Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3449 Broken!

Master Xue walked in the front and came to the door of the villa, followed by the others. When I came to the door, I saw that the door was closed. In the moonlight, it was not difficult to see that the lock on the door had no cylinder.

However, at this moment, Master Jia said: "That's wrong..."

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhenren asked.

"I remember that we searched the villa during the day and didn't close the door when we left. Why is this door closed now?" Jia Zhenren said with some confusion.

"The door is not closed..." Master Xue groaned.

Instead, Master Qi said: "The wind here is quite strong, is it possible that it was caused by the wind..."

"Unlikely..." Shangguan Ning said from behind.

"Xiao Ning, why do you say that?" Qi Zhenren turned to look at Shangguan Ning.

Shangguan Ning immediately said: "If the wind blew the door shut, it shouldn't be so tight..."

"That makes sense..." Master Qi nodded.

Master Jia then said: "Uncles, I think this is going to be the case. The disciples will take the lead and walk at the front."

"No need for this." Master Xue said seriously.

After saying that, he took out a ruler directly from his arms.

Immediately, Master Xue opened the door, and the door opened. In front was the entrance hall. Master Xue stepped in with caution.

When we entered the villa, it was inevitably dark because it was night. Even if there is starlight filtering through the window, you can't see clearly what's going on inside.

Master Qi was walking behind Master Xue, holding a ghost torture stick in his hand. This magical weapon was specially used to deal with Yin spirits. And it's not long, about one meter. The handle is of normal thickness, getting thicker as you go up.

After entering, Master Qi blew on the front of the ghost-torture stick, and with a "pop" sound, the tip of the stick immediately ignited and turned into a torch.

But the fire in front was not like an ordinary fire, the whole flame was bright red.

The interior of the villa was completely illuminated by the firelight.

Other people filed in and looked around. There was nothing in the large living room of the villa. They searched the first floor but found nothing. Then they went up to the second floor and found nothing. In the villa, faint cries can still be heard, but the source of the cries does not seem to be in this villa.

The eight people were a little disappointed, so they went downstairs together and left the villa. When I came out, the door was still open.

They stood downstairs, with helpless expressions on their faces. They looked at each other, and Qi Zhenren said: "This is really strange. There is evil in the entire villa yard, but nothing is found. What is the reason?"

"Xiao Ning, what do you think?" Su Zhenren looked at Shangguan Ning.

He knew that although Shangguan Ning was young, he was courageous and knowledgeable, and the opinions of young people were sometimes different from those of older people.

After hearing this, other people also looked at Shangguan Ning. Shangguan Ning was calm and said calmly: "Returning to Grand Master Uncle, I thought that since we come in and out normally without any abnormality, we might as well lure the snake out of the hole."

"Leading the snake out of its hole..." Master Xue became interested and said, "How do you say this?"

"Didn't you say that as long as you try to demolish this place, there will be flying sand and rocks here? How about we give it a try and see how strong the wind here can be." Shangguan Ning said seriously.

"This is a good method. In fact, I have wanted to see it for a long time." Su Zhenren nodded and said.

"Yes, this method is the only feasible method at the moment." Master Xue's expression became serious and he said, "Then let's give it a try!"

After saying that, he took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, put it on his left palm, and then called the big guys to come to the middle of the yard together.

Master Xue faced the villa in the middle and said, "I'm here!"

As soon as the voice fell, he slapped his left palm with the talisman paper directly towards the villa.


A bolt of lightning immediately shot out from his left palm and went straight to the villa.

Just when the lightning was about to hit the villa, a gust of wind and sand suddenly lifted up and blocked the villa. The lightning that shot past was instantly submerged in the wind and sand.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding wind roared loudly, "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Endless flying sand and rocks were like a tornado, overwhelmingly hitting Xue Zhenren, Shangguan Ning and others.

Seeing this, Master Xue immediately shouted: "Stand in an eight-sided formation, activate the magic weapon, and cooperate with the evil-proof talisman to resist the strong wind!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"……

Everyone agreed immediately. Although they had not discussed it before, it was not difficult to position themselves according to the eight-square formation.

They immediately moved their steps and displayed their magical weapons at the same time. Everyone had various magical weapons, and Shangguan Ning displayed a pair of peach wood swords. She first held the hilt of the sword with both hands, took out two evil-proof charms and pasted them on the mahogany sword, then put the two swords in her hands and crossed them.

Immediately afterwards, the peach wood sword glowed with golden light, blocking the flying sand and rocks that were blown in front of him.

The eight people activated the magic weapon together. Previously, the flying sand and stones were very powerful, but after a while, they were suppressed by the eight people. It quickly disappeared.

Seeing the flying sand and stones stopping, Qi Zhenren said: "It's nothing more than that!"

"That's it, now that we have blocked the strong wind, what should we do next?" said Master Xue.

"Uncle Taishi, my disciple thinks that the best way is to use thunder method to attack that villa again!" Shangguan Ning said seriously.

"It makes sense!" Xue Zhenren held the ruler in his right palm, and the talisman paper was still attached to the palm of his left palm.

He raised his left palm and patted the villa in the middle again.


Thunder and lightning! A bolt of lightning hit the villa directly.

With a "clang" sound, lightning suddenly hit the villa.

A big hole was immediately blasted out of the brick wall of the villa, and the glass next to it shattered.

"This..." "This..." "This..."...

Everyone was a little confused when they saw this scene.

Before, they thought that this time there might be another wave of flying sand and rocks, but they really didn't expect that this palm thunder succeeded easily.

Just when they were extinguishing the flying sand and rocks, there was still a woman crying in the yard. But at this moment, the woman's cry in the yard disappeared.

The cool breeze in the yard gradually weakened. It was no longer as chilling to the bones as it was before. It was just like a normal evening breeze. The courtyard became very quiet. Everyone looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

After a while, Su Laodao said: "Now...what should we do now...Xiao Ning, you have many ways...Look what we should do now..."

As he said that, he looked at Shangguan Ning.

Everyone else also looked at Shangguan Ning.

After all, the previous idea was Shangguan Ning's. At this time, she naturally had to make another idea.

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