Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3373 Will-o'-the-wisp

Zhang Yu's tone was very solemn, but actually it was a bit ridiculous. It is simply impossible to learn fighting steps and cooperate with formations in a short period of time. Especially this kind of Beidou formation composed of seven people must have time to adjust. Just like Zhang Yu's disciples, they have been running in repeatedly for a long time.

Among the tall men and the group, Zhang Yu could tell that some were Taoists, some were Buddhists, some were foreigners, and some were heretics, in any case, they were all diverse. It may be easier for Taoists, after all, Dou Bu is the foundation, but for other people, it's hard to say.

However, the tall man thought what Zhang Yu said was very reasonable. He nodded in agreement and said, "Time is indeed a bit rushed, but it would be inappropriate for us to fight on our own. As you can tell, we people, Learn as much as you can and try to master it in the shortest possible time.”

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded and immediately performed fighting moves for the six people.

What Dou Bu pays attention to is body technique, direction, step frequency, and span. But these, if it were the whole teaching, could not be mastered in a day and a half. Both Ouyang Yanyan and Pan Sheng have learned Doubu, which requires long and hard practice.

Zhang Yu only explained the simplest span and direction, and only taught seven steps, with seven steps being a node, and so on. Not to mention, the tall man and the other one holding the Tai Chi sword knew how to do it directly. They both seemed to be Taoists.

Among the other five, one held a Buddhist magical weapon. After walking three or four times, he also learned how to walk. The other two holding a mess of magic weapons gradually learned it because they were Chinese. The remaining two foreigners took the longest but finally learned it.

Seeing that everyone had learned it, Zhang Yu said: "I will act as the Tianshu star, leading the battle, and walking at the front. This man..."

He pointed at the tall man and continued: "You act as the Tianquan Star and walk in the middle...this man..."

He then pointed to the one holding the Tai Chi Sword and said: "You act as the shaking light star and walk at the end..."

Zhang Yu assigned everyone one by one and decided the positions of others. After giving some more instructions, he led everyone towards the tomb.

The group of people walked along the tombs one after another towards the tall stone tablet in the middle.

He had not walked from the front in the middle before because Zhang Yudu Nan Dou Shu understood that if there was a killing situation here, the middle was the most dangerous. Any formation is generally inseparable from the gate of life and the gate of death. The middle position is basically the gate of death, so you cannot go from there.

The location Zhang Yu chose was Shengmen, which was relatively safe. His target is the stone tablet in the middle. As long as the formation eye is destroyed, everything will be solved.

When he first entered, Zhang Yu felt nothing except the howling wind and strong resentment. They relied on torches and strong flashlights to illuminate everything, and they could see everything clearly. When they were halfway there, the originally bare tomb suddenly became bright.

"Whirring whirring……"

Green flames appeared on countless graves at this moment.


"What's going on?" "It's a will-o'-the-wisp!" "Why do so many will-o'-the-wisps suddenly appear!"... Everyone immediately became nervous. Looking at the dense will-o'-the-wisps, anyone would be very scared.

The female driver and two other masked men were watching from outside the tomb. When the three of them saw so many will-o'-the-wisps, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Although they didn't enter the cemetery, the female driver felt that the hairs on her body were standing on end and her palms were covered in cold sweat.


There was a loud noise like a ghost crying, and then, countless will-o'-wisps roared towards Zhang Yu and the seven men.

"Swish, brush, brush... brush, brush, brush... brush, brush, brush..."...

Facing the will-o'-the-wisps shooting from all directions, Zhang Yu remained calm. The money sword in his hand immediately spread out and turned into 108 copper coins to protect himself.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"...

In an instant, green fireballs hit the copper coins one by one, setting off brilliant green sparks.

Although the sparks are gorgeous, they are filled with endless weirdness.

Zhang Yu was able to do it with ease, and the tall man was also able to do it. He immediately emitted strong strong winds to block the will-o'-the-wisps, and then he showed a folding fan. He swept the fan and scattered the sharp blades, destroying the will-o'-the-wisps one by one.

Compared to the two of them, the others were a little exhausted and hurriedly used magic weapons to resist the will-o'-the-wisp here. Unfortunately, there were too many will-o’-the-wisps, so densely packed that it was really hard to resist.

"Ah..." "Ah..."

Soon, a foreigner and a Taoist man walking at the end were hit by will-o'-the-wisps, making a shrill howl. The companions are willing to help, but there are too many will-o'-the-wisps, and it seems endless. They could barely guarantee that they would not be hit by the overwhelming will-o'-the-wisps, which was considered good, so how could they help their companions.

The tall man was standing at the Tianquan Star, walking in the middle. The will-o'-wisps shot at him could not hurt him. He could also use the strong wind to help take care of the two closest men, but the other people really couldn't care less. .

But he found that it was easy for Zhang Yu to deal with these will-o'-the-wisps. It can also be seen from this that Zhang Yu is extremely powerful.

The tall man immediately shouted: "Brother! What should we do now? There are too many will-o'-wisps here! If this continues, our people will not be able to survive!"

Zhang Yu's purpose was to see what these people were capable of. Now that he saw that the tall man had some strength, the others were just for nothing. It seemed like they were just scraping together feathers.

He also saw that it was useless to expect these people to break the formation. Zhang Yu immediately said: "Brother! I see it, you are responsible for taking care of them, I will rush over and take a look myself!"

"Okay! Be careful!" the tall man shouted.

There were will-o'-the-wisps shooting from all directions, but fortunately Zhang Yu was protected by the copper coin formation, so these will-o'-the-wisps couldn't hurt him at all. He quickened his pace and rushed towards the tall stone monument in the middle.

Originally, when he was here, although he only cared about himself, he also acted as a will-o'-the-wisp to the guy in second place who used the Qimen magic weapon.

As he walked away, the will-o'-the-wisps shooting from the front immediately greeted this old man. This man was already too tired to deal with it, but when more will-o'-the-wisps came, he couldn't resist and was immediately attacked.

"Ah..." With a scream, he fell to the ground in pain and kept rolling on the ground.

The tall man couldn't care about him. Currently, three of the six of them had fallen. He could only try his best to take care of the two around him so as not to lose another life.

Although Zhang Yu was calm, there were too many will-o'-the-wisps, and the 108 copper coins spinning around him began to slowly shrink. Fortunately, he finally rushed to the tall stone monument and looked up. He saw three big characters carved in red paint on it - Tomb of Heroes.

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