Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3343 Wind Blade

Zhang Yu and the female driver had no other choice but to go down the steps.

The two of them went all the way down, with the female driver's strong flashlight illuminating them so they could see everything clearly. As the two of them walked down, the cold feeling before gradually disappeared. The two of them could feel that the temperature was rising. Although it didn't feel like spring, at least it wasn't that cold anymore. Generally speaking, it is about 10 degrees below zero.

After walking for a while, we finally came to the end of the steps. Looking ahead, there is a long corridor. The corridor is so long that you can't see the end at a glance. They could only keep walking forward, and after walking for about ten minutes, they finally saw the end.

There is a cave entrance in front. Before reaching the cave entrance, you can clearly see through the strong flashlight that there is a stone chamber inside. Not only that, there is another cave entrance directly opposite the cave entrance.

Zhang Yu was careful and walked in first. The female driver followed closely and came to the stone room. The two of them looked around and immediately saw that there was not only one opening on the opposite side of the stone chamber, but also two doors, one on the left and right of the stone chamber.

Seeing this, the female driver was a little confused on the spot and said: "Three holes... which one should I go to..."

"Which one to take..." Zhang Yu muttered, he didn't know which one to take. After pondering for a while, his mind moved and he took out the Guizhen Four Symbols Plate from his arms.

However, this time, except for the normal pointer for finding directions, the four pointers representing the Four Elephants, Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu were all rotating slowly. Not only that, after turning for a long time, it didn't even get fixed. This kind of rotation was also very unusual, and for a while, Zhang Yu was a little confused.

But he understood that the more this happened, the more unusual this place was. Zhang Yu collected the Guizhen Four Symbols Compass, and then took out another compass from his body. This is Zhang Yu's compass for seeking good luck and avoiding evil. There are three pointers on the compass, one black, one white, and one red.

The black pointer is a bad omen, the white pointer represents safety, and the red pointer represents accident. Zhang Yu directly activated the compass, and the pointer on the compass started to rotate, quickly fixing the direction.

The black pointer points forward, the white pointer points backward, and the red pointer points to the right.

After reading it, Zhang Yu said: "Follow me."

After saying that, he walked directly towards the hole on the right. The female driver saw Zhang Yu using a compass to guide the way. Although she didn't know where she would end up, she was always right to follow Zhang Yu. After all, the female driver herself has nothing to do.

Entering the hole on the right, Zhang Yu could see with the female driver's flashlight that there was still a long corridor inside. Zhang Yu stepped in and walked in front. As soon as he entered, he felt a cold wind blowing. This cold wind made Zhang Yu's face hurt.

Zhang Yu subconsciously took a step back and came out of the cave. The female driver wanted to follow Zhang Yu in, but she didn't expect that Zhang Yu just walked in and came out immediately. It was really weird.

"What's wrong?" the female driver asked eagerly.

"There is a wind blade inside." Zhang Yu said.

If it was an ordinary cold wind, Zhang Yu would certainly not take it seriously. It was the cold wind mixed with wind blades that made him come out immediately.

Standing at the entrance of the cave without going inside, you can't feel the cold wind blowing out at all. This feeling can only be felt when you enter inside, which surprised Zhang Yu.

"Wind Blade..." Of course the female driver didn't know what Wind Blade was, so she said in confusion: "What is Wind it so powerful..."

"It's not that powerful, but ordinary people can't afford it... It doesn't matter to me, it's mainly you... Of course, I can't leave people here and go in by myself..." Zhang Yu said, with a palm of his hand. Turn over and reveal the money sword.

With a "swipe" of the ground, the money sword spread out and turned into 108 copper coins.

Following Zhang Yu's thoughts, the money sword quickly formed a large net, surrounded the two of them, and slowly started to rotate.

The female driver was stunned when she saw this. Although she knew that Zhang Yu was powerful, she did not expect that he would be so powerful.

"It's okay now." Zhang Yu showed a confident smile on his face and walked forward.

The female driver followed Zhang Yu and walked in. This time, the cold wind blade in front was completely blocked by Zhang Yu's copper coin net, and no longer had any lethality. In fact, Zhang Yu and the female driver could hardly feel the cold wind, but the surrounding temperature was a bit low, as if they were in the mountains.

The two walked forward, and after about six or seven minutes of walking out, they suddenly saw a piece of white bones lying on the ground in front of them.

The corridor can probably accommodate three people walking side by side, so it is not very wide. As a result, the white bones in front seemed densely packed, which made people feel frightened.

"This... this..." The female driver's voice trembled when she saw the color of bones.

"Don't be afraid, it's nothing." Zhang Yu had seen big scenes after all. How could he be afraid of mere bones?

Zhang Yu continued to move forward. Seeing Zhang Yu's confidence, the female driver had the courage to follow Zhang Yu forward. Soon, the two came to the bones. They saw the light of the bones on the ground, and there were fallen weapons beside the bones. These are very neatly placed next to each skeleton. They are basically the same configuration, a steel knife and a spear.

Zhang Yu knelt down and picked up a steel knife. The steel knife had no rust, which was obviously inconsistent with the bones here. However, Zhang Yu didn't feel the slightest aura on the steel knife, it was just an ordinary steel knife.

The steel knife was obviously left behind by these skeletons, but there was no rust on it, which was simply impossible. The steel knife is not a magic weapon. There is probably only one reason why it is not rusty, and that is that the steel knife has not rusted under the influence of the wind blade.

Zhang Yu lost interest in the steel knife and threw it away, then looked at the bones on the ground. There wasn't any clothes on Bai Gu's body, it was all in pieces. These skeletons were all complete, with no signs of breakage, and no traces of fighting could be seen at the scene. Zhang Yu was vaguely certain that these people probably died normally.

There is probably only one explanation left for why he died here, and that is that he was tortured to death by the wind blade.

The female driver was also looking at these skeletons. After looking at them for a while, she couldn't help but said: "Mr. Zhang, there seems to be something wrong with these skeletons..."

"How do you say..." Zhang Yu immediately looked at the female driver.

"Look..." the female driver pointed to the nearest skeletons on the ground and said, "These skeletons are basically lying on the ground, with their feet facing forward and their heads facing back... According to this posture, they are dying. Before, they were all facing us..."

"That's right!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he said: "They were all facing us when they were alive... In other words, they most likely walked out from the inside... Then, Die under the wind blade..."

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