Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3299 Love Relationship

Phoenix Peak.

The first peak on Phoenix Mountain!

At that time, because the mountain was so steep that no one could climb it, it has always been full of mystery. Even in the beginning, when Phoenix Mountain was used as a scenic spot, tourists could only admire the peak and sigh.

It wasn't until the cable car appeared that tourists could have a glimpse of Phoenix Peak.

At this moment, Zhang Yu, Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yinling and others were standing under the Phoenix Peak, with their heads held high, looking at the peak together.

Phoenix Peak is extremely dangerous and there is no way to climb it. Of course, for experts, it is not difficult to climb Phoenix Peak. However, Zhang Yu cannot climb with Zhang Zhenren and Ling Hongzi alone. Others will also have to climb. Moreover, Zhang Yu and others are also injured. Climbing now is more or less risky.

The scenic area is closed in winter and the cable cars are also stopped. However, with only one phone call from Zhao Gang, the Confidential Investigation Bureau quickly contacted the patrol office, and then communicated with the patrol office of the scenic spot, who dispatched patrol officers to help open the cable car.

With the cable car in hand, Zhang Yu and others boarded the car together, including Leng Lingxue, Tai Wannian, Mu Siwei and others. The cable car slowly went up along the cable. After a few minutes, it reached the top of the mountain.

Opening the door of the cable car, everyone got off the car one after another. The top of the mountain was not that big, so if you looked around, you could get a general view.

There is a small square on the top of the mountain. There is a big tree in the small square. There are many red wishing bags hanging on the branches of the big tree. Not far in front of the big tree, there is a tall stone. Not to mention, this stone has a somewhat human appearance, as if it is a tall man looking into the distance.

Of course, Zhang Yu was not the only one who saw this, everyone else also saw it. The little girl Zhang Yinling jumped up first and said excitedly: "This is the Wanghai Stone and the Marriage Stone! Come on, go over and have a look!"

After saying this, she ran towards the big rock.

Seeing his daughter like this, Zhang Zhenren couldn't help but frown secretly. He originally wanted his daughter to have a good experience, but the result was great. After so many experiences, his daughter turned out to be innocent and like a little girl.

Zhang Yingling was the first to run to the big stone. She circled the big stone twice and shouted excitedly: "Don't say it! You really look like a person..."

Zhang Yu, Zhang Zhenren, Leng Lingxue and others walked to the Marriage Stone together. They came to the front of the Marriage Stone and looked at it.

The height of this marriage stone is about two and a half meters, and it is well-proportioned as a whole, just like a person, which is just a little different from a carefully carved portrait.

Especially on this person's face, the faint facial features can be seen. Zhang Yu observed carefully and unconsciously, suddenly had a feeling. This man seemed to be full of melancholy, as if he had endless emotions, as if he was missing someone, or he was homesick for his hometown.

At this time, Leng Lingxue, who had been following Zhang Yu, said: "This stone statue is really weird. It really looks like a person. He seems to have a lot of thoughts, and he seems to be missing a woman, and he seems to be Missing my's's really weird..."

Wu Nannan also said: "I feel the same way, and I can even feel that this man seems to be alive now, he is stalwart, and handsome... It really... really gives people an indescribable sense of tallness... ...It makes people look up to him... Even looking at his stone statue will make people fall in love with him... He, what kind of person is he..."

"Is it as exaggerated as you say... I, why didn't I see it..." The little girl looked at the stone statue, then at Wu Nannan and Leng Lingxue, and couldn't help muttering.

"This does seem like a living person..." Zhang Yu said solemnly: "I also feel like them... I even suspect now that this person is probably Zhang Yihang, a senior of your Tianshi Mansion..."

"What..." Zhang Yingling said in shock: "How is this possible... Even if, even if there really is this senior... He has already ascended after so many years... How can it be possible to turn into a stone..."

"Normally speaking, this is indeed the case... However, this big stone really has a living feeling... Standing here, I can even be affected by an emotion..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

Wu Nannan also nodded and said: "I can also feel his emotional fluctuations. It's really real..."

"There is indeed such a feeling..." Leng Lingxue said, turning around unconsciously and looking into the distance in the direction the stone statue was looking. In her mouth, she said subconsciously: "I also have a feeling that the direction he is looking at should be the direction of his hometown..."

"The direction of his hometown..." Zhang Yinling muttered and couldn't help but turn around and follow Leng Lingxue's gaze.

Other people also turned around and looked into the distance.

Wu Nannan muttered: "This stone is called the Sea Viewing Stone, seems like there is no sea..."

"There is indeed no sea in the direction he is looking at." Master Zhang suddenly said seriously.

"Dad, where is he looking?" Zhang Yingling looked at his father.

"The direction he is looking at is Longhu Mountain!" Zhang Zhenren said seriously.

"Longhu Mountain...our family..." Zhang Yingling said in shock.

"Tianshi Mansion..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but said, "Did I really hit the mark...this stone really Senior Zhang Yihang..."

"He..." Master Zhang turned around and looked at the stone statue again, "Why is it like this... Could it be that Senior really stayed here alone back then... But... what would make him do this... He is The acting headmaster of the Tianshi Mansion...the future Heavenly Master of the Tianshi Mansion...this, this is a supreme honor..."


I have to blame Zhang Zhenren for sighing, the Tianshi, the headmaster of Tianshi Mansion, is definitely a being respected by thousands of people. It can be said that all the Celestial Masters in the past dynasties will be canonized by the imperial court, which represents supreme glory.

According to the records in the Tianshi Mansion's classics, Zhang Yihang became the acting headmaster in his thirties and was in charge of all affairs of Longhu Mountain. At such an age, with such an identity, his future achievements are absolutely limitless.

Ling Hongzi also turned around, looked up at the face of the stone statue, and couldn't help but sigh, "Love! It should be a word for love! Otherwise, some people always say that there are many difficulties to overcome in life, and only love is the most uncomfortable. …”

"Qing Guan!" After hearing Ling Hongzi's words, Zhang Yingling turned around. She looked at the stone statue, and then glanced at Zhang Yu unconsciously.

Zhang Yu didn't notice Zhang Yingling's gaze, but he turned around and looked up at the stone statue. He couldn't help but said in his heart: "Qingguan... Qingguan..."

For a moment, Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said in his heart: "So many emotional debts... I don't know... how I will face them in the future... Sigh..."

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