Zhang Yu is now in a bit of a dilemma. Although he has found the mechanism, he is a little afraid to strike directly to avoid triggering the killing move.

He stared at the stone wall in front of him, pondered for a while, and finally an idea came to his mind.

This is because before this, I came into contact with the same mechanism twice in succession. Every time I hit it down, the problem occurs. He estimated the distance, roughly when he knocked down twice.

So he knocked again, and this time, there was no problem, just a "crunching" sound.

Next, Zhang Yu vacated the lower position, crossed this position, and tapped lightly. While tapping, Zhang Yu also said in his heart: "Don't worry!"


This time, the sound came out from the stone wall again.

Hearing this sound, Zhang Yu felt relieved, and he knocked down again, "Crunch... crunch... crunch..."

Along with the crunching sound, other sounds finally sounded.

This voice was right next to Zhang Yu. Hearing the unusual sound, Zhang Yu stepped back.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the stone gates in the two gaps on the side began to slowly rise upwards.

In an instant, Zhang Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, but he still held the money sword in his palm to prevent anything unusual from happening.

As the stone door was pulled up, a room was revealed inside. There was dim candlelight in the room, and even though I stood outside and looked inside, I couldn't see too clearly.

Zhang Yu had the intention to go in directly, but he hesitated. After looking at it for a few seconds, Zhang Yu walked under the cave on the roof and reached out to pull the rope.

This time, Zhang Yu pulled five times in a row, which was a signal that he needed to respond and made a discovery.

Then, he walked to the door and stood outside, staring at the situation inside. There was no sound inside, and Zhang Yu didn't see anyone.

After about three minutes, there was the sound of falling footsteps nearby, "Bang, bang, bang..."

Zhang Yu only needed to use the corner of his eye to see that the first person to jump down was Ling Hongzi, followed by the four members of the Special Branch, and then Zhao Gang.

Ling Hongzi, who was the first to jump down, asked directly: "What did you find?"

Zhang Yu pointed to the room in front of him and said: "I opened the secret passage here, but I haven't gone in yet. But it gives me a feeling that there is no one inside."

"No one..." Ling Hongzi came to Zhang Yu's side and looked inside. Looking at the dim candlelight inside, there was really nothing else to discover.

Zhao Gang also came over with his people. Although he didn't bring many people, it was still a wise move. After all, the top was more important and he couldn't lose his way back.

Zhang Yu saw them coming and said, "You guys wait outside, I'll go in and take a look first."

"Okay, be careful in everything." Ling Hongzi warned.

"Don't worry." Zhang Yu said and stepped inside.

Once inside, everything can be seen clearly by the dim candlelight.

This is a huge basement, much larger than the one where Zhang Yu and the others are.

He looked around, and the only thing he found was that strange fragrance. From this, Zhang Yu was able to determine one more issue, that is, Wu Nannan also stayed here.

Zhang Yu took out the eight-character fortune-telling chart from his pocket. The pointer only fluctuated twice before settling on the opposite direction.

This direction also happened to be the direction Zhang Yu pointed just now in the small basement outside.

"It seems like it's still here... This place is really quite big..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart as he walked over.

He walked straight to the opposite wall and looked at it carefully. In a moment, he could see that there were also two straight gaps in this wall. The distance between the gaps is almost one and a half meters, so it seems to be another portal.

Zhang Yu secretly said in his heart that there are really many agencies under this villa.

I have been to ancient tombs before and encountered some mechanisms, but those mechanisms are really nothing compared to the ones here.

The important thing is that those institutions are all left over from ancient times, and the ones in front of us are obviously arranged by modern people.

Zhang Yu had always thought that ancient institutions were very powerful. He just discovered today that it didn't seem to be the case at all. The minds of modern people are actually better than those of ancient times. If they master the art of mechanisms and use modern technology, they can create even more powerful mechanisms.

After observing for a moment, Zhang Yu began to search the wall again. He tapped the stone wall gently with his hand. He could hear that there was a hollow sound next to the stone door, and behind it, there was another cave.

"Creak, creak..." Just when Zhang Yu hit a location, a sound like this suddenly appeared in the stone wall.

"Huh?" Upon hearing this voice, Zhang Yu immediately stopped tapping.

This sound is a little weird, because when I hit the mechanism before, only one "crunch" sound came out every time I hit it, but this time there were two at once.

"How come there are two in a row..." After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Yu knew that he had to knock again to determine the location of the mechanism.

He tapped up and down, left and right, and when he tapped down, he heard the "crunch" sound again. But this time, there was only one sound.

"This time it's a sound..." Zhang Yu immediately stopped and took a deep breath.

His gaze stopped at the location nodes below, because things like mechanisms generally have proportions. I still remember the previous tapping, which was to tap three times in a row, then clear a position, and then tap again. I rely on this to open the mechanism.

The mechanism in front of you will beep twice first, then once, and the combination will be three times. So this time, should I leave the lower part empty, or should I just knock it.

This was a difficult multiple-choice question, because Zhang Yu knew that if he chose wrongly, he would most likely use his killer moves, and he might even be trapped here to death.

"Two...one..." Sweat broke out on Zhang Yu's forehead. He was really nervous.

Unconsciously, he reached into his pocket, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one for himself, and took two deep puffs.

Zhao Gang, Ling Hongzi and others were watching from outside. Seeing Zhang Yu busy in front of the wall, he guessed that he was looking for a trap.

It's great now. It's really puzzling to suddenly stop and start smoking.

One team member couldn't help but whisper: "Why did he suddenly smoke?"

"I guess he encountered some difficulties... Let's wait for now..." Zhao Gang said slowly.

Zhang Yu quickly smoked most of his cigarette. At this moment, his eyes lit up, "I understand... I can break the mechanism and come here, that means I have mastered opening the mechanism." trick, so this time, he played a trick... The one below must be fine..."

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and knocked on the wall.

"Crunch, crunch!" This time, there were two more sounds from the wall.

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