"My medical skills are naturally inferior to Master Zhang's, but as the saying goes, you can't heal yourself if you can heal... Let me show Master Zhang..." Feng Chongjue said, and slowly raised Zhang Yu's hand arm.

Her movements were very gentle, as if she was afraid of hurting Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu's right hand just left his body, and he couldn't use his arm. If it was a trauma, it was not injured at all, so he naturally didn't feel any pain.

Feng Chongjue took a look and saw that Zhang Yu didn't feel any pain or itching, so she thought there was nothing wrong with it. After putting down Zhang Yu's arm, she looked at Yuan Zhenren and said, "Sister, Zhang Yu's arm doesn't seem to have any big problems." hinder……"

"That's good..." Mr. Yuan nodded, and then said: "Xiannephew... you are injured because of my Baimei Palace, which is really a bit embarrassing... I think otherwise, this is the way, tonight's Action, you don’t have to participate... Xiaoning, you stay here in Dajiang Township to take care of Zhang Yu..."

"Master..." Shangguan Ning immediately became a little anxious when he heard that he and Zhang Yu were not allowed to go tonight.

Master Yuan said gently: "Zhang Yu has been injured because of my Baimei Palace, how can I work with him again?"

Her words seemed like she cared about Zhang Yu, but they actually had another profound meaning. That is to say, you can't always rely on others for the affairs of Baimei Palace. Otherwise, wouldn't I, the headmaster, become a joke?

Shangguan Ning naturally understood the meaning of Yuan Zhenren's words and could only nod his head and said: "Yes, Master... this disciple will definitely take good care of Zhenren Zhang..."

"Yes." Master Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Zhang Yu, and said: "The matter of Baimei Palace is really troublesome for you, and you were injured this time, which is really regrettable. But your kindness , I, Bai Mei Gong, will never forget it.”

"Uncle, you are too polite, but...tonight...the battle is about to happen..." Zhang Yu said still a little worried.

"It's just a Yin spirit, it doesn't matter. Her body was destroyed, it's not worth mentioning... If I can't even deal with her, then I will no longer be the headmaster of the White Eyebrow Palace..." Yuan Zhenren said seriously.

Seeing her say this, Zhang Yu couldn't say any more. The White Eyebrow Palace also wants to save face, and depends on Zhang Yu's words to tell Yuan Zhenren how to put his face.

Next, Feng Chongjue returned to his seat and everyone continued to eat. Zhang Yu had a really good appetite, and he ate all the three drawers of buns.

After lunch, the people from Baimei Palace packed some things and took them back to the hotel. In the evening, we took a bus to Wangmei Village.

The discussion was going well during the day, but at night, the so-called decision to go to the village entrance to relocate and have a rest seemed to have to be cancelled. Firstly, Director Wang was still attending the funeral for his boss in Nandu and had not returned. Secondly, if he explained the matter, it might be exposed. After all, the boss of Wandong Real Estate died under strange circumstances. God knows if there are any problems with the people here.

The final decision was that Gao Laodao took the other disciples into the plum forest and stood by to respond at any time. Master Yuan took Master Jia, Feng Chongjue and other disciples to move into the Mei family's villa.

There are also a lot of disciples, so they cannot be too concentrated. If you don't give the other party a chance, how can the other party appear easily? After discussion, Yuan Zhenren made the decision that Yuan Zhenren, Feng Chongjue and Jia Zhenren would live on the second floor of the villa, but at the left and right ends of the second floor respectively. Master Yuan lives on the left, and Master Jia and Feng Chongjue live on the right. A group of disciples live on the third floor. Wangmei Village is currently under construction, and the water and electricity in the villa have long been cut off. The headmaster's disciples lived in the largest room on the third floor. There were no lights in the room. They sat cross-legged inside quietly. No one made any sound, just waiting.

In the hotel in Dajiang Township, after Yuan Zhenren and others left, Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning were the only two people left.

The two of them were sitting on the chairs in the room. They had gone back to their hometown to have dinner, and then went to Wangmei Village to stay together in the evening. Fortunately, because of Zhang Yu's injury, they didn't need to go at all.

Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning found the body, but they refused to let him go at the last moment, which was a bit frustrating. But everyone knows that the matter is related to Baimei Palace. It would be really shameful for Baimei Palace to pretend to be Zhang Yu in this situation.

"Zhang Yu, in fact, the master did the right thing. You have been injured because of the White Eyebrow Palace, and now that the master is back, there is no reason for you to fight against a powerful enemy for our Baimei Palace." Shangguan Ning said.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "That's what I say...but I always feel that there seems to be some problem here..."

"There is still a problem...what could it be..." Shangguan Ning said curiously.

"This..." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "I always feel that Master Yuan came back too timely... In the end, it was just too much of a coincidence..."

"Didn't Master also say that she was led into the barren mountains by the red-clothed Yin Spirit, where a formation had been set up, and it was very powerful. It took a long time for her to break out of the formation... With the strength of the opponent and the favorable location, it is not impossible to trap the master for a few days..." Shangguan Ning said.

"That's right..." After Shangguan Ning said this, Zhang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What's wrong?" Shangguan Ning asked curiously.

"When I mentioned this, I remembered a place." Zhang Yu said.

"Where?" Shangguan Ning asked.

"Liang Guangrong said before that the dead in the village would be buried in Tongluo Mountain. In other words, according to Master Yuan's description, the mountain was full of tombs at that time, and they were obviously led to Tongluo Mountain. How about we do this Go to Tongluo Mountain to find out what's going on here." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"You...you are going to Tongluo Mountain...that means...you still don't believe what the master said..." Shangguan Ning looked at Zhang Yu and said in surprise.

"It's not that I believe it or not...but I always feel that things are not that simple..." Zhang Yu said.

Shangguan Ning nodded and said: "The matter is indeed not simple... but you should have already mastered many clues... Can't you dig out the truth through these clues now..."

Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said: "I originally thought that what I had learned was enough, at least to be able to roughly identify who the culprit was. But now, I suddenly found that it didn't seem to be enough. To be precise, It’s not very powerful.”

"What does this mean..." Shangguan Ning said in confusion.

"I can't tell... I think so, the two of us should go to Tongluo Mountain first... Only when we get there, maybe everything can really come to light..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Tongluo Mountain..." Shangguan Ning groaned, nodded heavily, and said, "Okay! Then let's go to Tongluo Mountain... just..."

She originally wanted to say, "Why do you doubt Master?" but she still didn't say the words. Of course, Zhang Yu also knew what she wanted to say, but deliberately did not respond.

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