Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3370 One step back and one step forward

Zhang Yu walked forward along the passage. After walking for a distance, a fork in the road immediately appeared. This was a three-way intersection.

Seeing the intersection, the tall man following Zhang Yu said: "There are such roads everywhere, it is really difficult to choose."

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while, and took out the compass from his arms to seek good luck and avoid disaster. He immediately activated the compass, and the pointer on the compass started to rotate. Zhang Yu's confidence naturally came from this compass. He believed that with this compass, he should be able to find his way out.

However, the three hands just kept turning and never stopped.

At this moment, Zhang Yu frowned and also reflected that this was a formation. Although the compass for seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck was powerful, it was not effective at all times. Usually when it's in a formation, it's useless.

When the tall man saw Zhang Yu taking out his compass, he originally thought that Zhang Yu might have some good ideas. As a result, I couldn't help but feel puzzled when I saw the pointer turning continuously without stopping.

He couldn't help but said: "Brother, what do you mean by this compass..."

"It doesn't seem to work..." Zhang Yu was a little embarrassed and put the compass of seeking good luck and avoiding evil into his arms, but he also had the Four Symbols Compass on his body.

He then took out the Guizhen Four-Elephant Tray. Just one look at it made Zhang Yu feel happy.

The compass that seeks good luck and avoids evil doesn't work. The pointer representing the direction of the formation on the four-image disk of Gui Zhen rotates and specifies the hole on the right side. There are a total of five pointers on the Guizhen Four Elephant Plate, four of which represent the four elephants of the Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. The remaining one pointer is just like a normal compass pointer.

Although the current normal movement of the pointer is different from the previous movement of the four elephant pointers on the mountain, it is good news after all. Zhang Yu immediately walked towards the entrance of the cave on the right, and the female driver, tall man and others followed him. After all, everyone can't tell the direction here and can only count on Zhang Yu.

After walking into the cave entrance and walking along the corridor for a while, there was another fork in the road ahead. This time there were more intersections, five in total. The pointer on the compass pointed to the second intersection on the right, and Zhang Yu followed it and walked in.

As soon as he entered this intersection, Zhang Yu suddenly felt that the yin energy around him was stronger and stronger than before.

"Here... why is it so cold here..." The female driver followed Zhang Yu. After entering, she was obviously a little overwhelmed and her voice was trembling.

Zhang Yu directly reached out and grabbed her palm, using the Fire Thunder Technique to warm her up. The Five Thunder Zhengfa is the most yang magic, and the Yin Qi here is definitely not a problem.

The female driver immediately felt warm. She nodded towards Zhang Yu and whispered: "Thank you."

Zhang Yu didn't make a sound, and continued walking forward holding the Guizhen Four Elephants Plate in his left hand. This passage is shorter than the previous corridor. After passing the corridor, a small mountain belly appears in front, with a passage on the left and right sides of the mountain belly.

Zhang Yu stared at the compass. This time, the pointer on the compass began to move left and right, making it difficult to determine the direction for a while.

Seeing that the pointer did not point to a fixed direction, Zhang Yu hesitated and looked carefully at the mountainside. The tall man and his party used torches and strong flashlights to illuminate the place like daylight, making everything clear.

Zhang Yu stood up on the spot. The pointer on the compass still had not determined the direction, but Zhang Yu had a feeling that the Yin Qi here was much inferior to the Yin Qi in the corridor before.

Seeing Zhang Yu standing here motionless, the tall man couldn't help but ask: "Which way to go..."

"Which side..." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then turned around unconsciously and looked at the corridor from which he came. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Let's go back."

"Go back!" This time, it was a masked man on the tall man's side who couldn't help but say.

Although this man was wearing a mask, he didn't dare to see from his eyes that his eyes were blue. His speaking voice was also in blunt Mandarin.

Zhang Yu ignored him and just walked towards the way he came. The female driver followed Zhang Yu without making a sound, but a trace of doubt flashed in the tall man's eyes.

Everyone accompanying the tall man also looked at the tall man and sought his opinion. After all, we have come here, why should we go back? The tall man hesitated for a moment, nodded, and motioned for everyone to follow Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu took the female driver's hand and returned to the cave. When he returned to the cave, the surrounding Yin Qi became rich again. Zhang Yu walked back along the short corridor. After walking for a while, he turned around and turned back.

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, the tall man and the others were a little confused. The tall man also said: "Friend, what's going on with you?"

"I just gave it a try..." Zhang Yu said lightly, and continued walking forward without stopping.

The others could only follow him and walk out of the corridor again. As soon as they came out, this time the yin energy around them became no less than that in the corridor. Then with the light of the fire and the bright flashlight, everyone immediately discovered that there were no longer two passages on the left and right inside the mountain, but three. Originally there was no passage in front of us before, but this time a passage appeared inexplicably.

"What's going on..." "There were only two roads just now..." "This time... why is there an extra one this time..." "What's going on..."... The tall man and his party were all a little confused. , one by one made a surprised sound. Through their voices, Zhang Yu could tell that some of them were Chinese and some were foreign devils. The number of foreign devils should be three.

The pointer on the Guizhen four-image disk also pointed to the new passage that appeared in the middle. Zhang Yu walked straight forward and entered the passage.

As soon as he entered the passage this time, Zhang Yu could immediately feel that the Yin Qi here was even stronger, and there was even an attack of Yin Qi. In the dark wind, there was a "whining" sound mixed in, just like a ghost crying.

"The sound here..." After the female driver came in, she immediately noticed something was wrong and said cautiously.

The tall man and others showed off their dicks one after another. Among them, what was revealed was not a pistol or anything like that, but a magic weapon.

That’s right!

Some are Taoist instruments, and some are Western instruments. There are also strange magic weapons that Zhang Yu has never seen before.

As soon as he saw these people showing off their magical weapons, Zhang Yu couldn't help but murmured in his heart again, "Who are these people... Could they really be black gloves... But why do I think that some of them recognize me... …”

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu unconsciously thought of the medium-sized person he saw outside before. His intuition told him that even if he didn't know the other party, the other party should know him.

"Don't worry..." Zhang Yu still looked at the female driver and said calmly: "When this happens, it means we are on the right track..."

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