Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3491 Senior Brother

Upon hearing Zhang Yu's inquiry, Jia Zhenren was stunned for a moment and then asked, "Is this important?"

From the perspective of the people in Baimei Palace, it is really not convenient to talk about such things and their own scandals.

Zhang Yu said directly and seriously: "It's more important. I really need to know about it."

Jia Zhenren nodded and said: "Since you said that, I won't hide it anymore... Back then, the senior brother and the one-eyed Taoist worked together to pretend to be gods. The one-eyed Taoist was responsible for going to rich people's homes to do harmful things, and the senior brother was responsible. To help people solve their problems, the two of them worked openly and secretly to defraud money and pretend to be good deeds... At that time, there was a wealthy businessman in Gaoqiong County who liked to collect antiques and often showed off his collection to others. As a result, his elder brother discovered that one of the ancient jade pieces was They deliberately obtained the Taoist magic weapon... They still had the one-eyed Taoist make the layout first, and then the eldest brother pretended to be passing by to help them solve the problem. But they didn't expect that before the eldest brother took action, the wealthy businessman had already invited a The Taoist priests from the Longmen Sect of the Quanzhen Religion came to help and injured the one-eyed Taoist... In anger, the senior brother actually masked his face and started fighting with the Taoist priest. Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest was really powerful, and the senior brother was defeated. He had no choice but to use the nine-star flying blade, a personal magic weapon... The Taoist priest was hit by the nine-star flying blade. After being seriously injured, he fled and died on the street opposite the local patrol house. He was soon discovered by the patrol... The patrol was confirming him. After identifying him, he contacted people from the Longmen Sect to identify the body... This nine-star flying blade was a unique magical weapon of the White Eyebrow Palace. How could the masters of the Longmen Sect not recognize it? After confirming, they took the body to the White Eyebrow Palace to investigate the crime. ...My master only took one look at the corpse and was able to confirm that the person had indeed died under the Nine-Star Flying Blade. Master knew that he had been wronged, so he first compensated the Longmen Sect, and secondly, he immediately dispatched Senior Sister Yuan and the two Uncle Master, I and a group of other disciples went down the mountain to clean up the house... The senior brother did not know the identity of the Taoist priest, and still had a chance to collude with the one-eyed Taoist. We prepared an ambush and trapped the senior brother and the one-eyed Taoist. According to the master's wishes, I originally wanted to take the senior brother back to Baimei Palace for trial, but the senior brother knew that he would definitely die if he returned to the mountain, so he fought to the death and injured an uncle with a nine-star flying blade, which caused the uncle to die half a year later. Yuhua... Naturally, in this battle, we also jointly killed the senior brother and the one-eyed Taoist, and we could only bring the bodies back to the White Eyebrow Palace..."

"So that's how it is..." Zhang Yu pondered, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. There are indeed cultivators who, in order to gain merit or make money, specialize in doing things like tricking others and then pretending to crack them. Just like the original Haidao and junior sister Tang Yan, because they broke up the "good deeds" of Yangchunguan Taoist, causing the other party to retaliate, causing Tang Yan to be seriously injured, which also changed Haidao's character, and finally embarked on a path of no return. road.

Zhang Yu then said, "Then I wonder what your senior brother said after you trapped him and the one-eyed Taoist?"

"He said..." Jia Zhenren recalled the scene at that time, and said after a moment: "Elder brother was very panicked at the time. As soon as he heard that the matter was exposed and we were going to escort him back to Baimei Palace, he immediately said that he didn't want to do this either. , we are all forced to have no choice but to let him go out of consideration for our fellow sects... However, the Dragon Gate Sect has already found the Baimei Palace and wants the murderer. How could Senior Sister Yuan just let the senior brother leave? In that case, return Shan couldn't explain...Senior Sister Yuan expressed his difficulties, but Senior Brother said that Senior Sister Yuan was trying to gain the position of his chief disciple. As long as he was let go now, the position of chief disciple would still belong to Senior Sister Yuan. This made Senior Sister Yuan furious. ...So, the fight started..."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "I wonder who had higher cultivation level at that time, Master Yuan or your senior brother?"

"Senior Sister Yuan is the second disciple of Master Master. If we talk about the level of cultivation with Senior Brother, to be honest, the two of them are almost evenly matched. However, Senior Brother has the nine-star flying blade in his hand, so he can naturally surpass Senior Sister Yuan. However, before Senior Sister Yuan came down the mountain, Master also gave Senior Sister Yuan the Tiangang Bracelet. It was the Tiangang Bracelet that Senior Sister Yuan hit that seriously injured the senior brother, which then caused the senior brother to commit suicide on the spot..." Jia Zhenren said.

When he finished speaking, his face was full of emotion and regret.

Zhang Yu then saw Feng Chongjue sitting next to Zhenren Jia, with a sad look on his face. But her eyes were a little dull, as if she was thinking about something.

Zhang Yu said smoothly: "Uncle Feng, what do you think of your senior brother?"

"Elder brother..." Feng Chongjue reacted after hearing Zhang Yu's words, and said quickly: "He is still a good person..."

"Then why is it good?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"It's just that... he is very friendly to us junior brothers and sisters..." Feng Chongjue said slowly.

Zhang Yu looked at Zhenren Jia again and said, "Where are you, master? What impression do you have of this senior brother..."

"I..." Jia Zhenren hesitated for a moment, and then said seriously: "I still remember when everyone was practicing in Baimei Palace. Senior Brother was very talented in both classics and spells, far better than us. Among the junior brothers and sisters, only Senior Sister Yuan can compare. But when it comes to dealing with others, the senior brother has always been strict with himself and lenient in dealing with others, and he is very generous to his junior brothers and sisters."

"The head teacher is also very generous to us..." Seeing Master Jia say this, Feng Chongjue quickly added.

"The head teacher is indeed very generous..." Jia Zhenren nodded and continued.

"Then I wonder if you were convinced by your senior brother at that time?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Elder brother has both ability and political integrity. Of course we are convinced." Jia Zhenren said.

"Master, I heard you say before that your senior brother once accused Master Yuan at that time, saying that it was Master Yuan who plotted for his position as the chief disciple... Since your senior brother is already the chief disciple of the master, and his cultivation level is also high, what do you think about it? He is also convinced. He just needs to stay in Baimei Palace. Sooner or later, the position of the leader will be his, so why should he go down the mountain to accumulate merit? As far as I know, most of the leaders of our Zhengyi Sect are appointed by the master. As long as the candidate can convince everyone, there is basically no problem. Since you are convinced by senior brother, it doesn't matter if you want to accumulate merit." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Normally this is the case...but..." Master Jia said this with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Master, do you have anything to hide?" Zhang Yu asked immediately.

"How do you say this... Although the senior brother has high morals and high respect, and all the disciples are convinced, senior sister Yuan is no less than the senior brother to a certain extent... Especially before the senior brother goes down the mountain, senior sister Yuan has to go down the mountain first. , accumulated a lot of merit, and changed many magic weapons, and even made the reputation of Baimei Palace famous in many places, and was praised and recognized by the Tianshi Mansion and the Master..." Jia Zhenren said.

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