"I'm not the real murderer..." Wu Nannan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I killed everyone, how can you say... I'm not the real murderer..."

"The reason why you kill people, I believe, is because the painted skin is causing trouble. The law is to punish the murderer, but it is always the real murderer who needs to be punished! Therefore, only when the painted skin is solved can the real murderer be solved. It cannot be said that it is simply killing. You, the case is closed!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Painted skin..." Wu Nannan hesitated and said, "I...then I...believe you...but, I hope you won't lie to me...after I tell you, you can really let me live an ordinary life." …”

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Don't worry, since I promised you, I will definitely do it!"

After saying this, Zhang Yu flipped his palms, and the Yuxu rope tied to Wu Nannan's legs fell directly into his palms.

Zhang Yu looked down at Wu Nannan on the ground and said, "Get up and talk."

Wu Nannan slowly stood up from the ground. She faced Zhang Yu, thought about it, and said: "The thing is like this... I went to Phoenix Mountain for a trip that day. Because of He Zhenhua's incident, I was always in a bad mood. I was always a little bit I was in a daze. When I passed the hump, my eyes looked down unconsciously. It was also because it was too high, which made me even more confused. I accidentally fell down. I screamed at that time, and I was completely stunned. , I don’t know where I fell, and I lost consciousness... When I woke up, I found myself lying on a platform with cliffs below. I was so scared, so scared, I didn’t even dare to stand up... ...Actually, I couldn't stand up because I felt so much pain in my body. It seemed like there was no pain anywhere in my body... I shrank toward the inside of the platform and accidentally slipped into a dark place. It was so dark there. It made me even more scared... I waited for a long time before I remembered to use my mobile phone for lighting. I found that this place turned out to be a cave. In the cave, there was a box... except for the box, there was nothing else... I again I was scared, but also curious. I really wanted to see what was in the box, but I didn't dare... I thought about it for a long time, thinking that it was already like this anyway, and that I might not be able to see anything in the box anyway. It was death, people were going to die, there was nothing to be afraid of... So I plucked up the courage and wanted to stand up, but my legs hurt so much that I couldn't stand up at all, so I could only crawl towards the box... and came to the box. In front of me, I discovered that there was a talisman stuck on the box... Seeing this, I was even more puzzled. It reminded me of many scenes in TV dramas, which made me dare not move... Right here After a while, the talisman actually lit on fire by itself...I was completely frightened..."

Wu Nannan spoke slowly. Although her face was only flesh and blood and her expression could not be seen, it was not difficult to see the fear in her eyes. From this, Zhang Yu could also see that Wu Nannan was obviously frightened by the scene at that time.

After a while, Wu Nannan continued: "I sat there and looked at it for a long time, and I really didn't know what to do... I didn't want to open the box, I was scared and confused... I thought for a long time, and I felt I should open it... Why I feel so, even I can't figure it out... I slowly opened the box, and found that there was only one bronze mirror in the box, which is the bronze mirror you are holding now... At this point, I became even more puzzled. I couldn't figure out why there was only a bronze mirror in this box... Then I thought about it, this mirror must be some kind of antique, and it might be worth a lot of money... Otherwise If it were, it would be impossible to put it here... Similarly, I also felt that this mirror might be dangerous, but I am already like this, what danger is there for me to be afraid of... I picked up the mirror, maybe out of habit, I subconsciously looked in the mirror to see what I looked like..."

When she said this, her body started to tremble, as if she was thinking of something terrible.

Of course, Zhang Yu could vaguely guess what happened through Leng Lingxue's incident.

"When I looked in the mirror, I saw that I had no face in the mirror and was covered in blood. It was very scary... very scary..." Wu Nannan said with fear.

She pointed at her own face, then at Leng Lingxue's face, and said tremblingly: "This is what it looks like... This is what it looks like... I was so frightened that I screamed and threw away the mirror in my hand... I couldn't believe that I would become like this, so I quickly touched my face with my hands... and I found that what I touched was not skin, but flesh... and it was all blood... I was so scared. , I was so scared... I used my phone to look at myself again, I really had no shame... Wuwuwuwu..."

Wu Nannan started to cry, she cried very sadly. Yes, any woman would find it difficult to accept this kind of thing.

She cried for a while and then said intermittently: "Just when I was so scared that I didn't know what to do, I suddenly heard a woman's voice. She said... let me pick up the mirror, don't be afraid... Her voice seemed to have magic power. Maybe it was because I was at a loss and could only listen to her... I found the mirror, but I didn't dare to look at myself in the mirror again... The woman's voice sounded again. Get up, she asked me to look in the mirror, and told me not to be afraid... With her encouragement, I finally picked up the mirror and put it in front of myself... But this time, the person who appeared in the mirror was no longer me, nor was I afraid. Then there is the shameless me, but a very beautiful woman... This woman is so beautiful, it is the first time I have seen such a beautiful woman..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yu knew that Wu Nannan had reached the key point.

The conversation between the two could be clearly heard by Master Zhang and Ling Hongzi who were lying on the ground not far away. These two people came over in unison and stood next to Wu Nannan. Wu Nannan was too serious about what she said and didn't even notice.

The members of the Confidential Investigation Bureau have been busy. Some went to untie Mu Siwei and Tai Wannian and helped them sit down to rest; others ran outside, climbed up the rope, and mobilized helpers. Come down and help. After all, someone was injured and needed medical attention as soon as possible.

After Zhao Gang rested for a while, he recovered again and slowly got up from the ground. When a team member saw him getting up, he quickly came over to help him. Zhao Gang saw that Zhang Yu seemed to be talking about something, so he asked his men to help him walk over.

For a time, Wu Nannan was surrounded by people.

Wu Nannan was completely unaware and continued: "I looked at the woman in the mirror in shock and fear. That woman could actually open her mouth to speak... She asked me if I had ever met a heartless man or been hurt by a man. ...I honestly told her that I did... and then she said, it was my chance and my honor to meet her..."

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