Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3469 One person is missing

"Because of me, or maybe because of her..." As Zhang Yu spoke, he glanced at Gao Jing on the bed.

Now Gao Jing no longer shouted, he just covered himself with the quilt, his body was still shaking,

"Because of you, why? Who is she..." Jia Zhenren looked at the bed curiously.

Zhang Yu said: "I heard Taoist fellow Shangguan say before that that night, Master Xue used thunder to break the wall of the villa. When he returned to the hotel, he was dead, and he was strangled. It can be seen from this that this It was most likely the Yin spirit's revenge. I also used Five Thunder Palm to break the wall during the day. I thought that this Yin spirit might also be here to take revenge. But she didn't expect it. As soon as she appeared, she didn't even wait to approach me. , I discovered it... As for the woman on the bed, her name is Gao Jing. She was discovered when I was investigating the massacre of the Mei family... It can be said that Gao Jing is the only survivor of the massacre, although she is crazy. , but she was so frightened... If she could be cured, maybe she could tell the truth at that time..."

"So that's it..." Master Jia nodded and said, "Looking at it this way, Ning Ning's suggestion is correct. Only you can find out the secrets here and solve the problems here."

Feng Chongjue also nodded and said: "This Yin spirit is really too rampant... By the way, Senior Sister Abbot, could it be that she was killed..."

"Zhenren Yuan is not an easy person, and in my opinion, this Yin spirit is no match for Zhenren Yuan." Zhang Yu said.

"You are no match for Senior Sister... Then where did Senior Sister go... and what will happen..." Feng Chongjue said even more puzzled.

"This..." Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "I can't tell clearly now, but I have a feeling that we are getting closer and closer to the answer..."

"Why do you say that? Could it be that... you have discovered something now..." Feng Chongjue asked excitedly.

"That's all we have discovered for now, but the Yin spirit has appeared..." Zhang Yu said slowly and calmly.

But when he said this, he suddenly shut up and did not continue.

Anyone can see that Zhang Yu deliberately kept his mouth shut. Gao Laodao said in confusion: "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I suddenly discovered that we are missing one person here." Zhang Yu said.

"One person is missing..." "One person is missing..."... Feng Chongjue, Jia Zhenren, Gao Laodao, and Shangguan Ning all looked at each other.

Immediately, Shangguan Ning said: "Uncle Feng is missing."

"Yes! Junior Brother Feng is not here!" Master Jia also said.

"Senior Brother Feng...he...where has he seems I didn't see him just now..." Feng Chongjue also said in surprise.

"I think something might have happened to him... Let's go to his room and have a look..." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." "Hurry and have a look..."... Jia Zhenren and others nodded, then turned around and walked towards the door together.

After opening the door, there were still a group of disciples waiting in the corridor.

When they saw everyone coming out, they all wanted to ask what happened. However, because of his seniority, he really couldn't ask.

Jia Zhenren walked directly towards Feng Chongmin's room. Zhang Yu was about to follow him, but then stopped. Shangguan Ning was walking behind him. When he saw him stop, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Did you discover anything else?"

"We can't leave Gao Jing alone in the room." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I'll go back and watch her." Shangguan Ning immediately turned around and went back.

Zhang Yu warned: "Nothing will happen to her!"

"Don't worry, even if I risk my life, I won't let anything happen to her!" After Shangguan Ning said this, he directly pulled out the two peach wood swords from his back.

She also knew that the matter at the moment was of great importance and was almost reaching a fever pitch. There are Yin spirits coming to kill, whether it's because of Zhang Yu or Gao Jing, it means that the other party is anxious.

After Shangguan Ning returned to the room, Zhang Yu followed Gao Laodao and Feng Chongjue to the outside of Feng Chongmin's room with peace of mind.

The door was closed, and Jia Zhenren was the first to arrive. He first rang the doorbell, and then knocked on the door, but there was still no movement.

This made Master Jia a little anxious. He raised his leg and kicked the door open with a bang.

The lights in the room were on, and he walked in quickly, followed by Zhang Yu and others. Once inside, they saw Feng Chongmin lying on the bed, with a knife stuck in his lower abdomen. The blade sank directly into the body, leaving only the handle.

Looking at the shape of the handle again, it looked so familiar. Jia Zhenren, Gao Laodao, and Feng Chongjue almost shouted in unison, "Nine-star flying blade!"

"How could this happen... It's the Yin Spirit again... It's the Nine-Star Flying Blade again... This, this... what on earth is going on..." At this moment, Feng Chongjue was already trembling and looked frightened. Enough.

"Who on ignoring me like this..." Jia Zhenren gritted his teeth and his body began to tremble. It was obvious that he was angry and nervous.

"Another one died..." Gao Laodao lowered his head, and it seemed that he was already powerless.

Zhang Yu was not like them. Although he was also in authority, he was not from the White Eyebrow Palace after all. He had a sense of being a bystander.

He looked around and soon discovered that the window in the room was open. He ran directly to the window and looked outside. There was nothing special outside the window, but he could vaguely conclude that the murderer probably came in through the window.

Master Jia and the others noticed that Zhang Yu had gone to the window and hurriedly followed him, asking one after another: "What did you find?" "What did you find?"...

"The window is open, which shows that the murderer probably came in through here and went out through here. Of course, it's also possible that he came in through the door and went out through the window..." Zhang Yu said.

After saying this, he turned around and walked towards the bed. Arriving at the bedside, Zhang Yu carefully observed Feng Chongmin, who was already dead on the bed.

Feng Chongmin was wearing white Bagua fairy clothes, which showed that he did not take off his clothes to sleep. There was no quilt on his body, and his head was under the pillow. It should have been that his head rested on the pillow before his death and slipped down after his death.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu saw that although there was blood on Bagua Xianyi's lower abdomen, there was not much blood.

"Huh? Something's wrong..." In an instant, Zhang Yu realized that there was something wrong. He then reached out and grabbed Feng Chongmin's wrist. With just a touch, he could feel that Feng Chongmin's wrist was cold, as if he had been dead for a long time.

Zhang Yu looked again with his inner eye, and found that Feng Chongmin's three souls and seven souls were gone, and he was completely dead.

Feng Chongjue, Jia Zhenren, and Gao Laodao followed back to the bedside and watched Zhang Yu inspecting the body. When Zhang Yu opened his eyes, they asked one after another: "What was found on the body?" "How was it? Found it." what……"……

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