Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 335 Forgot the cigarette?

Office of the Deputy Superintendent of Land and Resources Supervision.

Today, Fang Qun is high-spirited and elated.

As the first deputy director of the Land Management Supervision Bureau, although Fang Qun's status is not low, there is still Superintendent Zhao above him, so he is inevitably cautious in doing things.

In terms of power, the Deputy Superintendent and the Chief Superintendent are incomparable. The little power in their hands can be said to leak out from the fingers of Superintendent Zhao.

In previous years, when receiving gifts, it was just a small gift, mixed with tobacco, wine, sugar, tea and so on. He didn't dare to agree to some big things because he couldn't handle them.

Now that I am finally proud, heads of various departments are rushing to flatter me, for fear of falling behind others. Today there is an endless stream of people coming to the deputy director's office to give gifts and flatter me.

You know, whenever the supervisor is changed, there will definitely be changes in personnel. Although it is impossible to remove you from your post for no reason, the local supervision department is so big and has many things in charge, so naturally there are many departments. When there are many departments, it is inevitable that some will be fat and some will be thin. Who wouldn’t want to work in a fatter department? And those leading cadres in good departments do not want to be transferred, so they have to cater to them. Even if most of these people were promoted by Director Zhao, at this time, no one could care about anyone.

"Jinshui, on the other side, what were you busy with just now?" Fang Qun looked at Wang Jinshui, deputy section chief of the General Affairs Office, who was sitting on the side.

Wang Jinshui was promoted by Fang Qun and also his confidant. Of course he had little power in the office.

The Superintendent's Office was busy for an hour. In fact, not only the people on the ninth floor heard about it, but also the various departments downstairs.

"It's a waste of time." Wang Jinshui curled his lips and said, "He asked people to change the positions of the furnishings inside, and also changed the position of his own desk. It seems to be some kind of feng shui change."

"Feng Shui. Hahahaha." Fang Qun couldn't help laughing and said, "It's already at this time, and he's still thinking about Feng Shui."

"Isn't it? If this works, then he is haunted. He will only be around for three or two days, and then the room will be yours, Fang Jian." Wang Jinshui immediately flattered him, flattering him. ring.

Fang Qun smiled proudly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely let you change positions at that time. To be honest, I have a headache. If we want to become full-time employees, we can do it together."

"Thank you, Supervisor Fang, for your cultivation." Wang Jinshui said with emotion.

"Dang Dang Dang"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Wang Jinshui immediately smiled and said: "Supervisor Fang, someone must be here to make friends again."

Fang Qun smiled slightly, nodded, and then said loudly: "Please come in!"

The sound fell to the ground, the door opened, and a middle-aged man walked in from the outside.

"Supervisor Fang." The visitor greeted directly, and then said: "Section Chief Wang, you are here too."

"Lao You, why are you here? Come and sit." Fang Qun pointed to the sofa beside him.

Wang Jinshui also smiled and said hello, "Section Chief You."

Chief You is the section chief of the planning room, which is a good position in the prison. Similarly, Section Chief You is also a close confidant of Inspector Zhao.

But this has come to a head, and Section Chief You has to make plans for himself.

He came to sit next to the sofa with a smile and said flatteringly: "Supervisor Fang, isn't it almost the Chinese New Year? I would like to wish you a happy new year."

"Okay okay"

The two sides started to treat each other politely. Wang Jinshui was very sensible and knew that he couldn't pay New Year greetings empty-handed. What's the point of staying here by himself. So, he quickly said that he still had something to do and went out first.

When Section Chief You saw him going out, he took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. The cigarettes were Hongtashan, which cost ten yuan a pack, but there was a card clearly placed inside.

He handed Fang Qun a cigarette, presumably the exposed card was visible to Fang Qun, and after lighting it, he put the cigarette case on the coffee table.

This is a common gift-giving routine. When the servant leaves, leave the cigarette behind. If there is a card inside, that is filial piety.

Sure enough, after chatting for a while, Chief You said that he had something to do and left first without taking away the cigarette. Fang Qun didn't remind him. When he left the door, Fang Qun immediately picked up the cigarette and pulled out the card.

This is a China Merchants Bank card. There is also a series of numbers written in oil pen on the cigarette box, which are six 8s.

Fang Qun nodded slightly and said to himself, this guy is quite sensible.

However, no one expected that at this moment, Superintendent Zhao had returned to his office. In his office, there was also a developer Li Mingyang.

Superintendent Zhao and Li Mingyang were chatting and laughing. There were two main issues. One was to take over the Kuiming Street project immediately, and the other was Superintendent Zhao's promise.

It is obvious that whoever takes over this project will suffer the consequences. Li Mingyang did not need to repay the bank loan, but the subsidy originally given by the PCPD could not be given twice.

The amount of this subsidy is not small. This was actually the reason for this engineering gunman in the first place. Li Mingyang came to take over, and since he is suffering now, he naturally wants to take advantage in the future.

Zhao Jianchang certainly couldn't let the person who gave him help in times of trouble suffer a loss, so he had to find a way to make up for it.

After some negotiation, the two parties finally reached an agreement. Li Mingyang took over the development project of Kuiming Street on the same day. Supervisor Zhao promised Li Mingyang a project next year, and he only had to use his head to guarantee it.

Li Mingyang can also be regarded as gambling, but most businessmen are like gambling when they start out.

After the matter was confirmed, Supervisor Zhao immediately called the county office and said that he had found a company to take over the Kuiming Street project and could now move into the construction site and continue construction.

The county office didn't want the matter to get too big, and Superintendent Zhao couldn't possibly have no foundation, so this thorny issue came to an end.

After sending Li Mingyang away, Superintendent Zhao immediately called for a meeting and summoned all the deputy section chiefs and above from each room in the prison. First, he informed everyone that the Kuiming Street Development Project had been replaced and has now been taken over. The second is to warn those with ulterior motives that I will not step down to make room for others.

What is this? Normally, meetings should not be held for this kind of thing, but Superintendent Zhao held the meeting just to demonstrate.

Tell those people under my command that I am not destined to die! At the end of the meeting, he glanced at Deputy Superintendent Fang intentionally or unintentionally, then stood up and left the meeting room.

"I-I found a takeover so quickly." "Is there anyone willing to take it?" "It's not just a fool's errand. It really works." "Feng Shui is really useful." "What should I do now? ?”.

Everyone was muttering in their hearts that they all knew about Superintendent Zhao's trouble in the office today. They also all know that Inspector Zhao especially believes in Feng Shui and so on. I just didn't expect that the problem was solved immediately after all the fussing.

After leaving the conference room, those who are close to each other will inevitably have to discuss it. "Brother Chen, it seems that everything is fine with Supervisor Zhao." "It seems that everything is fine." "Then the gift you gave to Supervisor Fang was in vain." "I gave it in vain too." "What should I do?" "What else can we do? Let's prepare another one for Supervisor Zhao."

"Old Li, this is a really evil thing. Supervisor Zhao just finished his troubles and the matter was solved. What Feng Shui master did you find?" "You ask me, who should I ask? God knows what happened."

"Old Sun, are you able to survive the New Year?" "Absolutely." "I spent all the money for gifts this year on Fang Jian, how can I handle this?" "Me too. But who knew things would change so quickly? ." "You want us to go to Prison Fang and ask for it back." "This is not good."...

There was a lot of discussion in the prison, and those who didn't give many gifts to Prison Supervisor Fang just gave in. But after all, there were those who gave many.

Chief You regretted this, if he had known better, he would have persisted for a while. Thinking of the money in Kali, he gritted his teeth and simply went to Fang Qun's office again.

"Prisoner Fang, I forgot to take my cigarette when I left."

Like him, three more people followed him.

"Supervisor Fang, when I left your place just now, I seemed to have forgotten my bag."

Fang Qun was almost angry to death after hearing what they said.

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