Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3353 Four Elephants Gate

"This seems the layout has changed..." Zhang Yu whispered.

"The layout has changed..." The female driver groaned, then nodded and said, "The previous hall was obviously much longer than this time when walking this way."

"Also, the wall here is actually empty..." Zhang Yu said and knocked twice more.

"That means the agency should be over here." The female driver said.

"It should be possible... Let's go and see..." Zhang Yu said.

At the moment, he knocked on the wall again and walked forward along the wall.

After walking forward for a while, Zhang Yu and the female driver saw that the wall in front of them became different. The walls Zhang Yu knocked on before were all smooth, but this time, lines appeared on the stone wall in front of him.

Zhang Yu immediately moved his steps, came to this wall, and looked carefully. Just at a glance, I saw a dragon-shaped pattern carved on the stone wall. This dragon was exquisitely carved and lifelike. There was also a copper ring in its mouth.

The female driver followed Zhang Yu and saw the wall. She said curiously: "Do you think there is something fishy about this carving..."

"I'll go over and do some research." Zhang Yu said, stepping up to the dragon-shaped stone wall.

He first tapped the stone wall gently with his hand, and a hollow sound came from the stone wall. He then stroked the stone wall, but found nothing special. The only conspicuous thing is the copper ring held in the dragon's mouth.

Zhang Yu picked up the copper ring and pulled it gently. Then he heard a "crunch". Upon hearing this sound, Zhang Yu quickly let go of the copper ring and ran back.

He jumped back to the female driver's side, and immediately saw that the dragon-shaped stone wall in front of him slowly climbed up and continued to make a "crunching" sound.

Soon, the stone wall stopped, revealing a portal. It was so dark behind this portal that it was impossible to tell what was inside.

"Here we go..." the female driver said a bit incredulously.

You know, when you opened the first portal, there were many crises, and you almost lost your life. Fortunately this time, Zhang Yu opened the stone door easily. In comparison, this is too easy.

"I can't believe how it could be so simple..." Zhang Yu also muttered.

"Then what should we do...should we go in..." The female driver looked at Zhang Yu. She had no clue now and had to rely entirely on Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then took out the compass from his arms to seek good luck and avoid disaster. He immediately activated the compass, and the pointer on the compass began to rotate.

Soon, the black pointer stopped, pointing in the direction of the portal in front of it. However, the red pointer and the white pointer continued to rotate. They rotated for a long time and showed no intention of stopping.

"How is it?" The female driver naturally didn't understand the compass. Seeing Zhang Yu staring at the compass for a long time, she finally couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "We can't go this way."

"We can't go, so where should we go..." the female driver said.

"Keep looking, let's go." Zhang Yu said.

The female driver nodded. Since Zhang Yu said he couldn't leave, he definitely couldn't leave.

Similarly, the female driver also felt that the road opened too easily, and maybe it was really a trap.

Even though I'm trapped here, I can't just run around like a headless fly.

The two of them continued to move forward along the stone wall, and after a while, they came to the end. Facing the stone wall in front of him, Zhang Yu continued to tap and move laterally along the stone wall.

The stone wall here can also make hollow sounds from behind. However, Zhang Yu was certain that this stone wall was also extremely thick and could not be broken by human power.

After walking for a while, different places appeared on the stone wall in front, which were also outlined with patterns.

Zhang Yu and the female driver immediately moved to the patterned stone wall and observed it carefully.

There was something like a turtle carved on the stone wall. Zhang Yu knew that this was the legendary Xuanwu. In Xuanwu's mouth, there was also a copper ring.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu was shocked. He immediately came to the stone wall and reached out to grab the copper ring in Xuanwu's mouth.

He had a feeling that after pulling off the copper ring, it might have the same effect as pulling off the copper ring in the dragon's mouth.

With just a slight exertion, a "crunch" sound was heard, and the stone wall outlining the Xuanwu began to rise slowly. This time, Zhang Yu didn't run back, he just let go of his hand and stood there waiting.

Sure enough, with a "crunching" sound, and without much effort, the Xuanwu stone wall rose up to two meters high, revealing a portal forward. Inside the portal, it was still dark and nothing could be seen.

"There is another passage!" The female driver couldn't help shouting when she saw the door.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, but still showed his compass to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

The pointer on the compass started to rotate, and the black pointer pointed to the portal in front of him, while the red pointer and the white pointer were still rotating rapidly and never stopped.

At this point, Zhang Yu understood that he could not leave this door. At the same time, Zhang Yu also had this thought in his mind, "Qinglong, Xuanwu... Then there must be White Tiger and Suzaku..."

He turned to look at the female driver and said, "We're not going to use this door. Come with me."

After saying that, he moved sideways to the stone wall.

The female driver is also a cautious person, so she can inevitably see some clues. She followed Zhang Yu all the way forward and soon came to the end. Seeing the stone wall in front of him, Zhang Yu continued to knock on the stone wall and walked along the stone wall.

Zhang Yu had become accustomed to the hollow sound coming from behind the stone wall, and his walking pace quickened. After a while, I saw patterns appearing on the stone wall again.

The two came to the stone wall and looked carefully. This time, the picture of a tiger was outlined on the stone wall. In the tiger's mouth, there was still a copper ring in its mouth.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile, walked to the tiger-shaped stone wall, and pulled the copper ring directly.

With a "crunch", the stone wall began to loosen, and then there was another "crunch" sound, and the stone wall kept climbing upwards.

The stone wall rose to a height of two meters and stopped, revealing a portal. Behind this portal, it was still dark.

"Three of the four elephants came out, and now only Suzaku is left..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

In his opinion, this portal is actually inaccessible. But to be cautious, Zhang Yu still activated the compass to seek good luck and avoid bad luck to see how the situation would turn out.

That's right, the black pointer is pointing to this portal again, and the red and white pointers just keep turning their heads, with no intention of stopping.

"Let's keep walking." Zhang Yu said and walked forward along the stone wall.

The female driver followed him and walked forward. After walking for a while, they came to the end of the stone wall. Zhang Yu moved laterally along the stone wall again.

Seeing this, the female driver walking beside Zhang Yu couldn't help but said: "Mr. Zhang, this should be the direction we come in."

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