With a "plop", the monster fell directly to the ground, twitched for a moment, and then stopped moving.

Looking at Zhang Yu again, his face was extremely pale, without any blood at all.

Just now, he used his inner eye to check the situation inside his body, hoping to find out in time what was going on and what kind of conspiracy he had suffered. But unexpectedly, a monster suddenly appeared. He had no choice but to open his eyes, endure the coldness and paralysis in half of his body, and hit the seven-star sword with his left hand.

Fortunately, the Seven-Star Sword hit the target with one move and shot the monster to the ground on the spot. This made Zhang Yu barely breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yu immediately closed his eyes and used his inner eye to examine the situation inside his body. Just one look made Zhang Yu's heart tremble. It turned out that the force spirit in his right hand had been completely wrapped by a black air flow, and these black air currents spread all over, attacking other force spirits in all directions.

The force is located on the heart chakra and connected to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

The reason why Zhang Yu's right arm suddenly became numb and cold was because the black air flow was simply an extremely violent Yin energy. This Yin Qi lurks in the veins of the deceased, and as soon as it encounters the True Qi, it will immediately attack him. No one could react to such a sudden sneak attack, and the strong Yin Qi would naturally enter Zhang Yu's body all at once. The Yin Qi pouring in from the fingers of his right hand was obviously very targeted. It immediately entangled the energy in the palm of Zhang Yu's right hand. The energy was damaged, which had a great impact on people. Simply damaging the strength of the hands and feet can make a person weak and almost become a cripple. If the energy in the heart chakra is damaged, it will not only kill people, but also make them unable to get out of bed for the rest of their lives.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't think about it at all, so he quickly raised his Dantian Qi and rushed towards the black air currents that were attacking his body.

As soon as the true energy blocked the black airflow, the black airflow immediately became entangled with the true energy, and the two airflows started a fierce fight.

After a while, the black air flow was gradually suppressed by Zhang Yu's true energy. After all, no matter how strong the Yin energy was, there was only so much. And Zhang Yu can keep mentioning the true energy of Dantian, which is a life-threatening thing, and Zhang Yu does not hesitate to do it.

The black air flow became less and less, and at this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly discovered that in the palm of his left hand, a small black ball floated out of thin air, and then left his body.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu was horrified. Without opening his eyes, he hurried over and grabbed the black ball in his left hand. As soon as he caught it, Zhang Yu could feel that the black ball was filled with Yin Qi. Of course, Zhang Yu also knew what this black ball was. It was the force in the palm of his right hand. At this moment, Li Po was forced by Yin Qi to leave his body.

Zhang Yu's face was now like a blank sheet of paper. He simply couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen.

However, the Yin Qi in his body was still entangled with the Zhen Qi. Zhang Yu could not immediately take care of the black ball in his hand. He could only continue to stimulate the Zhen Qi and suppress the Yin Qi. Fortunately, within two minutes, the Yin Qi in the body was finally exhausted.

"What's going on!" "Patrol!" "Patrol!" "Where is the monster!"... At this time, a dozen patrolmen poured in from the door.

They all had pistols in their hands. After entering, they rushed towards Zhang Yu.

The middle-aged patrolman shouted: "How is it? Are you okay?"

Zhang Yu has now resolved the Yin Qi in his body, but the black ball in his hand has not yet been resolved.

But he still said: "It's okay, it's nothing."

The middle-aged patrolman rushed over with a group of patrolmen, and immediately saw the monster lying on the ground.

A patrolman who came in with Zhang Yu before and then escaped immediately pointed to the monster on the ground and said: "It's him... it's this monster... who killed Brother Zhang and Xiao Chen..."

When he said this, the patrolman was still a little nervous and in pain. It was as if as soon as he saw the monster on the ground, he could recall the scene that had just happened.

"Look who this is!" The middle-aged patrolman lowered his head and looked at the corpse on the ground. After saying this, he couldn't help but tighten his nose.

As soon as you enter the large living room, you can smell a faint stench. When you get here, the stench is even stronger, making people a little breathless. It was like standing next to a body that had been dead for months. Of course, to be precise, he should be standing next to dozens of rotting corpses. Just one rotting corpse is probably not that exaggerated.

At that moment, two patrolmen came to the monster's side. They could immediately see that there were six holes on the body and a small knife. There wasn't much blood on the body, and the person's face was so disheveled that it was impossible to see his face.

A young patrolman endured the stench, raised his head and said, "Boss, this man was probably killed by this knife. But there are still six holes in his body. I don't know what kind of sharp weapon he was injured by."

The middle-aged patrolman nodded, and then said: "Check this person's identity."

"Yes." The two young patrolmen agreed, then put on their gloves, one pulled off the deceased's hair, and the other went to look through the deceased's clothes.

The patrolman who rummaged through the clothes did not find anything. The other patrolman separated the deceased's messy hair and looked at the deceased's true face in Lushan. The face of the deceased was as pale as a dead person. And unlike ordinary people who have just died, it seems as if they have been dead for a long time. There are even corpse spots on the neck of the deceased, which is even more impossible for someone who has just died.

The young patrolman raised his head again and said: "Boss, the deceased's face is pale. It doesn't look like he died just now, but as if he has been dead for a long time. There are even corpse spots on the neck of the deceased."

"Oh?" The middle-aged patrolman was obviously stunned for a moment. He then looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Did you just kill him?"

"Does it have anything to do with it? In fact, your people are right, he should have been dead for a long time." Zhang Yu said calmly.

In front of everyone, Zhang Yu believed that he could never admit that he had killed someone, otherwise he would most likely cause trouble.

"You misunderstood..." the middle-aged patrolman said quickly: "There is obviously something wrong here. This monster is probably not a normal person. Otherwise, how could there be such a big smell here..."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I know that you have a special status, but on our patrol side, two people died here after all. The murderer is dead. Although the case can be closed,... our patrol team will find out who the murderer is. , otherwise, there would be no way to explain to the families of the two dead colleagues..." the middle-aged patrolman said.

Zhang Yu's right arm was completely weak now, and he was thinking about pressing back the discolored strength quickly. How could he bother to talk to the other party about this. After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu said: "I will definitely not be able to find out the identity of the murderer, but I think your patrol officers should be more likely to find out the identity of the deceased than me."

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