Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3460 Sure enough, someone died

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, thinking that Zhao Quanrong's words were probably not lies. Zhang Yu's family lives in the countryside, not to mention the rich people in the village like the Mei family. Even if someone in the village has a public official status, the whole village will fawn on him and no one dares to offend him.

More importantly, even if the Mei family had killed someone before, it could not have been in recent years. Because the situation of the Mei family does seem to be caused by Yin spirits, but it takes time to cultivate Yin spirits, and it is impossible for Yin spirits to become so powerful in just a few years.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment and said: "What if it is not in recent years, but decades ago? Has the Mei family killed anyone..."

"This..." Zhao Quanrong thought for a moment and said, "Look at my age...what happened decades could I possibly know..."

Zhang Yu nodded again, thinking that there was nothing wrong with what he said. Zhao Quanrong was less than thirty, only over 20 years old. How could he possibly know what had happened in the village before? So, Zhang Yu said: "That's true... then... in your village, are there people who are older... and are not confused, and know a lot of things..."

"This is..." Zhao Quanrong said directly: "People in our village are relatively long-lived. There is a grandma Chen who is over eighty years old. Her body bones are still very strong and she is not confused at all."

"Then could you please take us to meet this Grandma Chen?" Zhang Yu said immediately.

"No problem." Zhao Quanrong said bluntly.

This guy accepted Zhang Yu's money, so he naturally cooperated fully.

The three of them left the noodle shop, got into Shangguan Ning's car, and were directed by Zhao Quanrong to Grandma Chen's home.

Those are the only people in the village, and they all moved to the countryside together. They almost all know where the other lives.

Since they were going to inquire about things, they couldn't go empty-handed. Shangguan Ning bought milk and fruits on the way.

The car came to the downstairs of an old-fashioned residential complex. Zhao Quanrong said that Grandma Chen's family lived on the first floor.

He led the two of them into the corridor and knocked on the door of Room 102.

Soon, a woman's voice sounded from the door, "Who is it?"

"Auntie, it's me." Zhao Quanrong said.

"It's Quanrong..." the woman said, opening the door.

Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning stood behind Zhao Quanrong and could clearly see that the person standing inside the door was a woman in her fifties.

When the woman saw Zhao Quanrong with two strangers, she said curiously: "These two are..."

"Auntie, this is..." Zhao Quanrong had not asked Zhang Yu's name before. He wanted to introduce him but didn't know how to say it. But this guy reacted quickly, and immediately said: "There is another one from the demolition office, a Taoist priest invited by the demolition office to see what happened..."

"Then why are you coming to our house?" the woman asked in confusion.

"It's not because of the Mei family's affairs. The demolition office heard that Grandma Chen was highly respected, so they wanted to inquire about some past events about the Mei family..." Zhao Quanrong said, turning to look at Zhang Yu and said, "This is Grandma Chen. My daughter-in-law, Aunt Sun."

"Hello, aunt." "Hello, aunt." Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning greeted together.

"Hello, you two." Aunt Sun nodded.

Zhao Quanrong then snatched the purchased fruit from Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning's hands and said, "Auntie, this is what we bought for grandma. A little thought is not disrespectful..."

The so-called reaching out and not hitting the smiling person, Zhao Quanrong's reputation in the village is really not very good on weekdays, but now that he came to the door with a gift, Aunt Sun could not refuse to let in. After a few polite words, she invited the three of them to sit in the house. .

The house is temporarily rented, and it is not too big, just about 50 square meters with two bedrooms and one living room. It will take almost a year to release the compensation housing for relocation.

Grandma Chen currently lives with her eldest son Liang Guangrong and her daughter-in-law Aunt Sun. Liang Guangrong is also at home. Zhao Quanrong got to know them well, said hello, introduced Zhang Yu again, and then went to Grandma Chen's room together.

Not to mention, Grandma Chen is in really good health and is watching TV in the bedroom at the moment. A few people sat down in the room and chatted for a while. Zhao Quanrong helped introduce the topic, "Grandma Chen, these two are here specifically to inquire about the Mei family... You also know that the Mei family's house is now The demolition office can’t demolish it at all…so I want to know more about the Mei family…”

"That's it..." Grandma Chen nodded slightly and said, "What do you want to know?"

Zhang Yu immediately said: "I want to know whether anyone in the Mei family died mysteriously in the early years, or if anything strange happened."

"Strange things...dead people..." Grandma Chen recalled.

"If we talk about dead people, it should be twenty years ago..." At this time, Grandma Chen's son Liang Guangrong said.

"Twenty years ago..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. He originally wanted to ask about some old things, but he didn't expect that Liang Guangrong directly said it was twenty years ago. Zhang Yu immediately asked: "Who died in the Mei family twenty years ago?"

"It was Mei Yuzhu's wife who stole from a man and died." Liang Guangrong said.

"Mei Yuzhu's wife stole a man...why didn't I hear..." Zhao Quanrong said in confusion.

You know, Mei Yuzhu is a famous figure in the village. Zhao Quanrong thought that it was impossible for him not to hear about such a big thing.

"You were still a kid at that time..." Liang Guangrong curled his lips and continued: "And not many people knew about such embarrassing things, and Mei Yuzhu couldn't let people spread the news, so it happened quickly. Just calm down. Even people who know about this don’t dare to talk nonsense and act as if nothing happened.”

"There is such a thing... That Mei Yuzhu's wife is really brave..." Zhao Quanrong said with a grin.

In his opinion, with Mei Yuzhu's strength in the village, anyone who dared to talk to Mei Yuzhu's wife was looking for death.

Zhang Yu also became interested now and said: "Mei Yuzhu's wife died because she stole from a man. I don't know how she died. Also, what is the outcome of the person who had an affair with Mei Yuzhu's wife?"

Zhao Quanrong also thought of this and said curiously: "Who is so brave and dares to steal Mei Yuzhu's wife? Is she from our village?"

"Who in our village has such courage..." Liang Guangrong said, "It's a Taoist priest from out of town..."

"Taoist priest..." Shangguan Ning and Zhang Yu suddenly became more curious. They looked at each other, and then Shangguan Ning said: "Where is the Taoist priest..."

"I really don't know about this. Mei Yuzhu blocked the news very hard at that time. We only know that Mei Yuzhu's wife committed suicide after she was caught having an affair, and the Taoist priest seemed to have run away..." Liang Guangrong said.

"Suicide... Where is Mei Yuzhu's daughter-in-law buried?" Zhang Yu asked.

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