Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3430 A different Hua Yunong

Snow Mountain Feihu Scenic Area is an absolute off-season in winter, but in the villa area, four villas have been fully booked for a month. Naturally, the people who can come here without any problems in the winter must be Hua Yunong and his party.

Late at night, the two of them came to Hua Yunong's villa together. Of these two people, one was the female driver and the other was Lu Bai.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

Arriving at the door, the female driver pressed the doorbell. After a while, Hua Yunong's voice sounded from inside the door, "Who is it?"

"Miss, it's me and Mr. Lu." the female driver replied.

With a click, the door opened.

The person who opened the door was naturally Hua Yunong, but after Hua Yunong opened the door, he walked directly inside.

Right now, she was no longer wearing pajamas, but a pair of black tight leather pants and a black turtleneck sweater.

She strolled to the living room and sat down on the big sofa. The female driver and Lu Bai entered the door one after another, and the female driver who came in last closed the door.

The two of them walked to the big sofa together and stood opposite the coffee table. They both said respectfully, "Miss." "Miss."

Hua Yunong nodded slightly, crossed his legs and said, "Mr. Lu, have you already reported to my brother?"

"Yes." Lu Bai nodded and said.

"What did he say?" Hua Yunong asked.

"The eldest young master said that you... deliberately killed him during the day..." Lu Bai said.

"So what if he killed intentionally? This rip-off turned out to be secretly seeking refuge with my elder brother... He has no evidence to prove that I killed him intentionally. However, I was caught by someone with black gloves, and from the daytime A tracker was found on Fang's body, but it's a definite fact!" Hua Yunong said arrogantly.

She looked completely different at this moment from when she was alone and when she was with Zhang Yu. It can be said that when she is with Zhang Yu, she is like a big sister and a little woman, and she is also a little sentimental. But when she was with others, she was just cold and unruly. Never show mercy when it comes to killing.

"Miss, but I'm really wondering, how did you know that the people with black gloves would come..." Lu Bai said with some confusion.

"I don't know that the people with black gloves will come, but I have a feeling that the people with black gloves have been following us like a shadow. It may be possible this time." Hua Yu said calmly: "So, I will do a total of First, if the man with black gloves comes, he will be killed in the name of being a traitor during the day. Second, if the man with black gloves does not come, then he will be killed in the chaos. In short, he is Death is certain."

"But... Miss, it's really dangerous for you to stay up there..." Lu Bai said.

The female driver also nodded and said, "This risk is too great to be honest..."

Hua Yunong smiled faintly and said: "No one would have thought that the people with black gloves would actually show up. But it doesn't matter. They naturally know my identity and will definitely not kill me. We have already kept them here. As a backup, Mr. Su will come for reinforcements, and there will also be Zhang Yu. Therefore, even if I fall into their hands temporarily, my life will not be in danger. Of course, I don’t want to fall into the hands of Black Gloves, it’s just a bit of luck. not good……"

"So that's it." Lu Bai nodded, and then said: "Miss, you seemed to have been injured at the time. How is your injury now?"

Upon hearing this, the female driver also said with concern: "Miss, is your injury okay?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just a little skin injury." Hua Yunong smiled lightly and said, "Do you think something's wrong with me?"

"It's not like that." "It's not like that." The female driver and Lu Bai said quickly.

In fact, the two of them also knew that the person who sent Hua Yunong back was Zhang Yu. They had already seen Zhang Yu's ability. Even if Hua Yunong's injury was serious, Zhang Yu could heal him. Since Zhang Yu has left, it means that Hua Yunong should be fine.

"By the way, apart from these, what else did my elder brother say?" Hua Yunong said again.

"The eldest young master said that currently there is only one piece of "Tian Yi Mi Tu" that has not been found. The person who can find the last piece must be the biggest credit. Therefore, for the last time, he will personally ask Ying to go out and let me win over you, Miss. The people here will transfer the generals from the young lady's side to work together," Lu Bai said.

"What?" After hearing this, the female driver couldn't help but said: "This is too much."

"It's nothing. Brother specially sent Lu Bai here this time, and also roped in Tian Tianfang, which shows that he can't sit still anymore and has started to think about me." Hua Yunong said calmly: "However, apart from Mr. Shangguan, my subordinates Apart from that, there are actually no experts who he can win over as he pleases. But if he wants to win over Mr. Shangguan to work for him, it is simply a daydream."

"That's right..." The female driver nodded first, and then said in confusion: "Miss, you said that the young master can't sit still, how come he can't sit still..."

"A person who has been a prince for forty years will naturally not be able to sit still at this time." Hua Yu said with a faint smile: "The great task of restoring the country cannot be completed overnight. Now my father is old, and my eldest brother is not able to do it. No matter how young he is, he only has three daughters and no son. On the contrary, the third brother has grown up vigorously. It is human nature for the father to intend to make the third brother his heir. At this time, the eldest brother has been in England and has never made any achievements. , how can you sit still?"

Lu Bai didn't say anything, as if he had expected this. The female driver nodded, and then suddenly realized.

Hua Yunong then said to the female driver: "Have you reported what happened here to my father?"

"I've already reported it to the boss," the female driver said.

"What did father say?" Hua Yunong asked.

"The boss said that Miss was really responsible for getting the "Tianyi Mystery Picture". But the loss this time is indeed a bit big." said the female driver.

"Then you didn't say that it was just bad luck that you met the golden corpse?" Hua Yunong asked.

"I told you. The boss said there's nothing we can do about it," the female driver replied.

"What else did you say? Is there anything about Zhang Yu?" Hua Yunong asked again.

"The boss didn't mention Zhang Yu. He just said that there is only the last "Tianyi Mystery Picture" left in the world. He asked the lady to keep up your efforts and find this last one. He asked the lady to take "Tianyi Mystery Picture" with him. "Let's go back to England first. If anything happens, we'll talk about it after we get back," the female driver said.

"That's fine. I happen to be tired now. Let's make some arrangements and go back as soon as possible." Hua Yunong said.

Although she said this, she was wondering in her heart. She really couldn't understand why Zhang Yu didn't give instructions since Zhang Yu had appeared and reported it to his father.

She didn't know what would happen in the future, so she could only take "Tian Yi Mi Tu" with her and return to England for business.

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