Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3567 Changes

"You can look at your child whenever you want...but you have to be gentle when the child is asleep..." Ouyang Yanyan smiled kindly and slowly put the child in her arms away. He gave it to Zhang Yu, and while returning it, he said: "This child is really handsome, and the more he looks at him, the better he looks..."

Zhang Yu took the child and wrapped it in swaddling clothes. His heart trembled and his arms trembled.

It can be said that Zhang Yu has experienced many things, but no matter how dangerous the scene is, Zhang Yu is never as nervous as at this moment.

He then lowered his head to look at the infant child. Just one look at it made Zhang Yu startled.

No wonder Meng Xing'er said the child was special. It turned out that the child's appearance was somewhat special.

Thick eyebrows and thick lips are similar to Zhang Yu. In terms of skin color, she is paler than Zhang Yu, which makes her look more like Xia Yuechan. However, there is a vertical dent between the child's eyebrows. This dent is about three centimeters long. It is just a slit. The slit seems to be black, but it is too thin to see clearly.

Zhang Yu looked carefully and couldn't figure out the reason. He couldn't help but said in confusion: " there between his eyebrows..."

"You ask me, who am I asking? Your son was like this when he was born... Uncle Grand Master was there at the time, and I asked her too, and she said she didn't know either..." Meng Xing'er curled her lips and said.

"This is really weird..." Zhang Yu continued: "What about Grand Master Uncle..."

"Uncle Taishi helped Yuechan deliver the baby and then went back..." Meng Xing'er said.

"Did she say anything?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I didn't seem to say anything." Meng Xing'er looked at Ouyang Yanyan.

Ouyang Yanyan said: "Master said, you have something to do today, so just let us wait for you to come back... Don't disturb you... In addition, the child also has birthmarks on his feet in addition to his forehead..."

"There are also birthmarks on my feet... What kind of birthmarks are they..." Zhang Yu asked curiously.

This time, before Ouyang Yanyan could speak, Meng Xing'er rushed to say: "You will know if you see for yourself..."

"That's right..." Zhang Yu said, gently opening the swaddling clothes with one hand, revealing the child's feet.

I saw five red moles on the sole of the child's left foot. In other words, this is the legendary five-star pedal.

What does Zhang Yu do? He is quite proficient in this. It is said that if you step on one star, you will be blessed; if you step on two stars, you will be lucky; if you step on three stars, you will be destined; if you step on four stars, you will have no destiny; if you step on five stars, you will be lucky. To become an army is to cultivate one's true destiny; to step on six stars and a roadside stone is to be a beggar's destiny; to step on seven stars to be able to lead tens of millions of soldiers is to be the emperor's destiny.

This child has five stars on his feet, which means he can turn beans into soldiers and cultivate his destiny.

"Step on the Five Stars...the destiny of cultivation..." Zhang Yu muttered, knowing in his heart that anyone who steps on the Five Stars will do something in Xuanmen and leave his own legend. Just like the legendary Zhang Liang and Liu Bowen, they both have five stars, and they have the ability to know astronomy from above, geography from below, and spread the beans to form an army.

"I said your son is extraordinary, but now it seems that he is really extraordinary... Maybe, his achievements in the future will not be inferior to yours..." Meng Xing'er said with a smile.

"That's good. Wouldn't it be called a tiger father without a dog son..." Zhang Yu immediately said with a grin.

"Look at how beautiful you are..." Meng Xing'er rolled her eyes at Zhang Yu again.

Zhang Yu just grinned happily and didn't care about Meng Xing'er's eyes. At this time, Ouyang Yanyan said: "But should I say it or not, my grandson will definitely be extraordinary in the future. No wonder Master had to let him be born in a Taoist temple... If he goes to the hospital, there will definitely be an uproar..."

"How do you say this? Why did going to the hospital cause such an uproar... It's just a gap between the eyebrows and five moles on the feet... Ordinary people can't see anything..." Zhang Yu said this and lowered his head. , looking at the gap between his son's eyebrows, and then said: "Don't talk about them, even I can't see the gap between my son's eyebrows, what is the reason..."

"That's not what Auntie said..." Meng Xing'er said.

"If it's not this, then what is it..." Zhang Yu said in confusion.

"When your son was born, purple light came out of your shabby house... And this purple light could reach several meters high... Then, it started raining on the mountain..." Meng Xing'er said.

"There is such a thing..." Zhang Yu immediately heard from his disciples that today, he had thought that the Dao Ancestor's appearance was unlikely before. How could Daozu appear for no reason? After hearing this, he reacted and said: "You mean... the Taoist ancestors on the mountain appeared because of the birth of my son..."

"I haven't heard of Daozu's appearance... But the three little guys in the yard have changed a bit... Also, all the flowers in the yard have bloomed at once... It's simply amazing... ..." Meng Xing'er said.

"You mean the big black, the big buffalo, and the little fox have all changed... What changes..." Zhang Yu said in confusion: "When I came in, why didn't I notice..."

"That's because you didn't pay attention and came in too anxiously... If you look carefully, you can find it..." Meng Xing'er said.

"Then I'll go out and take a closer look..." Zhang Yu said.

Although he said this, Zhang Yu's eyes never left his son in his arms.

This is my own flesh and blood, and it is my first time to be a father. This exciting feeling is really indescribable.

The swaddled baby slept soundly and breathed very evenly. It is estimated that after coming into this world, he was very tired and needed a good rest. Ouyang Yanyan kept looking at the child in Zhang Yu's arms, looking at her as if she wasn't rare enough. But Zhang Yu is the father of the child, and she is too embarrassed to care about Zhang Yu's desire for a child.

Meng Xing'er clearly saw this and said deliberately: "Zhang Yu, you have nothing else to do today. Don't you need to go to your grand master uncle? Auntie, I haven't cared enough about the child yet, can you Go get down to business first, there are plenty of opportunities to hold the baby..."

After listening to her words, Zhang Yu noticed Ouyang Yanyan's direct gaze. Zhang Yu quickly returned the child to Ouyang Yanyan and said: "Mom, please hold the child first... I will go to Grand Master Uncle's place..."

"Well..." Hearing Zhang Yu call "Mom", Ouyang Yanyan's heart first felt warm, and then there was an indescribable feeling. When she held the child in her arms, the strange feeling disappeared. She said in her heart: "We are all a family...I won't think about it anymore..."

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