Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3365 Destruction

The female driver had been standing by the screen looking at Zhang Yu. Suddenly she heard a "crunching" sound and quickly looked behind the screen.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw that the stone wall behind the screen began to slowly rise.

"It's open! It's open!" The female driver immediately shouted excitedly.

Zhang Yu had already expected that the stone door must have been opened. When he heard the female driver's shout, he walked over quickly.

Arriving next to the female driver, Zhang Yu saw that the stone door had been completely lifted, revealing a passage.

"Let's go!" Zhang Yu said bluntly.

After saying that, he walked towards the door. The female driver raised her legs to follow, and the two of them came to the door one after the other.

Looking forward, there was darkness ahead. This scene was the same as what we encountered when we first entered the Dark City.

It didn't matter to Zhang Yu, after all, he was not surprised. He stepped out and the female driver followed.

Because of the light, the two could only walk forward slowly. According to the map, there was no danger in this passage, but after walking for a while, a crossroads would appear.

The reason why Zhang Yu walked slowly was because he didn't want to miss this intersection.

After walking out for a long distance, in the dim light, the two finally saw passages appearing on the left and right sides. Seeing the passage, the female driver immediately said: "The roads on the left and right have appeared... It should be the way to Zhuque Hall and Xuanwu Hall... Look how we are going to go now..."

"How to go..." Zhang Yu hesitated and said, "Let's go to Qinglong Palace first... The most important thing is to find your lady..."

"Yes." The female driver nodded solemnly and said solemnly: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "The reason why I came here this time is not to hunt for treasure... Let's go..."

He continued walking forward, and when they had gone almost the same distance, the two of them suddenly saw a stone wall appearing in front of them. The two walked closer and suddenly stepped on a stone under their feet.

Zhang Yu's feet were tapped, and then he lowered his head and said, "Why are there rocks here?"

The female driver also lowered her head and said, "I stepped on a pile of rocks."

It's okay if you don't lower your head. When you lower your head, you'll see that there is a hole under the stone door in front of you. The hole is about half a meter high, enough for two people to crawl through together.

It was also because it was too dark that the two of them had not seen it before.

"W-what's going on..." the female driver said in astonishment.

"Obviously, someone must have forcibly broken the stone gate." Zhang Yu bent down and picked up a stone.

Zhang Yu didn't know what kind of stone this stone was or how it was made, but he could definitely feel how hard it was. It can be said that unless modern high technology is used, it is impossible to break this stone gate.

Squatting down, you can see a little bit clearly inside. Although it was dark outside, inside the stone gate, it was splendid.

"It's broken...could that be one of ours..." the female driver said.

"It should be very possible... Let's go in and take a look..." Zhang Yu said, simply not caring about the mechanism of the stone gate. After all, there is a ready-made hole, so who would bother to open the mechanism.

Zhang Yu climbed directly under the stone door, entered inside, and stood up to take a look. Good guy, this is indeed a palace, and all the walls inside the palace are outlined with dragon-shaped patterns. Different from the previous White Tiger Palace, there are four golden lacquered stone pillars in this palace, and these four stone pillars are also carved with dragon-shaped patterns.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile, because he knew that the White Tiger Palace previously corresponded to the Dui Gua, and the Qinglong Palace at this moment obviously corresponded to the Zhen Gua. The yang number of the host side of Zhen hexagram is 4, and the yang number of the guest side is also 4, so four stone pillars are used.

There must be a formation here. Zhang Yu was confident that it would be easy to leave here.

At this moment, the female driver also got under the stone door. After looking around, she said, "This should be the Qinglong Palace."

"That's right, it's the Qinglong Palace. Come on, let's go to the front and have a look." Zhang Yu said.

He strolled forward. Except for two missing stone pillars, everything was normal. There are steps in front, and a bookcase is placed on the steps. Behind the bookcase is a large gold-lacquered chair, and behind the chair is a screen.

There is a plaque hanging on it, with three characters written on it - Qinglong Palace.

Zhang Yu estimated that the exit door should still be behind the screen. He walked quickly to the desk and walked around the screen. Just one look, Zhang Yu was shocked again.

It turned out that behind the screen, there was also a pile of rocks. Under the stone wall outlined with a dragon shape, there was a hole about half a meter high. It is not difficult to determine that someone must have forced the place open and got in.

The female driver followed Zhang Yu. After seeing this, she couldn't help but said: "It's the same here... It seems that our people really came in from here... But... But where are they..."

"I'm not sure...but now I really want to see what it's like outside..." Zhang Yu said.

"Yeah." The female driver nodded. In fact, she also wanted to know what it would be like outside.

Before Zhang Yu came to the stone gate, the rubble had obviously been cleaned and distributed on both sides of the cave entrance. Zhang Yu squatted down and climbed out of the hole.

When climbing out, Zhang Yu was able to confirm that this stone door was wide enough, almost half a meter thick. With such a thick stone door and such a material, even with modern means, it is not an easy task and takes a long time.

Climbing under the stone door, I saw darkness in front of me, and I couldn't even see my fingers. However, standing here, Zhang Yu could smell the smell of gunpowder smoke. After hesitating for a moment, he turned his palm over and a fire talisman appeared between his two fingers. He threw the fire talisman forward, and with a "pop" sound, the fire talisman ignited and fell to the front, forming a fire. At this moment, Zhang Yu could see clearly that this was just an ordinary corridor.

After entering the Dark City, both the fire charm and the flashlight lost their effectiveness. But now, the fire talisman actually works. Zhang Yu immediately had the idea in his mind that he had left the City of Darkness.

The female driver followed him and climbed out from under the stone door. Seeing the light of the fire, the female driver was obviously stunned for a moment and said, "Why can I light a fire here?"

"Because we have left the Dark City." Zhang Yu said.

"Leaved the City of Darkness..." The female driver was stunned for a moment, then became excited, "Leaved...that is to say... we have left the City of Darkness alive..."

Zhang Yu nodded, then turned around and looked at the stone door behind him.

He wanted to see what the stone door behind him looked like, and whether there were any mechanisms on it.

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