Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3380 Chance Encounter

Zhang Yu moved forward along the corridor. After a while, he saw the end. Outside the cave entrance of the corridor, there seemed to be a mountain belly, but before Zhang Yu could step out, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

This smell of blood is much stronger than the smell of blood that I smelled before, and it is a bit pungent. Not to mention a master like Zhang Yu, I am afraid that ordinary people can smell it directly.

Smelling such a bloody smell, Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a breath. He had a feeling that there had been a brutal killing here. Otherwise, there would definitely be such a strong smell.

Zhang Yu pricked up his ears and listened carefully, wanting to hear if there was any movement in the heart of the mountain.

He continued to walk forward slowly, there was no sound in front of him, it was extremely quiet.

Finally, Zhang Yu walked to the entrance of the cave and drove the spiritual map into the belly of the mountain. This way, everything could be seen clearly.

Seeing the scene here, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tremble. Good guy, the belly of this mountain is really not small. There are two big black snakes in the belly of the mountain. Looking at the length and thickness of the two snakes, they are much larger than the snake that Zhang Yu killed the Viper Lord. These two snakes were cut into two or three pieces. In addition to these two large ones, there were many black snakes of normal length on the ground. These black snakes are similar to what Zhang Yu saw in the belly of the mountain before.

There were many black corpses, densely packed on the ground, at least hundreds of them.

There are not only snake corpses here, but also human corpses, but the corpses here have not been eaten. Zhang Yu walked to a corpse and looked down. The clothes on the corpse were very thick and looked similar to those worn by the female driver. On the neck of the corpse, there was a tooth mark. One look at the tooth mark revealed that it was a snake. Bite it out.

The blood on the tooth marks has solidified, and the color of the blood pressure is black.

Zhang Yu continued to look at them and saw that there were four human corpses in total, all of which had been bitten on the neck and face and died of poisoning.

There are still many pits on the ground at the center of the mountain, just like the previous ones. However, there are two big pits in the middle of the mountain.

It is not difficult to imagine that the two dead snakes here most likely emerged from these two large pits.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly thought. Although the Suzaku Palace was also dangerous, compared with the Xuanwu Palace, it seemed incomparable. It was full of murderous intent.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu quickly looked again. In addition to human corpses and snake corpses, there were many bags on the ground.

He walked to a large bag with a zipper on it. He bent down and touched it gently. The contents inside were very hard. Opening the zipper, Zhang Yu immediately saw that the bag contained nothing else, it seemed to be a cutting machine.

Zhang Yu then opened several bags on the ground one by one, which contained some equipment, diamond gears, and blasting equipment.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu could almost conclude that these portals should have been broken by these people. And these people are most likely Hua Yunong's subordinates. Zhang Yu knew that among Hua Yunong's men, there was a very good Mr. Shangguan. Judging from how many pieces the two big black snakes could be cut into, it was probably the work of this Mr. Shangguan.

Zhang Yu then observed that there were still three cave entrances on the opposite side of the mountain. He looked around and wanted to judge from the cave entrances which entrance people came from. But after observing for a while, I didn't notice it, because there were many snake corpses at the entrance of each cave.

"Which one should I go?" Zhang Yu frowned slightly and hesitated for a moment. He thought that he had just chosen the middle hole, so he might as well choose the middle one this time.

Zhang Yu stepped directly into the hole in the middle, and slowly walked forward with the help of the light from the Wudang Lingtu.

After walking for three minutes, Zhang Yu suddenly heard a woman's voice exclaiming, "Who!"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu's heart first moved, and then he realized that this voice seemed familiar.

"I'm Zhang Yu! Who are you?" Zhang Yu immediately shouted.

He can't see anyone in front of him now. The reason why the other party can see him is actually simple. After all, the cave was originally dark, and when light suddenly appeared, anyone who saw it would know that someone was coming.

"Zhang Yu! Zhang Yu..." Immediately afterwards, a woman's excited voice sounded from the front, "I am Shen Qing..."

"Shen Qing!" Zhang Yu had just heard that the woman's voice was very familiar, and now he was even more shocked when he heard her name.

He hurriedly quickened his pace and ran over, and in a blink of an eye he saw a woman wearing a cotton-padded jacket and a big fur hat, staggering towards him.

Who is this woman if she isn't Shen Qing?

Seeing Shen Qing, Zhang Yu shouted anxiously: "Shen Qing, why are you here?"

"Zhang Yu...Zhang Yu..." Shen Qing's voice was hoarse. She rushed to Zhang Yu in two steps and hugged Zhang Yu tightly. At this moment, tears burst into her eyes and she said aggrievedly: "I came with them..."

"You came with them... Didn't you say that you are very safe in the hotel..." Zhang Yu said in shock.

Zhang Yu had previously asked about the female driver, and the female driver told Zhang Yu that Shen Qing was very safe in the hotel. I didn't expect that I would meet Shen Qing here.

"I'm not in the hotel... I came with Mr. Guan, Bai Yunfei and the others..." Shen Qing said while crying.

"You came with them..." After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth. He knew in his heart that this was definitely not the female driver lying to him, it must have been Hua Yunong who told the female driver to say so. But Zhang Yu quickly calmed down and said: "Since you came with them...then, where are they..."

"We..." Shen Qing said, pointing to the direction Zhang Yu came from, still crying: "We met snakes in the mountain in front... many, many snakes... big and small... Mr. Shangguan was responsible for killing them. Snake, we just ran around...I ran into this passage with three people..."

"You and three people entered this passage... What about the other three people..." Zhang Yu asked immediately.

"After we entered the passage, we kept running forward... When we ran to the front, there was a hillside... They ran fast, and I was slow... After they entered the hillside, tragic news soon spread. The cry... As soon as I heard the sound, I didn't dare to go forward, I just ran back... However, firstly, I didn't dare to go back to the cave before, and secondly, I didn't dare to go forward anymore... I could only Stay here honestly and wait for them to come to me... I've been waiting for a long time... but I haven't seen anyone come to me..." Shen Qing said aggrievedly.

"There are still dangers ahead..." Zhang Yu frowned slightly and said, "Don't be afraid. Now that I'm here, I will definitely protect you..."

"Yeah. When I see you...I'm not afraid at all..." Shen Qing said softly.

At this moment, Zhang Yu could feel that Shen Qing was now much more at ease than before.

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