Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3297 The second exploration of the cliff tomb

Zhang Yu was also very curious about how Wu Nannan met Zhu Jiuzhen and how Wu Nannan became Zhu Jiuzhen's accomplice.

"Alas..." Wu Nannan sighed and said, "Actually, when I was killing people, it wasn't that smooth. When I was dealing with He Zhenhua, I almost made a mistake."

"Missed?" Zhang Yu said in confusion: "Why did you miss again? What does this have to do with Zhu Jiuzhen?"

"On the third day of my date with He Zhenhua, because we had made an appointment the day before, he picked me up from work at the small hotel where I was temporarily staying. I originally planned to go to dinner, but he proposed to go to Thousand Beers of Wine to watch a drinking competition. Although I have been Hongdu also knew about Qianbeishao, but had never been there before, so he went with him. When he saw someone fighting for wine on the stage, he proposed to drink less with me. In fact, I also understood that he was doing it on purpose. I wanted to get me drunk, so I simply agreed. But after two sips of wine, I suddenly felt a burning pain on my face. I didn't dare to drink anymore, so I asked to go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, my face hurt even more. When I looked in the mirror, I was almost scared to death. Not only did the skin on my face turn red, it even started to fester a little bit, and it even continued to fester. Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel scared. Someone happened to enter the bathroom. , I quickly covered my face and ran away quickly. I didn’t dare to go back to He Zhenhua’s table. There were so many people in the hotel lobby. I panicked and ran towards a place with few people, and even ran to a private room... I saw a private room with the door open and the lights dark, so I ran in and closed the door. There was a bathroom in the private room, so I simply ran to the bathroom again, wondering what to do... I was really good Nervous, so scared... I never thought that before I could think of a solution, the door to the private room was pushed open and the lights in the room were turned on... It turned out that someone came in to eat, and I didn't dare to make a sound. I kept my mouth shut, for fear of being discovered... However, not long after the diners sat down, the bathroom door was suddenly opened by someone. It was a fat white man with a bald head. As soon as he saw me, he asked me how I was. He had the courage to ask who sent me here... I lowered my head and didn't dare to say anything. He simply grabbed my hair... I immediately became anxious and reached out to grab him, but his He moved faster, grabbed my wrist directly, and saw my face clearly... When he saw me, he was also startled, kicked me to the ground, and asked me who I was. ...I didn't say anything at first and didn't dare to say anything at all. He lifted me up and grabbed my neck. His hands were so strong that I couldn't breathe... I begged hard, but he He still wouldn't let go and said that if I didn't tell the truth, he would strangle me to death. I had no choice but to tell the truth... After hearing this, he was very curious and asked me to show it, because the face of the woman in the mirror was already rotten. Come on, I haven't killed He Zhenhua yet, how can I show him the human skin... The fat man helped me think of a way, and asked me to send a message to He Zhenhua, saying that he had to leave in advance... He Zhenhua naturally asked me what was going on, and chatted While we were chatting, He Zhenhua said that I left without saying goodbye, which made him very hurt... So I followed the trend and asked He Zhenhua how to make up for it. He Zhenhua asked me to go to his house to sit in the evening... The fat man asked me to agree, and even deliberately asked He Zhenhua's home address... ... He Zhenhua would probably be scared to death if he saw me like this through the door mirror. Even going all the way to He Zhenhua's house would be a hassle... The fat man told me that he would help me, and asked me not to leave, and taught me how to drive. The technology of the window and the four suction cups it gave me allowed me to easily climb the wall and go anywhere... With the help of the fat man, I asked He Zhenhua to prepare hot water in the bathroom, saying that I wanted to take a bath, and then climbed out of the window. He went in, drowned He Zhenhua in the bathroom bathtub, and peeled off his skin... The fat man saw that I was really capable, so he took me in, and even helped me every time I killed someone..."

"So that's it. No wonder he suddenly appeared that day when we were just waiting for him..." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Then the fact that you pretended to be Mu Huayi to kill people must have been ordered by Zhu Jiuzhen..."

"Yes." Wu Nannan nodded and said, "But this time, he specifically told me not to peel off the skin of the deceased..."

"Why is that?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I also asked him, and he said that if I peel off the skin of the deceased and then commit the crime, then Mu Huayi will obviously be unjustly accused. Only if the skin of the deceased is not peeled off, Mu Huayi will not be able to explain. So. , I just followed what he said and just drowned the guy." Wu Nannan said.

"This move is really damaging..." Zhang Yu said angrily.

At this moment, someone ran to the car door and gently knocked on the window.

Zhao Gang took a look and then went over to open the car door himself.

Standing at the door of the car was a team member from the Confidential Investigation Bureau. The team member said: "Team leader, we have searched the two villas thoroughly and used various equipment to break eight more traps. And it was discovered that the basements of the two villas were connected, but no one was found. During the operation, twelve people were injured by the agency, four of them were seriously injured and eight were slightly injured..."

This injury rate is already considered very low. You must know how powerful the mechanism designed by Zhu Jiuzhen is. If it were not for the most advanced technology of the Confidential Investigation Agency, it would be impossible to break it open by force, and naturally more people would die. Of course, through this, Zhang Yu also discovered a problem, that is, in the face of high technology, the art of mechanism is still not enough.

Zhao Gang said: "Notice down, and the target person will be wanted immediately. The injured people will be sent to the hospital immediately. You will conduct a second search and seal this place. I still have something to do here. I need to go somewhere else. There is Whatever the matter, feel free to call. The target person is injured. If he is seen during the secondary search, try to arrest him. If the arrest fails, kill him..."

"Yes!" The team member agreed immediately.

Zhao Gang gave another warning, then asked a driver to drive, gathered the climbing equipment, and headed for Phoenix Mountain.

There was no talking all the way, and the car came directly to Fenghuang Mountain.

Because the Confidential Investigation Bureau had communicated with the patrol officers of the scenic spot through the patrol chief room, the patrol officers of the scenic spot patrol room naturally let him go directly without asking any questions.

It does not mean that anyone can climb the mountain from below with the help of magic weapons like Zhang Yu. It is necessary to use ropes. They climbed to the back of the hump, where Wu Nannan fell, fixed the rope on top, and sent the person down bit by bit.

Although these people are quite capable, it stands to reason that they can all climb down the rope. But in the previous battle, everyone was injured, and it would be absolutely difficult to climb down by yourself. They were in such a hurry, so that was all they could do.

Zhang Yu was the first to be lowered by the rope. He was familiar with this place. When he went down, he had to determine the detailed location of the platform and then adjust the rope to avoid trouble for those who came down later.

In this way, six people, Zhang Yu, Zhang Zhenren, Wu Nannan, Ling Hongzi, Zhao Gang, and Zhang Yinling, came to the platform one after another, passed through the illusion array, and entered the cliff tomb. The main reason why Zhang Yinling could be brought along was because the little girl wanted to go. Master Zhang also wanted his daughter to see it, so he agreed to let her go with him.

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