan, more than 20,000 yuan, more than 10,000 yuan, axles and frames, all of them are 5,000 yuan, all of them are 5,000 yuan..." "Yang He bastard, you are not a human being, we have worked hard for you. For more than half a year, you haven’t paid my salary, so you pay me back my hard-earned money, and you pay me back my hard-earned money..."

Xiao Jiejie and Brother BOSS also came to Zhang Yu and looked out the window. Following them, they saw that these individuals entered the courtyard through the gate, walked around the office building, and walked towards the back.

Seeing that these people were nowhere to be seen, Zhang Yu turned around and said: "Mr. Yang, Director Ma... didn't you say before that all the workers in the factory have gone home? Why are they here all of a sudden now?" Go to work..."

"This... this..." Director Ma hesitated, and could only say these two words for a long time.

Tian Fengjiao didn't know what to say. She lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong and didn't dare to see anyone.

Looking at the two of them like this, anyone can guess that there must be a big problem hidden here. After all, what was shouted from the loudspeaker directly announced that Jiangnan Axle Factory had closed down and its boss Yang He had already run away. If this is really the case, then who is "Mr. Yang" in front of me. Also, the workers in the factory have been owed wages and are selling axles and other things.

"Director Ma, what do you mean by your factory... You want to sell me chassis kits... But those people in the factory said that your factory has closed down and the bosses have run away... But your Mr. Yang is here Here, how do you say this..." Brother BOSS said coldly.

"I..." Director Ma wanted to explain, but he didn't dare.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

He took out his cell phone, glanced at the caller ID, and immediately answered, "Hello, Lao Li."

"Old Ma, something happened..." Director Li's voice rang on the phone, "The workers suddenly ran back to the factory, and now they are all at the warehouse, saying they want to take away the axles in the warehouse and sell them to pay for their wages... "

"Tell them that this is illegal. If anyone dares to move away, call the police to arrest them!" Director Ma said directly.

"But the workers all said that if they don't move these things away and sell them, they will have to be moved away and sold by their creditors! Their hard-earned money depends on these things! Therefore, they must be taken away! We If you are forceful, I'm afraid something will happen... Also, what's going on with the buyer? I'm afraid now... Even if he pays for it, he won't be able to get him away..." Director Li said helplessly.

"This... this... please hold all the workers steady. Director Tian and I will go down and have a look later..." Director Ma also frowned.

"Okay, okay... Then I'll hold it down first, you guys hurry up..." Director Li said eagerly.

After hanging up the phone, Director Ma looked at Tian Fengjiao. He wanted to tell Tian Fengjiao what Director Li said, but Zhang Yu and the others were all here, making it really inconvenient for him to say it.

Zhang Yu naturally saw that something was wrong. Zhang Yu immediately said gently: "You two, it seems that there is indeed a serious problem in your factory. I have said before that I will help your factory. Now, can you tell me about the situation in the factory."

The sincerity on his face makes people feel infinite affinity. In addition, at this moment, the matter was indeed serious. Director Ma and Tian Fengjiao looked at each other, and Tian Fengjiao said: "Old Ma, just tell them the matter, and there is no need to hide it anymore..."

"Alas..." Seeing what Tian Fengjiao had said, Director Ma sighed, and then said helplessly: "Actually, she is not Mr. Yang, but the financial director of the factory. The real Mr. Yang lost a lot of money because of gambling. He owed a large amount of gambling debt, and he had already run away with his sister-in-law. He also owed workers more than two months' wages. Creditors were looking for him everywhere, and they came to the factory every now and then to press for debts. Fortunately, the big guys tried their best to stop him and wanted to Otherwise, the factory would have been emptied out long ago. This time I... sold you the chassis kit... I actually planned to exchange it for some money to pay the workers in the factory... I saved... When they were moved away by their creditors, the people in the factory didn't get a penny..."

Director Ma looked miserable, his face full of helplessness. However, these words he said are naturally true and false. The first thing said is true, the last thing said is false. That means selling the chassis kit and paying wages to the workers. This is just a nice thing to say.

Of course, Zhang Yu wouldn't think about it that much. What Director Ma said now was generally consistent with his guess just now. That means what the workers said on the loudspeaker is true, and the so-called "Mr. Yang" is indeed unreliable.

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