Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3423 Point of No Return

"Miss Hua, I advise you not to do things that bring about your own destruction... Although you have found the "Tianyi Mystery Picture" here, your previous luck has long been exhausted. No matter what you do again, it will be in vain. ...You can even lose your life because of it...You are now..."

After listening to Hua Yunong's statement, Zhang Yu knew that this woman was going to cause trouble. After all, there was a subtle relationship between the two people, so Zhang Yu persuaded him with all his heart.

However, before he could finish his words, Hua Yunong interrupted him, "If it's all in vain, you don't have to worry about it! Let's go!"

After saying that, she waved her hand and walked forward.

Shangguan Di and others followed her and walked forward together. Hua Yunong passed by Zhang Yu for the first time. She didn't look back. On the contrary, when the female driver passed by Zhang Yu, she nodded slightly to Zhang Yu as a thank you for Zhang Yu's kindness to her before. The feeling of caring.

In this case, the female driver naturally did not dare to say anything.

Shangguan Di followed Zhang Yu and walked past him. Shangguan Di looked at Zhang Yu with an unspeakable expression on his face. He didn't make a sound, but it was not difficult for Zhang Yu to see that there was a hint of melancholy on Shangguan Di's face.

Yang Wenbin came next, but he stayed far away from Zhang Yu, as if he was afraid of Zhang Yu. The rest of the people arrived one after another, some with their heads raised, some with their heads lowered, and some still supporting each other. These people no longer had the momentum they had before, and were a little dejected at the moment.

After they all passed by, Zhang Yu couldn't help but shake his head. He could definitely feel that his persuasion had no effect on Hua Yunong. On this road of no return, Hua Yunong will definitely go to the end.

"Let's go... I hope we will never meet again..." Zhang Yu felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

As the footsteps of Hua Yunong and his group gradually faded away, Zhang Yu frowned deeply, "Where were Shen Qing and Yang Huanzhang taken... Logically speaking, they should still be here, it's impossible Leaving... the person who took them away was most likely the tall guy... At my speed, I rushed out as soon as the Yellow Turban Warriors were destroyed. The two of them escorted two people, even if I left If you miss the path for a while, you should be able to catch up... In fact, that means that if they are not in the cave here, they are..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu's heart couldn't help but move, "It's in the other cave inside... But there is no reason. Hua Yunong and the others have already come out. If they are really hiding in the other cave inside, they should come out to meet up... ...In other words, people should still be here..."

At that moment, Zhang Yu rushed directly into the hole in the middle. In his opinion, this hole was probably the only place where the tall man and the others could hide.

Walking along the corridor, you will reach the belly of another mountain. There are still a large number of venomous snakes in the belly of the mountain. But here, Zhang Yu did not see any traces of flames.

In this way, Zhang Yu can be sure of one thing, that is, no one has been here.

In this place, only where he, Zhang Yu, appears, the poisonous snakes dare not rise up and hurt people. If it were anyone else, even Mr. Shangguan, these poisonous snakes would dare to cause trouble.

He must have never been here before, so Zhang Yu could only turn around and return to the mountain belly again.

For a moment, Zhang Yu had no clue. After thinking for a while, he thought that he should go back to the turtle shell first and take back his magical weapon.

He entered the cave entrance on the right and followed the corridor to the familiar hillside. The fire here has gone out and all that's left is smoke. The hole in the middle led to the turtle shell, but Zhang Yu didn't get there first. With his last chance, he entered the hole on the right to search. As a result, when I got to the end, I found that it was just a dead end.

With no other choice, Zhang Yu folded out and walked into the hole in the middle.

Follow the corridor and arrive at the huge belly of the mountain. Zhang Yu could easily find the magic weapon he had shot out based on the direction he had taken with the golden corpse.

His money sword flew on the turtle shell, and finally had to go on the turtle shell again. Zhang Yu went straight to the slope. After going up, he looked for his scattered copper coins. The copper coins were blown away by the Golden Crow Totem and scattered everywhere. Zhang Yu finally found all the copper coins and put them in his sleeve.

Standing here, Zhang Yu couldn't help but sigh. The golden corpse Xiao Fudao was a figure during his lifetime, but he was willing to turn himself into a corpse cultivator in order to gain eternal life.

He shook his head and strolled towards the altar. Zhang Yu had fallen into the coffin exposed under the altar, but there was nothing in it. Even so, Zhang Yu also took out a fire charm and prepared to put the coffin in. ignite.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be a faint fire in front of him.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu couldn't help being stunned when he saw the fire, and immediately ran over quickly.

The fire was under the turtle shell slope and was very hidden. If Zhang Yu hadn't walked to the altar, he wouldn't have noticed it.

He took a few steps to the edge of the slope and looked down. It was true, there was a half circle of flames below, and two people were sitting in the flames. However, the other party's back was facing the slope, and Zhang Yu could not see their faces.

"Who are you two?" Zhang Yu asked immediately.

When the two heard Zhang Yu's voice, they seemed to be startled. They jumped up together and turned to look towards the slope.

After meeting each other, Zhang Yu immediately recognized him. One of them was Lu Bai. Although he had never seen the other one before, he was very tall and looked particularly eye-catching.

"Zhang Yu!" Lu Bai said directly.

"It's me..." Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "Why are you two here..."

"After we left, if you don't worry about it, Miss, we rushed back to check..." Lu Bai said immediately.

"Oh." Zhang Yu nodded slightly, but then he realized something was wrong, and he continued: "Come back and check, why are you hiding here... If you light a fire here, you are obviously attacked by a poisonous snake..."

There are snakes everywhere here. The two of them hid here and were worried about being attacked by poisonous snakes, so they lit a fire. The two of them thought that even if Zhang Yu came back, he would not be able to go up the slope again. They never thought that Zhang Yu would come up to look for the money sword and find the fire.

"We..." Lu Bai was embarrassed for a while, hiding here by himself, saying that he was checking the situation here, which was a bit difficult to justify.

Yue Feng didn't say anything, and he didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing the two of them like this, Zhang Yu realized that there must be a ghost inside. He then said sternly: "Why don't you tell me what purpose you two are hiding here! Otherwise, don't blame my men for being ruthless and taking your two lives!"

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