Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3433 Target

"I..." Seeing that Zhang Yu was speaking so seriously, Xiaomei lowered her head and said a little aggrievedly: "When I came here... I... I suddenly found... I, I seemed to have become a waste... a Useless person……"

"Where do you start talking about this..." Zhang Yu said with some confusion.

"When I was in the village, I always studied with my grandma, and I didn't have to do anything..." Xiaomei still lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "But when I came here, everyone went to work every day. Whether you are a man or a woman, just like my sister-in-law, she works on a chicken farm and earns more than 8,000 yuan a month, which is still a small amount. My brother works on a construction site and earns 20,000 yuan a month. But what about me? , I just sit around at home and eat for free every day... I feel like I'm really useless... It's like this time when I'm celebrating the New Year in the city, they all go out to buy things with their salary from the previous year, but I still stay here At brother and the others bought me new clothes...I, I was too embarrassed to accept them..."

"Xiaomei, I don't think you should think this way. Everyone has their own value. You...also have your own value..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I...what value do I have..." Xiaomei shook her head and said: "Last time Uncle Li had a fever. If he was in the village, I would have treated him. But on the construction site, he would have been sent directly to the health center. , I got... something called an intravenous drip... and it healed quickly... I also heard that my brother, the others, and a few co-workers drank beer to celebrate a few years ago, and it turned out that this was their first time drinking this beer. I had acute enteritis and diarrhea... I was sent to the health center by people at the construction site, and I was put on something called an intravenous drip, and I was fine after a while... Now, when people in the village get sick... it seems they don't need to look for me at all..."

This time, Zhang Yu understood what was going on.

In the past, the living conditions of everyone in the village were poor. Xiaomei followed her grandmother and was the object of admiration among the villagers. Because only the grandmother in the village can treat the big guys, and she is highly respected, Xiaomei will also become a grandma-like existence in the future. In addition, there is no material life in the village and there is not much money in the pocket, so it doesn't matter whether Xiaomei works or not. I just want to see Xiaomei when she is sick.

But things are different now. Even if you are sick, there are doctors. There are not so many difficult and complicated diseases in this world, and most of them are minor illnesses. Therefore, Xiaomei's sense of existence disappeared all of a sudden.

Everyone is working to make money, and no matter what the job is, they will be rewarded accordingly. The money they earn is no longer what they earned in the countryside. As for Xiaomei, her family still treats her as her grandma's heir and doesn't need her to work.

Xiaomei is a self-respecting person. After seeing everyone working and getting paid a lot of money, much more than when she was in the countryside, she naturally feels that she is particularly useless and a waste that cannot be given to her. What he brought to his home turned him into a freeloader.

"Actually, don't think so. Everyone's life trajectory is different. It's like the people in the village have changed their life trajectory after leaving the village. Similarly, your life trajectory will also change." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"The trajectory of my life..." Xiaomei lowered her head and whispered.

"Didn't you tell me before that you wanted to go to school? When all schools start in March, I will find a way to get you into school." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"But...I suddenly don't want to go to school now..." Xiaomei said with her mouth flat.

"You don't want to go to school anymore, why?" Zhang Yu asked puzzledly.

"I asked the people here that schooling starts from elementary school and starts little by little. Children like those in the village can do it, but it is too late for me to go to school now. Moreover, it will take so many years to go to school. Everyone in the family has made money, but if I am the only one who spends money, it will make me look even more useless... I, I don’t want to be a trash in people’s eyes..." Xiaomei lowered her head and said.

Zhang Yu really didn't expect that in such a short period of time after entering the city, everyone's minds would change because they were exposed to new things.

Although it was only a month's salary, for villagers who had never seen much money before, this was already an astronomical figure. Everyone will work hard to make money and achieve a better life. After all, the villagers themselves are very hardworking.

Xiaomei now envies the villagers who have made money, and also begins to doubt her own uselessness.

Of course, Xiaomei is different from Xiaomei, who is actually the only heir in the village. She has been inherited by her predecessors and has extraordinary abilities.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said: "Xiaomei, otherwise, I will take you to my Taoist temple tomorrow. Maybe you will find the goal of your life there."

"Really!" Xiaomei's eyes immediately lit up when she heard this.

"Really." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Okay, okay... then I will go to the Taoist temple with you tomorrow... no... go now... otherwise, I don't know where..." Xiaomei said eagerly.

This girl seems to be worried about not being able to find a place tomorrow and wants to go right away.

She also knew that the fire talisman technique she learned from Zhang Yu was a Taoist technique. After completing her studies, Xiaomei thought that she could use it to make fires in the future, which would bring a lot of convenience to her life. Only after entering the city did I realize that this idea was wrong. There is no need to light a fire for cooking in the city. Gas and induction cookers are available. If the weather is cold, there are electric heaters and air conditioners.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it. I'll have someone pick you up tomorrow. Today is the Chinese New Year and we still have to eat." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That, that's good..." Xiaomei nodded, and then said: "But you must not forget..."

"Don't worry, how could I forget. Everyone has value. I believe you can find your life goal there." Zhang Yu said with another smile.

"Yeah." Xiaomei nodded heavily.

In this way, Zhang Yu and Xiao Mei went upstairs again, returned to Uncle Cheng's house, and continued eating.

The people in the village have indeed accepted new things. Although they used to drink alcohol, they drank the lowest quality loose liquor. But now, everyone is drinking bottled liquor worth tens or even hundreds of yuan, and there is also beer.

Zhang Yu also drank some wine at Uncle Cheng's house. At the wine party, Zhang Yu told Uncle Cheng that he would ask his apprentice to pick up Xiaomei and go to the Taoist temple for a visit tomorrow. Regarding this matter, Uncle Cheng's family naturally had no problem. Zhang Yu called Zhang Qingfeng in front of Xiao Mei and asked Zhang Qingfeng to come to Masi Town to pick up Xiao Mei early tomorrow morning.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Yu said goodbye and left.

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