Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 359 Eight Formations (Ten updates please vote)

"Ah!" Zhang Yu exclaimed and subconsciously stepped back. For a moment, his head went blank.

To be honest, if Zhang Yu is prepared, he will not be afraid. He knows thunder magic, and he will dare to fight against any monsters. But to encounter him suddenly in this situation was really unbearable.

As he backed away, he forgot one thing.

Just in front of him, there was a coffin. Now turn around, and behind you is the coffin. He stepped back, his heels hit the coffin, and his body leaned backward unconsciously.

With Zhang Yu's skills, it was not difficult to stabilize his body. However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a huge suction force behind him, which made him unable to control himself at all, and his body was sucked into the coffin.

"Bang!" He was just lying inside.

Zhang Yu held the mobile phone in his hand, and there was still some light. He was about to sit up immediately, but the moment he sat up, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Surrounding him was not the dark apse before, and the woman in white clothes and white hair was not in sight either. What appeared in front of him was a huge stone chamber. This stone chamber could be at least twenty the size of the apse.

There are stones everywhere here, some big and some small. The big ones can be as tall as a person, and even the small ones are almost one meter. Looking forward, there is a cave directly opposite. The cave is so dark that nothing can be seen.

Looking around, there are nine skeletons lying there.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu was shocked. He was sucked into the coffin just now in the apse. Why did the surroundings look like this as soon as he sat up? But the coffin had disappeared.

"What is this place?"

Zhang Yu stood up and looked carefully. There was nothing else except stones, bones, and the cave. But Zhang Yu could feel that there was a desolate and bleak atmosphere here. Even the stones seemed to be alive, like a formation.

That’s right, absolutely right!

In Zhang Yu's eyes, these stones look like the sky, the earth, the wind, the clouds, the dragon, the tiger, the bird, and the snake. If this isn't the legendary "Eight Formations", what is it?

Looking at the surrounding situation, Zhang Yu was a little confused.

Here, the four realms of Qiankun and Xungen serve as the main formation of heaven and earth, serving as the main soldiers. The northwest part is the dry land, and the dry part is the sky array. The one in the southwest is the earth of Kun, and Kun is the earth formation. The southeastern land is Xunju, and Xunzhi is Fengzhen. The land in the northeast is Genju, and Gen is the mountain. The clouds coming out of the mountains and rivers are the cloud formation, and the four strange formations of dragon, tiger, bird, and snake are made of water, fire, gold, and wood, which are used as surprise weapons. The formation was composed of a blue dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, a red bird in the front, and a basalt snake in the back. It was clear that he was trapped in the middle.

"Hallucination! It must be a hallucination!" Zhang Yu raised his arm and bit the back of his hand with his teeth. It really hurt.

"It's not an illusion..." If you can feel pain, it's not an illusion. But just now, he was clearly in the back hall, fell into the coffin, and sat up. How could he be here in an instant.

Zhang Yu couldn't figure out the reason, so he closed his eyes and opened them again. He repeated this several times. Every time he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him was still the same, without any change.

At this moment, he could already realize that he was unlucky and was really trapped in the Eight Formations.

There are poems to prove it: The merits cover three parts of the country, and they are called the Eight Formations. The stone in the river will not turn, and the regret will be swallowed by Wu.

Zhang Yu heard from Lao Wangtou that the Eight Formations are the strange formations of Xuanmen. It is said that when Zhuge Liang defended the enemy, he piled rocks into stone formations and divided them into Sheng, Shang, Xiu, Du, Jing, Death, Jing and Kai according to Dunjia. The eight gates are ever-changing and can block hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers. Let's talk about it earlier, Taihao Fuxi once developed the Eight Arrays of Houtian Luoshu based on the Luoshu diagram.

The Eight Formation Diagram can be a trapping formation, a killing formation, or a battle formation. There are endless variations. Zhang Yu has learned the Eight Formation Diagram, but what he has learned is a separate Eight Formation Diagram, which is the basic version of the current Eight Formation Diagram.

The eight formations are divided into sky-covering formation, earth-carrying formation, wind-rising formation, cloud-hanging formation, dragon-flying formation, tiger-wing formation, bird-flying formation, and snake-pan formation. Taking out one alone, he knew how to place it, and he also knew how to break it, but how to blend eight of them together, Lao Wangtou didn't know how to do it, let alone break it.

He unconsciously looked at the nine skeletons lying around, and wondered in his mind whether these nine brothers died trapped inside.

Zhang Yu felt frightened by the chilling and desolate atmosphere emanating from the formation. Since arriving in Zhenhai, he had experienced many life and death scenes, but Zhang Yu faced them bravely. This was the first time he felt fear.

"If it can't be broken, it's not like you can't get out of it..." Zhang Yu muttered, looking around at the surrounding stones.

Each stone seems to be as motionless as a mountain, and yet it seems to have vaguely changed its position, making it difficult to grasp.

Having no other choice, Zhang Yu bit his finger and scratched it in front of his eyes.

Looking again, the surrounding piles of rocks were covered with faint clouds, but the cave directly in front was business as usual, and there was no reason why. In the entire stone chamber, there is only one cave entrance. It is certain that one can only leave this place by walking out of the eight formations.

There must be eight gates in the eight formations, namely, Life, Shang, Xiu, Du, Jing, Death, Jing, and Kai. If you find the Life gate, you can escape from the dead. But he couldn't tell where the Shengmen was using his Qi Observation Technique. Every place had a normal complexion, without exception.

According to experience, the sky-covering formation on the dry ground in the northwest corner is the most powerful, and the living gate is most likely to be there. Since you want to leave the birth gate, you should try it first to see what changes can be made in these eight formation diagrams, which can be regarded as learning from them.

Zhang Yu walked toward the Tianfu Formation in the northwest. It was just a pile of random rocks of different sizes and randomly placed. Anyone who didn't know how to do it would definitely not be able to see the problem. Zhang Yu walked past a half-meter-high stone. Although he didn't understand the changes in the eight formation diagrams, he understood the Heavenly Covering Formation, so he followed the steps of the Heavenly Covering Formation alone.

The normal Tianfu Formation also has its own way. He walked around a stone. Sometimes he encountered a stone blocking the way. Since it was not high, he simply stepped over it. Not to mention, most of them were gone in the blink of an eye, without any abnormalities.

Zhang Yu was secretly happy in his heart. It seemed that the Eight Formation Diagram was nothing more than that. He had been bluffed just now. This should be a familiar Heavenly Covering Formation, nothing else.

Gradually, they walked around a few more rocks, and in front of them were two large rocks that were as tall as a person. Between the two rocks, there was a road that could allow one person to pass through. As long as he passed through, there would be no more rocks in front of him.

Zhang Yu was also worried about the long night and many dreams, so he kicked his feet to speed up, and he had to pass between two big rocks.

Unexpectedly, with his movement, the two big rocks would come together at a faster speed. The sudden change caught the excited Zhang Yu by surprise, and he almost bumped into him. He quickly stretched out his arms and pressed them on the two big rocks.

He was about to find a way out again, but before he could move, the two big rocks pushed towards him. Zhang Yu was caught off guard and took several steps back. Behind him, there happened to be two large stones, and Zhang Yu's back immediately touched them. The two rocks facing him continued to squeeze in without any intention of stopping. Zhang Yu had no way to retreat, so he hurriedly ducked to the side and dodged out.

Just after escaping from the crack in the stone, three more stones squeezed in from the surrounding area at the same time. Although the speed was not very fast, it was still enough to make people overwhelmed. Zhang Yu hurriedly continued to run for his life, but unexpectedly a stone appeared from his heel, causing him to stumble.

Immediately afterwards, another stone half a meter high rose into the air and hit him. Zhang Yu was startled, but fortunately he reacted quickly and managed to escape.

However, this is not the end, just the beginning. All the stones in the sky-covering formation seemed to have grown legs and wings. The big ones slid on the ground, while the small ones rose up in the air, either squeezing Zhang Yu or hitting him.

Zhang Yu was so exhausted that he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. There were rocks everywhere.


Special thanks to: Ao Family World, Diaoerlangdang, Brother Dongdong, Book Friends 150101, Cow God King’s father (it seems he wrote it as Bull Demon King last time), Marshal, Brother Jing for the big reward, and today’s nearly 300 recommendations tickets, 122 monthly tickets.

With everyone's strong support, Lao Tie finally retained the fifth position in the monthly vote list today. Lao Tie would like to sincerely say "Thank you". I am truly grateful. Lao Tie has written a book for so many years, and this is the first time it has been on the list! ! I was so moved that I didn’t know how to express my excitement in words.

Today is the New Year's Day. As the first time on New Year's Day, I would like to wish my brothers and sisters a happy New Year, good luck in the New Year, all the best, and good luck in the whole year!

On this festive day, Lao Tie would feel embarrassed if he didn't break out in ten chapters. Originally I was going to visit relatives tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so I probably didn’t have much time to write, but in order to repay everyone’s support, I worked hard!

It seems that the monthly ticket will be doubled on the 1st. If you guys think that the update of Laotie is still awesome and enjoyable to watch, then continue to kill me with your monthly ticket! !


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