Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 340 It’s lively

"No, it just doesn't exist. If you want to build it, we'll talk about it next year. If you're in a hurry, just go to Luo's house and don't bother me." Yang Ying said loudly with a cold face.

"Hey, hey, hey..." "Little sister..." "Xiaoying..."...

Everyone in the Yang family was dumbfounded.

In a place like the countryside, if there is any disturbance, almost every household will know about it within a short time.

It is no longer a secret that Yang Ying's eldest brother and sister-in-law want to marry their sister to Fatty Luo. It is also known to the whole village that they went to the Zhang family to cause trouble.

Seeing such excitement at this moment, everyone started talking about it as a joke, "That's right, why do you want your sister to build a house? Go find the Luo family." "Fatty Luo's family is here too, hurry up and find them." "Who are you? You are still thinking of trading your sister for a house. Xiaoying is a person who lives in a big city, and she doesn't put her eyes on the bright side." "Isn't that right? Second brother and second sister-in-law of the Yang family, you were just fooling around. What, even if the Luo family gets a homestead to build a house, what will happen to you?"...

Most of the people in the village looked down upon the Luo family. Fatty Luo had always been arrogant, thinking that being a section chief would make him more awesome, and his family would help him brag every day. Unlike Zhang Yu, he is not necessarily bragging. In this comparison, Fatty Luo's family was directly outclassed.

The people's comments were so harsh that Yang Ying's eldest brother and sister-in-law wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Fatty Luo's mother was so angry that she couldn't listen anymore. She grabbed her husband and hurried home.

As soon as they saw them leaving, everyone became more energetic, "YangMeng, sister-in-law of the Yang family, the person who built your house has escaped, why don't you hurry up and chase him." "That's right, hurry up and chase him." "Yes." I wonder if you can get such a big land by selling your sister to someone else." "They also said that Inspector Zhao is going to step down, but you can't tell it at all!"...

Yang Ying's sister-in-law gritted her teeth in anger, but she was also smart. When she saw something was wrong, she quickly came to Mr. Yang and said bitterly: "Dad... look at Xiaoying... what should I do? ...She won't build us a house if we have land...The villagers are talking like this again, and our family has lost all our people...You have to speak up."

"Yes, Dad... what do you think we should do?" YangMeng also quickly ran to his father's side.

"Mom... what do you think Xiaoying's attitude is..." "Mom, you have to make the decision for us."... The second child, the third child and Yang Ying's sister all came to Yang's mother and started to encourage her. old lady.

The old lady didn't have any ideas, and she was a little confused now. She had no choice but to look at the old man.

Mr. Yang coughed heavily and cursed angrily: "You guys work all day long, and you still think you have done little to embarrass me! I used to think about selling your sister to Lao Luo's family, but now I think about selling your sister to you Why don’t you go to Fatty Luo to build a house? I think Xiaoying did the right thing! We’ll build it next year! If you want to build it this year, just go to Fatty Luo and don’t bother Xiaoying!”

Yang Ying is the youngest in the family, and the old man actually loves his daughter. Seeing his children like this, he also became angry.

Seeing what her husband said, the old lady had no choice but to say, "Listen to your father and build it next year."

The two elders said this, and the children in the family were completely at a loss. They looked at each other and saw that they had obtained the land, but now they did not build a house. This person would be in great disgrace. Most importantly, the economic losses were severe.

In fact, everyone understands that Yang Ying is angry with them, and the culprit here is the eldest brother and sister-in-law.

And the other families also understand that if they only build one villa according to the original plan, although they can also benefit, the boss's family will get the most. After all, the eldest son has always lived with the old man.

I heard that Yang Ying got a lot of land. The Zhang family can build three villas, so they should be about the same. In this way, every family can benefit. Maybe like the Zhang family, each family will have a villa. If so, it would really be a big deal.

However, Yang Ying doesn't pay or say anything, and the villa she gets will only be available next year. Who can reason with this?

Yang Ying's eldest sister finally couldn't help but jumped out. She was already married. Under normal circumstances, her husband's family would divide things and she would have nothing to do with it. At first, the sister-in-law promised her some benefits and asked her to come over to help make up the numbers and persuade the old lady.

Now that things are going very fast, I guess I won't get the benefits that my sister-in-law promised. She didn't dare to go to Yang Ying for trouble. After all, she still expected Yang Ying to benefit. At this moment, he pointed at his sister-in-law angrily and said: "Brother, sister-in-law, Xiaoying is our biological sister. What you did back then was too immoral." Come on. You are forcing Xiaoying to marry Fatty Luo. How can Fatty Luo be worthy of our Xiaoying? Now that you have discussed it with the Luo family, go ask the Luo family for a homestead. Ask Xiaoying for it. If you hadn't messed around, would Xiaoying be angry, and would the family be in trouble like this? You are hurting our whole family!"

Yang Ying's second sister-in-law saw the signs and jumped out. She faced Yang Meng and his wife and said angrily: "That's right! You two are so shameless. You even want to sell your sister. How can you treat me like this?" Brother and sister-in-law! If you want to live in a villa, go to Fatty Luo’s house and don’t bother Xiaoying! It’s just you who brought harm to us. The family used to be nice, but now they act like enemies! Why don’t you go to Zhang’s house? You two have gone too far to rob people and even persuade us to come together! If it weren't for you two, would it be difficult for Xiaoying to return home? "

Not to be outdone, Yang Ying's third sister-in-law hurriedly came over and said seriously: "Brother and sister-in-law, what you did is really unkind. Not only did you want to sell my sister, you also caused harm to our family and Zhang. The family almost fell apart. What kind of friendship is that between our father and Uncle Zhang? You guys are fooling around just for a small profit, and now you have the nerve to let Xiaoying build a house for you. You go find Fatty Luo, and don’t bother my sister. Just Fatty Luo looks like a fat pig, look at my sister, how beautiful she is, I want to eat swan meat!"

Yang Ying's second brother also said slowly: "Brother and sister-in-law, this is what your family did wrong. We didn't know anything at first, it was just you two who were fooling around. In this situation, do you two have to give the whole family a Tell me the truth."

Yang Ying's third brother nodded and said: "I agree with what the second brother said. Big brother and sister-in-law, it's too shameful for you to let the whole village see our family's joke. Who doesn't know your selfishness? We didn't want to get involved. I got it by tricking you into making trouble. You made my little sister so angry that she won't be able to survive for a long time. You two have to give us an explanation."

Boy, this trend is changing so quickly. The whole family immediately took aim at Yang Meng and his wife.

Each one of them glared at them, and looking at their intentions, they wanted to eat them alive.

Yang Meng and his wife looked embarrassed, this turn of events happened too quickly. I originally thought that only Fatty Luo could get the homestead to build a big house, but now it seems that Zhang Yu and Yang Ying are much more capable than Fatty Luo.

What's even worse is that when the younger sister is angry, the whole family helps the younger sister to speak up, making the two of them completely the target of public criticism.

The Zhang family and Gao Jianwu were all watching, and they couldn't say anything about this kind of thing. The other fellow villagers were really lively to watch.

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