Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3478 Identifying the Corpse

Dehua County, Baishou Mountain.

This mountain can also be regarded as a tourist attraction in Nandu's jurisdiction, and the mountain is not small. There are temples and Taoist temples on the mountain, no less than twenty in total.

The middle-aged patrolman obviously had a high status in Nandu, but he never said anything to Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu didn't know what kind of patrolman he was.

However, as soon as they arrived at the foot of Baishou Mountain, they saw eight patrol cars waiting there. As soon as the patrol cars on both sides met, the doors of the waiting patrol cars opened and many patrol cars got out.

The middle-aged patrol officer also got out of the car, and the two parties talked. Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning did not get out of the car. After all, this was a police officer discussing official business, and Zhang Yu was not comfortable listening to some things. It's like Zhang Yu doesn't want the other party to know his specific identity and the investigation.

After a while, the patrolman in his thirties walked to Shangguan Ning's car. When Zhang Yu saw him coming, he immediately got out of the car and said politely: "Brother, what can I do?"

"Our leader invites you to come over and go up the mountain with us." said the patrolman in his thirties.

"Thank you." Zhang Yu nodded, and then told Shangguan Ning to take good care of Gao Jing no matter what.

Shangguan Ning naturally knew, so Zhang Yu could rest assured. Furthermore, not all the patrols here go up the mountain, there are still some waiting down the mountain. In this world, it doesn't mean that those with high strength dare to openly defy the police in broad daylight.

Zhang Yu walked over to join the middle-aged patrolman. At present, the body of the bronze corpse had been carried out and placed on a stretcher. The corpse gave off a disgusting stench, and a large number of corpse spots appeared on the exposed hands. There were also many spots on the cheeks of the corpse.

Just looking at his current state, he didn't appear to have just died. It looked like he had been dead for at least ten days.

Everyone went up the mountain together, and Zhang Yu just followed the middle-aged patrolman. They didn't talk to him, and he didn't talk to them either. The Taoist temples and temples are located halfway up the mountain. It will take a long time to climb the mountain. The local patrol had obviously made arrangements long ago. They got on the cable car and arrived halfway up the mountain together.

Following the mountain road, passing several temples and Taoist temples, we came to the Changqing Temple. Not to mention, the scale of Changqing Temple is much larger than the Taoist temples and temples we saw before.

At this time, a local patrolman said: "Changqing Temple is the largest Taoist temple on Baishou Mountain, and it is also the Taoist temple with the best incense..."

The middle-aged patrolman nodded and continued: "Have someone go in and inform them that the patrolman is here. Let them identify the person and confirm the abbot who disappears from time to time."

"Okay." A patrolman agreed and immediately ran into the Taoist temple.

It didn't take long before the patrolman came out with a few Taoist priests. They were polite to each other, but they didn't say they knew each other at the gate of the Taoist temple. They went to the Taoist temple first. After arriving at a side hall, they put the body down and left it. Taoist people identify.

After several Taoist priests saw it, they immediately exclaimed, "Yes, Master." "Yes, Master." " did Master become like this..."...

Seeing that the Taoist priests recognized the deceased, the middle-aged patrolman said directly: "When did your master disappear?"

"It was three years ago... almost four years ago..." a Taoist priest said truthfully.

"It's been so long...then...does your master still know martial arts?" the middle-aged patrolman asked again.

"This..." The Taoist priest looked troubled.

"What's wrong?" The middle-aged patrolman's voice immediately became darker.

"Our master, the Taoist priest, doesn't know martial arts, but he knows Taoism..." Seeing that the middle-aged patrolman's tone was unkind, the Taoist priest quickly said honestly.

"Taoism... what kind of Taoism..." the middle-aged patrolman asked.

"It's the Taoist techniques taught by Quanzhen...qi training...and talismans and seals..." the Taoist priest replied.

"Only these..." the middle-aged patrolman asked again.

"That's basically it. In addition, you can also use some magic weapons..." the Taoist priest replied again.

The middle-aged patrolman was obviously not interested in Taoism. Now he frowned slightly, it seemed that according to the Taoist priest, this Yin Zhenren should not have such great strength to kill people in such a way.

Seeing that the middle-aged patrolman was silent, the Taoist priest opened his mouth and said: "Captain, how did my master...die..."

"Just today, he dared to ambush the patrolman and was killed on the spot!" The thirty-year-old patrolman said angrily.

"Ambush and patrol..." Several Taoist priests in the side hall were shocked.

But immediately afterwards, an older Taoist priest said: "Captain... you said that my master died today, which is impossible... look at the spots on his body... it looks like he can at least be dead." For half a month..."

"Ask me, who should I ask!" the thirty-year-old patrol officer said angrily.

Two of his companions died, and no one else could have a good temper, so he could only blame it on Yin Zhenren's apprentice.

Several Taoist priests felt aggrieved, because judging from the spots on the corpse and the stench of the corpse, Yin Zhenren had indeed been dead for a long time.

It was the older Taoist priest. After hearing this, he frowned and wanted to speak, but he still kept his mouth shut.

His actions naturally did not escape the eyes of the patrol officers present. The middle-aged patrol officer immediately pointed over and said, "What do you want to say?"

"No, it's nothing..." The older Taoist priest quickly shook his head.

"Nothing...what do you know? Tell me quickly!" the middle-aged patrolman said seriously.

"I...I just want to master looks like really doesn't look like he just died today...since you said so...then let's just forget it..." the older Taoist priest said with grievance. .

"Why did our patrol officer say that? Then let's do it this way! Could it be that our patrol officer lied? The blood of the two colleagues he killed today has not yet dried!" the thirty-year-old patrol officer said angrily.

The older Taoist priest did not dare to speak out now. He lowered his head and did not say a word.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu, who was walking behind when he just entered the door, came to the middle-aged patrolman. He whispered: "This policeman, can you give me a convenience?"

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Just leave him here while the others go out first. I'll have a few words with the Taoist priest alone first." Zhang Yu pointed at the older Taoist priest and said.

"This..." The middle-aged patrolman hesitated for a moment, then nodded, pointed at the older Taoist priest, and said, "You stay here, everyone else gets out!"

After saying this, he turned around and walked outside.

When the patrolmen saw him walking out, they naturally couldn't say he was staying, so they walked outside one by one. The Taoist priests in the side hall did not dare to offend the patrolman. They could only look at the older Taoist priest and said one after another: "Senior brother, I will go out first." "Senior brother, I will go out first." "Senior brother, I will go out first. It’s over.”…

They left the side hall one after another, and the door of the hall was closed. Now only Zhang Yu and the older Taoist priest were left in the hall.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "I don't know what to call him?"

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