Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3266 There is a hole under the bed

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Let me take a look at that door again."

After saying that, he walked towards the door between the two gaps.

Before coming to the portal, he had just knocked on the wall on the right side of the gap to induce the mechanism. So this time, he came to the left side and reached out to touch and tap on the wall.

The sound on the stone wall here is the same as the one on the right. It can be heard that the back should also be empty. I just searched here for a long time and couldn't find the location of the mechanism.

"There is no mechanism..." Zhang Yu frowned slightly, and he could only look to the right.

He still remembered that when he tapped on the right side, the sound made by the stone wall seemed to trigger the door opening mechanism, but it was only when a javelin shot out of the wall first that he was forced to give up.

So, Zhang Yu walked to the right side of the gap again, and he found the mechanism again. But Zhang Yu did not dare to strike immediately. After all, something went wrong when he struck before, and he was also worried that there would be any danger after this strike.

Zhang Yu looked around and saw that all the javelins had been fired, so there should be no further danger. And right now, apart from this agency, there seems to be nothing else.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu said: "You all should be careful, I will continue to try this mechanism."

"Okay." "Okay."... Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yinling and others all agreed, and they were all ready to lie down on the ground at any time.

Zhang Yu once again raised his hand to knock on the mechanism he had knocked before, and then he heard the "crunching" sound again.

Hearing this sound, Zhang Yu felt happy, and he continued to tap.

"Crunch... crunch..."

Along with this sound, the stone wall in front of him slowly rose up.

"The door is open!" As soon as the little girl saw this scene, she immediately became excited again.

Zhang Zhenren, Ling Hongzi and others couldn't help but feel moved on their faces. As long as they could open the door, they could have hope.

The stone door rises higher and higher, revealing the room behind it.

This is a small room, about fifteen square meters. In it, there is a single bed with a bedding on it.

However, the bedding was not neat and tidy, as if someone had slept there before. Without walking in, Zhang Yu could smell a faint fragrance. That's right, this fragrance was exactly that familiar fragrance.

"This is it!" After confirming the scent, Zhang Yu felt happy and rushed in.

Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yinling and others also followed in. After all, everyone could tell that someone had slept in this small bed just now.

Ling Hongzi rushed to the bed, reached out and touched the mattress on the bed, and then said: "It's warm up there, which shows that the person hasn't been away for a long time."

"That means there must be some mechanism inside." Zhang Zhenren said.

"There must be." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"Since we have found this place, it means we are on the right track." The little girl looked at Zhang Yu and said, "It's up to you. Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we still have to dig out the person!"

"Don't worry!" Zhang Yu nodded lightly and then looked around.

There was nothing else in the room except the bed. After scanning around, Zhang Yu set his sights on the bed again.

In fact, it's not just him. Everyone else's eyes are now focused on the bed. The little girl even squatted down to look under the bed. As soon as she took a look, she shouted, "There is a hole down there."

Zhang Yu and others squatted down and looked down. Sure enough, there was a hole in the bed against the wall. The hole was not too big, and it seemed like it could accommodate one person.

"Move the bed." Zhang Zhenren said.

At that moment, Zhang Yu and Zhang Yinling stood up and moved the bed to one side together.

They went to take a look again, and because of the close distance, they could see clearly this time. The hole in the wall was a hole sloping downhill. They couldn't see clearly how long it was.

Zhang Yu said: "We should have been exposed by now. It is obviously impossible to attack by surprise. Since this is the case, it is better to use our swords and guns openly."

This is absolutely correct. From the situation on the bed and the fragrance in the room, it is absolutely certain that Wu Nannan was sleeping here before this. Because the noise she made when the mechanism was touched had already alerted her, so she ran away.

"With clear swords and clear guns, what are you going to do?" Master Zhang looked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu immediately took out a fire talisman and said, "Throw it in first to explore the way."

In the past, he did not dare to use the fire talisman easily. He only used the fire talisman for lighting when he was sure that no one was around. But now, there is absolutely no chance of a sneak attack, so there is no need to think about that aspect anymore.

Master Zhang naturally understood what Zhang Yu meant, nodded and said, "Yes, it's exposed anyway, so let's do it openly."

Seeing Master Zhang's approval, Zhang Yu was not polite. With a "pop" sound, the fire talisman held between his two fingers was ignited, and he threw it into the cave.

As soon as the fireball entered, it instantly illuminated the situation in the cave. At first, the cave was on a downward slope, but then it turned a corner, and the fireball also followed this turn, and no light could be seen. Not only that, Zhang Yu and the others could also see that the slope inside was very steep, just like a slide. Also, the slope is shiny and looks like a steel plate.

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and touched it. It was indeed made of steel plate, and the tentacles were particularly slippery, as if they were coated with a film of oil.

"What a guy, you actually created such a secret passage..." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

Master Zhang also frowned slightly. He looked at Zhang Yu and said: "This secret passage is not covered up at all. It seems to be exposed to us on purpose, just to let us go down. Where the secret passage leads to, I really can't tell. It makes people a little worried..."

Ling Hongzi also nodded and said: "If this road is dead and very deep, you may not be able to come up at all after going down. Also, at the moment you go down, if there is an ambush below, you will definitely be attacked. So, We have to think twice."

"It makes sense." Zhang Yu nodded seriously and said, "This road does seem to be left to us intentionally by the other party... In this way, I will take another look to see if there are any other passages..."

"Yes." Master Zhang nodded slightly.

At that moment, Zhang Yu started searching the room.

The floor in this room was solid. Zhang Yu checked it carefully several times and was sure that there was absolutely no space below. He checked the surrounding walls again and found that the walls were all solid and made of steel plates. It could be said that they were tight and solid.

There is only one hole that can allow people to escape, and nothing else.

After a detailed inspection, Zhang Yu said helplessly: "Two Taoist brothers, there is nothing else found here. It seems that this is the only way to go."

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