Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3435 Seesaw

"What happened next?" A young man next to Director Wang asked curiously.

"Later..." Zhao Quanrong said a little nervously: "Think about it, everyone must want such a huge property in Mei Yuzhu's family... But if there is no heir, the property will belong to the township office... The property in the family will be Hua Laowu got him away through the village chief's relationship..."

"Hua Laowu...isn't the village chief Hua Laoliu?" Director Wang said.

"Hua Laoliu was the subsequent village chief. The earliest village chief was Mei Yuzhu. After Mei Yuzhu, Hua Laowu was Hua Laoliu's brother... This Hua Laowu used his status as village chief to find a way to sell Mei Yuzhu's real estate. It was in his own name... But he didn't even wait to move in, he just renovated it for a day, and he died on the bed the next night... On his neck, there was a mark of strangulation..." Zhao Quanrong said with lingering fear: "And that night, Hua Laowu's wife was still sleeping in the bed, and she didn't even know that her husband had been strangled to death... It was only discovered the next morning..."

"There is such an evil thing..." the young man said with a bit of smacking his tongue.

"This is not over yet... After Hua Laowu died, Hua Laowu's son was thinking about taking over this property... After all, there have been rumors that our village will definitely be demolished in another year or two... ...How much is such a large property worth? It just so happens that the house is in Hua Laowu's name, so it naturally goes to Hua Laowu's son's name... However, it has only been two days, Hua Laowu Lao Wu's son died on his bed, and he was also strangled to death... Who the murderer was can't be found at all... Tell me, if this is not haunted, what else could it be..." Zhao Quanrong said.

"Then, what did the patrol say?" The young man asked again curiously.

"The patrol said there was a murder, and various cases were opened for investigation, but the murderer could not be found. But the rumors of this haunting have become more and more serious... Moreover, no one dares to make any plans about Mei Yuzhu's real estate... Listen People say that when you pass by Mei Yuzhu's yard at night, you can hear the sound of ghosts crying... Now, no one dares to pass by Mei Yuzhu's house at night..." Zhao Quanrong added.

"There is such a thing... then... then why didn't Hua Laoliu talk about it..." Director Wang said.

"Hua Laoliu is very smart. Aren't you worried that the developer will take advantage of this to lower the price? He called the whole village to a meeting before and said that the ghost story must not be spread... By the way, you will just listen to it. Don't do it. Don't say I told you..." Zhao Quanrong said in a warning tone.

"Of course, of course... we will not leak this matter... Brother Zhao, this is all thanks to you. Don't worry, our company will never treat you badly..." Director Wang said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good..." Zhao Quanrong said happily, already drunk.

Immediately, Director Wang arranged for someone to take Zhao Quanrong away and find a place to rest.

Director Wang was soon alone in the private room of the hotel.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number. The call was quickly connected, and the voice of a man in his fifties rang out, "Hello, Xiao Wang?"

"Boss, it's me. I've already found out what happened in Wangmei Village." Director Wang said immediately.

"How is the situation?" said the man in his fifties.

"This is what happened..." At that moment, Director Wang told exactly what Zhao Quanrong had said before.

After hearing this, the man in his fifties on the other end of the phone said, "There is such a thing...Xiao Wang, what do you think..."

"I think it's very possible that it's true. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so evil. There's no owner of such a big yard..." Director Wang said.

"The evil sect is somewhat evil, but I just don't believe in evil. But since the people in the village believe in it, that's the best." The man in his fifties said with a smile.

As soon as he heard his laughter, Director Wang immediately said: "Boss, what you mean is... try to lower the price as much as possible..."

"When it comes to this kind of thing, you would be a fool if you don't lower the price..." The man in his fifties said very proudly: "Since the people in the village believe that it is a haunted house, they must be anxious to demolish it. Just follow them and try your best to demolish it. I have to think of ways to lower the price. No matter what, I have to lower it by about 20% according to the budget."

"Yes, boss." Director Wang said immediately.

In the days that followed, Director Wang led his demolition office into a stage of wrangling with the villagers.

All in all, just don't rush, don't sign, keep talking every day, and find all kinds of excuses to delay.

Of course, the villagers will not give in easily. After all, everyone is ready to get rich overnight through demolition, so how can they take the initiative to lower prices.

Back and forth, the two sides formed a tug-of-war. The demolition work has been going on for a month, but there has been no progress at all.

The demolition work has produced no results, and the people in the village are actually anxious, especially the village chief Hua Laoliu. His family owns a lot of real estate and a lot of land, and he has always wanted to sell it at a good price and reach the peak of his life. There is always no result now, and Hua Laoliu is more anxious than anyone else.

That afternoon, Hua Laoliu came to the demolition office and found Director Wang. The two parties exchanged pleasantries first, and then Hua Laoliu introduced the topic, "Director Wang, it has been more than a month since you came to our village to preside over the demolition work. Everyone is ready and waiting to sign. But... ...There is no movement from your side, why...if there are any difficulties, or if any family is not cooperative, just tell me...I will definitely help you solve it..."

"Chief Hua Village, since you said so, let's be clear and not talk behind the scenes... We have already investigated clearly what happened in your village. The house of Mei Yuzhu's family is basically a ghost house... We People in the company can hear a woman crying inside when they pass by at night... Not only that, standing at the gate, you can also see a shadow in white floating inside... Just tell me, Our boss plans to build a resort here. Once word of the haunting spreads, who will dare to come... All the money our boss invested will be wasted... Therefore, we need to consider carefully now. Do you want to demolish your village..." Director Wang said slowly.

"You can't say that. This demolition project has been decided by the higher-ups. You guys can't say no to it..." Chief Hua Cun said hurriedly: "Besides, this haunting thing is just a rumor, and it's not true at all. of……"

"It's really a rumor..." Director Wang curled his lips.

"Of course it's a rumor..." Hua Laoliu nodded heavily.

"If it is a rumor, why does no one dare to take the title of such a large property of Mei Yuzhu's family? By the way, I heard that your brother Hua Laowu was the one who took the title in the past, and then your nephew, Hua Laowu's should know better than me what the outcome will be..." Director Wang said with a big grin.

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