Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3454 Car accident

After listening to Shangguan Ning's words, Zhang Yu understood what was going on. Baimei Palace is the number one sect in Zhenhai City, and one of the nine sects in the world. Their leader is missing, but they have to ask Zhang Yu to help find him. If this news gets out, it will really become a big joke.

Of course, since Shangguan Ning found Zhang Yu about this matter, Zhang Yu must go. Not to mention his friendship with Baimei Palace, Zhang Yu also wanted to find out the answer to the strange things happening in Meicun. After all, he has always been a very curious person.

Similarly, another thought came to Zhang Yu's mind, that is, who was this guy who used the nine-star flying blade to kill people. And does this person have any connection with the incident in Wangmei Village?

You know, this murderer only killed one person in the White Eyebrow Palace, but now, he actually killed two people one after another.

"Fellow Daoist Shangguan, don't worry. I will go with you this time and will never let this matter out. The matter is urgent, so we won't say more here. I will go and clean up, and then we will set off." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Thank you Master Zhang!" Shangguan Ning said sincerely.

Zhang Yu stood up, walked out of the room, and walked to the courtyard door, where he happened to see Wang Jie guarding him.

Wang Jie also saw him and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Uncle Master, why does Xiao Ning want to see you? It's so mysterious."

Not to mention, this guy is also very curious.

"It's nothing, just do whatever you need to do." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he walked towards the back.

Seeing that Zhang Yu didn't tell him, Wang Jie could only curl his lips helplessly and muttered: "As for..."

Zhang Yu returned to Sun Zhaoyi's courtyard. Now that he had to leave, he could only put out the fire.

After turning off the fire, Zhang Yu took all the magical weapons with him, as well as his newly refined magical weapons.

He was wearing chain mail and a set of casual clothes, not his Bagua Fairy Clothes. He had promised Shangguan Ning before that he would never leak this matter out. If he puts on the Bagua Immortal Clothes, it might make people suspicious. It's better to just wear casual clothes.

Although the lack of a robe will have some impact, the chain armor on his body is more defensive than the Bagua Immortal Clothes.

After everything was ready, Zhang Yu left the courtyard, met Shangguan Ning in front, and went down the mountain together.

Shangguan Ning drove by himself when he arrived. After the two got in the car, Shangguan Ning drove straight towards Dajiang Township.

It was already afternoon, and it was not far to drive to Dajiang Township. I drove all the way there, and at midnight, the car was driving on the national highway leading to Dajiang Township.

"Senior Brother Qi..." "Senior Brother Qi..." "Uncle Qi..." "Uncle Qi..." "Uncle Grand Master..." "Uncle Grand Master..."...

Suddenly, Zhang Yu, who was sitting in the car, suddenly heard a faint sound coming from the woods under the corridor.

"Stop the car." Zhang Yu said immediately.

Shangguan Ning, who was sitting in the driver's seat and driving, was very focused, because this trip took a very long time, and he was already driving while fatigued. Fortunately, she was a Taoist and the matter was urgent, so she didn't rest.

Upon hearing Zhang Yu's call to stop, Shangguan Ning immediately stopped the car on the side of the road. At this time, and because we were going to the countryside, there were not many vehicles on the road.

Shangguan Ning was a little confused and didn't understand why Zhang Yu suddenly asked her to stop the car. She asked curiously: "What are you parking for?"

Zhang Yu pulled down the window first and said, "I seem to hear someone calling for someone..."

With the car window down, Zhang Yu could hear more clearly. There were indeed shouts in the woods on both sides of the aisle.

"Senior Brother Qi!" "Senior Brother Qi!" "Uncle Qi!" "Uncle Qi!" "Uncle Grand Master!" "Uncle Grand Master!"...

This time, even Shangguan Ning heard it. Shangguan Ning immediately said: "Senior Brother Qi... Senior Uncle Qi... It seems that someone is looking for someone..."

When she said this, her heart suddenly tightened and she said in surprise: "Uncle Qi...his surname is Qi..."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked.

After all, in this society, those who can be called senior brother, senior uncle, or grand master uncle must be members of the sect. Moreover, anyone can be sure that the seniority of this person named Qi must be very high.

Shangguan Ning said: "When we were in Dajiang Township, we had an uncle named Qi..."

"Uncle Grand Master of Baimei Palace..." Zhang Yu became even more curious.

"However, Grand Master Uncle is going back to Baimei Palace to take charge of the overall situation. He shouldn't appear here..." Shangguan Ning also said in confusion.

"Then why don't we follow the sound and look for it... to see if it's someone from your White Eyebrow Palace... The sound here is still not loud, and it's not very clear. It's difficult to determine who is shouting..." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Shangguan Ning nodded immediately.

The two got out of the car, then got out on the right side and walked towards the woods.

There were still shouts in the woods, and they just followed the sound, and the sound became clearer and clearer.

At this time, not far ahead, a woman shouted, "Uncle Qi! Uncle Qi..."

Upon hearing this voice, Shangguan Ning's heart moved and he shouted directly: "It's my master!"

Zhang Yu also heard that the voice was familiar, and it seemed to belong to Feng Chongjue.

"Come on, let's go there!" Zhang Yu said.

Shangguan Ning also quickened his pace, shouting as he ran: "Master! Master!"

"Is it Xiaoning?" Feng Chongjue's voice soon sounded in front.

"It's me, Master!" Shangguan Ning shouted excitedly.

At this time, they ran towards each other at the same time. Zhang Yu could tell that there was more than one person on Feng Chongjue's side, there were almost five or six.

When they met, it was absolutely true that there were four little Taoist priests beside Feng Chongjue.

"Master, why are you here... Listening to your shout, it seems that you are looking for someone..." Shangguan Ning asked curiously as soon as he saw Feng Chongjue.

"Don't mention it, Master Qi is missing..." Feng Chongjue said with a frown.

"'s Grand Master Uncle..." Shangguan Ning said in disbelief.

"Exactly." Feng Chongjue nodded.

"Why did he disappear...Uncle Grand Master, didn't he say that he would return to the White Eyebrow Palace to take charge of the overall situation...Why, why did he end up here..." Shangguan Ning became even more puzzled.

"I didn't know the specific situation at the time. It was the traffic police here who called Bai Mei Gong, saying that an SUV owned by our Bai Mei Palace had a traffic accident here and the driver in the car died. He asked us to come over and take a look. Look. So, two senior brothers and I rushed over with our disciples. When we arrived, we discovered that the disciple who died in the car was a disciple of Senior Brother Jia. I immediately contacted Senior Brother Jia, and then I learned that the car It was Dajiang Township that we left last night. In addition to the disciple who was driving, Master Qi was also sitting in the car. However, when the patrol arrived at the scene of the accident, they did not see anyone else in the car. " Feng Chong When Jue said this, he seemed quite helpless, "If the police can't find anyone here, we can only look for it on our own in Baimei Palace... We have been searching until now, but we haven't seen the shadow of Master Qi... Sigh …”

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