Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3464 Identity

Gao Jing's spiritual energy has not returned to its original position in the body, which is why he is mentally disturbed. This symptom is really not caused by the inability of the mental hospital to cure it, but because the medication cannot cure it at all. Unless one day, the spirit and wisdom soul automatically returns to its place, only then can people return to normal. However, this probability is not high. The greater probability is that the human soul leaves the body again and disappears. People will always be like this.

Shangguan Ning looked at Zhang Yu from time to time, then looked at Gao Jing from time to time, and then looked at Zhang Yu again. She looked at Zhang Yu's uncertain expression. When Zhang Yu opened his eyes, she asked in a low voice: "How is it? Is there any treatment?"

If you want Gao Jing to tell the story of the past, you must restore Gao Jing's sanity, otherwise, everything will be in vain.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and whispered: "It can't be said that there is no cure. Her current symptoms are that she was scared out of her soul. Linghui Po once left the body and later returned to the body. It's a pity that although Linghui Po returned However, it has not returned to its original place in the body, but is just wandering around in the body. If her spiritual wisdom can be returned to its original place, then she can return to normal."

"So that's it... Then how sure are you... and how much time will it take..." When Shangguan Ning said this, he couldn't help but frown.

In this situation, to be honest, it is indeed a bit troublesome. It is definitely not an easy task to return someone's soul to its place.

"I can't say how sure I am now. I can only do my best. How much time it will take is even more uncertain at the moment, but we must take Gao Jing away before treatment can be carried out." Zhang Yu also whispered.

"She is in a mental hospital, can she be taken out?" Shangguan Ning said.

"I don't know either, let's try it." Zhang Yu said.

When people are in a mental hospital, no matter how capable Zhang Yu is, he can't just rob people. Doing so will only cause unnecessary trouble. Finding ways to get people out of mental hospitals is the real thing.

There is no use staying in the ward now. Zhang Yu then said: "Let's go out."

Shangguan Ning nodded, and the two of them walked outside together.

After leaving the ward, the head nurse and two nurses were standing outside waiting. The corridor was still filled with the shouts of patients, "Dong Yong is lost, I am the Seven Fairies descended to earth! Let me out! I want to find Dong Yong!" "I am the reincarnation of the Jade Emperor, why don't you kneel down in front of me! "...

When the head nurse saw Zhang Yu and the others coming out, she immediately said politely: "I've finished reading."

"I've finished reading." Zhang Yu nodded and smiled, and then said: "Head nurse, my cousin is very pitiful. My uncle and aunt died early in the past. I didn't expect that it would turn out like this..."

"Yes..." The head nurse nodded and said, "People are indeed so pitiful..."

"So, I have this idea, can I take my cousin out of the hospital and go to a large hospital in Zhenhai for treatment." Zhang Yu said.

"This..." A puzzled expression immediately appeared on the head nurse's face.

After all, cousins ​​are just ordinary relatives. In this society, who would go to great lengths for a mentally disturbed cousin.

Zhang Yu naturally guessed why the other party was confused, and he hurriedly said: "My aunt and cousin were very good to me and took good care of me. My cousin was their only relative. People know how to repay kindness. Now I have With the money, I naturally have to take good care of my cousin and do my best to cure her."

"I really can't believe that there are such emotional people in the world..." The head nurse sighed, and then said: "But Gao Jing is a seriously ill patient. Although it is okay to visit him, if he wants to take him away, I am not talking about it..."

"Then who has the final say?" Shangguan Ning asked this time.

"Dean," the head nurse said.

"Then can you let us meet the dean? I will tell your dean personally." Zhang Yu said.

"This... I'm afraid it won't work..." the head nurse said slowly: "Otherwise, I will report to our dean and convey your attitude to the dean... and see if the dean allows it... …”

"Thank you very much." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"You're welcome." The head nurse smiled, glanced at the two nurses next to her, and said, "Well, Chen Hua... you take them to the reception room first, and I'll report to the dean... "

"Okay." A nurse agreed.

The nurse immediately took Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning downstairs in the elevator and went to the reception room on the second floor to wait.

The reception room is not big inside. It is said to be a reception room, but it is actually a reception room with several sofas and a coffee table. There was no one else in the reception room. The nurse asked the two of them to sit inside and then left.

Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning sat inside and waited. Shangguan Ning said, "Do you think this dean will allow us to take people away?"

"I think it shouldn't be a big problem. Gao Jing doesn't have any other family members, and his medical and hospitalization expenses are definitely not covered. Living in the hospital all the time must be an extra expense for the hospital. Now someone is willing to transfer such expenses I think the hospital would be very willing to take this burden away."

"That's right." Shangguan Ning nodded.

The two of them waited here for more than ten minutes, but no one came in.

After waiting for a few more minutes, rapid footsteps suddenly sounded in the corridor. Zhang Yu could tell that there were quite a few people there, and they seemed to be coming towards the room where they were.

Shangguan Ning naturally heard the sound, and she said in confusion: "Why are so many people suddenly here? Something happened..."

"What could possibly happen..." Zhang Yu was also puzzled.

At this moment, footsteps came to the door. Immediately afterwards, there was a "bang" sound, and the door was pushed open. Immediately, the two of them saw that seven or eight patrolmen were swarming in.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning were both stunned, and they both stood up at once.

During the patrol, one of the leaders shouted directly: "We are patrol! Squat down and hold your head with your hands!"

"Patrol..." Zhang Yu looked at the other person.

Before he could say anything, four police officers rushed over from the opposite side, working in groups of two to arrest Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu did not resist, and any two patrolmen grabbed his arms. Two other patrolmen also caught Shangguan Ning, but Shangguan Ning did not resist.

But Zhang Yu then said: "What you are doing seems to be against the rules!"

"What rules!" the leading patrol officer shouted directly.

"When a patrol arrests someone, at least he has to show his ID to prove that he is a patrol officer. You can't just arrest people in patrol uniform! In addition, before arresting someone, do you need to know the identity of the other person?" Zhang Yu said seriously .

The leading patrol officer directly showed his ID and said seriously: "We are from the Yanjiang County Major Crime Team. This is my ID. Now there is no problem! As for your identities, what are your identities!"

"I am a member of the Zhenhai Parliament! Before my status as a member is revoked, according to the law of the Office, the patrol has no power to arrest me!" Zhang Yu also said seriously.

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