Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3437 A trivial matter

"25% less is 25% less." "We admit it." "Hurry up and sign the agreement." "Yes, yes... hurry up and sign the agreement..."...

The next day, the demolition office at the head of the village was filled with villagers. Everyone was clamoring to sign an agreement and carry out the demolition quickly.

You know, what happened yesterday really shocked everyone. Fortunately, the master who drove the bulldozer only suffered external injuries and his life was not in danger. Of course, this master didn't dare to continue demolishing other people's houses. He was really being honest.

Director Wang was not at the demolition office, but beside the road from the village to the town. His car was parked there, with the phone in his hand, and he was reporting to his boss.

"Boss, the story about Mei Yuzhu's house being haunted seems to be true. Yesterday, the village planned to demolish Mei Yuzhu's house, which proved that there was no ghost. The result was great. A strong wind blew and the glass of the bulldozer was blown away. They were all smashed. Now all the villagers have gone to the demolition office and are willing to reduce the demolition compensation by 25%."

"I'm willing to reduce the price by 25%, which seems good..." the fifty-year-old man on the phone said happily.

"But... the haunting is real... If we take over, we might be a hot potato..." Director Wang said a little worriedly.

"It's needless to say, if this thing hadn't happened, how could we have reduced the compensation by 25%. How could it be haunted? It's okay... Then, just ask a senior monk to read it and it will be... ..." The man in his fifties said disapprovingly.

Businessmen generally value money. What is the concept of 25% compensation? It is definitely a big number. If there was no such thing, how could it be possible to save such a large amount of money.

In China, it is not uncommon for construction sites to be haunted or rumored to be very evil. There are even quite a few. However, if you find some people to see what's going on and spend some money, it will be done. The money spent is far less than the compensation saved.

"Boss, what do you mean... signed..." Director Wang needed to make sure.

"Yes, signed." The man in his fifties said directly.

"Okay, then I'll have someone sign the contract." Director Wang said.

"Remember, after signing the contract, we will immediately evict the villagers and ask them to move out, and then demolish them. First demolish all the houses in the village, and finally demolish Mei Yuzhu's house. At that time, I will send people to Help." The man in his fifties said.

"Yes, boss." Director Wang agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Director Wang then called the employees at the demolition office and asked them to sign an agreement with the villagers immediately.

To be honest, 25% of the demolition compensation was suddenly reduced, and the villagers had to grit their teeth before signing.

After all, everyone knows that if the developer really stops demolishing such a ghost place, they won't get a dime, so they can only live here honestly. If you say that there are no problems here, you can live there. But troubles happen in this place at every turn. Who can feel at ease?

No matter whether they are old or young, they are afraid that their lives will be in danger, so they sign.

After everyone signed, the demolition office immediately asked the villagers to move within a time limit and live in the countryside. Every house in the village was demolished on the spot, one by one. Within a few days, the village was almost razed to the ground.

Of course, not everything will be demolished, but some houses in the corners will be left for workers to live in.

At this moment, all that is left of the house to be demolished is the large yard of Mei Yuzhu's house.

At noon that day, three bulldozers were ready in the yard. But the bulldozer did not start, because at this moment, there were nine monks in front of the bulldozer.

Among the nine monks, one is wearing a bright red cassock, and the other eight are wearing monk's robes. Director Wang stood next to the monk in cassocks and said politely: "This is it. It is a particularly evil sect. Please master, please resolve the problems here."

"The poor monk has already heard about what's going on here. It's just a trivial matter. When I go in and do the rituals, everything will be solved." The great monk said confidently.

"Thank you, Master." Director Wang immediately made a gesture of invitation.

The great monk nodded slightly and immediately walked towards the courtyard. The eight monks who came with him also followed him into the courtyard.

However, Director Wang did not dare to go in. Although he did not see the incident with his own eyes, he had heard about it. Moreover, it was said to be so miraculous that he dared to move forward.

Others did not dare to move forward and join in. The big guys stood there and watched the nine monks walking into the courtyard along the gate.

The nine of them took out ritual instruments, incense and candles, etc., and after arranging them all, they began to chant, "Amitabha... Amitabha... Amitabha..."

After chanting for about twenty minutes, everyone outside suddenly saw dust and sand suddenly stirred up in the yard, followed by flying sand and rocks. For a moment, everyone could not see the situation in the yard.

However, although he couldn't see clearly, he could hear the screams of the monks inside, "Ouch..." "Oh my god..." "What's going on..." "Lord Buddha bless... eh Yo... beat me to death..." "Ah... ah... oh my god..."...

There were screams in the yard. Director Wang and others outside could not help but be frightened when they heard the screams inside. Many people at the scene had actually never seen anything haunted here, at best they had only heard about it.

It's noon right now, and it's so scary to see someone like this suddenly.

"This, this, what's going on here..." "It has been! It must be haunted!" "Oh my god, this ghost is so powerful, even the master dares to fight it!" "Then what do you think we should do? , do you want to go in and demolish it?" "You big-headed devil... If you go in to demolish it, you are looking for death..."... The people in the demolition team outside were talking to each other, and everyone was extremely nervous. .

After a while, the wind and sand in the yard finally stopped, and we could see clearly. People outside saw that the nine monks inside were crawling outside. They rolled and crawled and finally escaped from the yard.

Seeing the monks coming out, Director Wang quickly ran to the monk in cassock, helped the monk up, and said: "It's a big deal, are you okay..."

"Amitabha, the poor monk is fine... It's just that there was a sudden wind and sand here, which delayed the poor monk from waiting for the Dharma Master... Otherwise, he will wait until the poor monk chooses a good and auspicious day to come back..." The great monk is now really... The nose was bruised, the face was swollen, and there were many broken skins with blood flowing from them. After he said this with a grin on his face, he called his disciples to leave immediately.

The appearance of these eight monks was similar to that of the great monk. As soon as they heard about it, they left immediately, as if they had received amnesty, and left in despair.

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