Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3264 Steel Plate

Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yinling and others stepped back, leaving Zhang Yu alone in front of the wall.

Since there is a door and the back is empty, it means there must be a mechanism here.

Zhang Yu is already very knowledgeable about secret passages in government agencies. It can be said that as long as there is a door, he has a way to open it. Zhang Yu first checked the five-meter-wide stone door in front of him. After checking for a while, he found no mechanism. In other words, the mechanism is not on the door. This is normal, there are very few mechanisms on the door. Zhang Yu came to the right side of the gap again. He touched and tapped gently.

"Bang bang bang..."

Following the knocking sound, Zhang Yu was able to confirm that the wall here was empty, just like the portals in the gaps on both sides. But it's a little thicker than the door.

After knocking and knocking, a different sound finally came out from one place, "When..."

"Huh?" Hearing the sound, Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then put his ear to the wall and started tapping gently again.

"Dang...dang..." Zhang Yu knocked twice first, and the sound in the wall was like the sound of metal colliding. When he continued to knock, the sound was different. This time it turned into a "crunch". Crunching" sound.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu felt happy. He was almost sure that the trap was here. As long as you knock a few more times, you should be able to open the mechanism.

Zhang Yu continued to tap, "crunch... crunch... click..."

After three consecutive knocks, the sound of the third knock suddenly changed, especially the "click" sound, which also had an echo. And it was not just the sound coming from the wall in front of me, it sounded like the sound coming from the left and right sides of the basement. There was such a sound from both sides.

Zhang Yu immediately turned around and looked, which shocked him. It turned out that the wall on the right side was no longer a flat wall, but had holes exposed. Zhang Yu quickly shouted: "Get down quickly!"

At the same time as he shouted, the walls on the left and right sides made a sound of "咻咻咻咻".

A series of javelins fell from both sides like raindrops. Zhang Yu hurriedly held his head and lay on the ground. Even if he had a divine talisman on his body, he might not be able to withstand so many javelins.

The other people were just staring at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu suddenly turned his head, and they also turned to look. When they heard Zhang Yu's cry, those who reacted quickly hurriedly got down, while those who reacted slowly also hurriedly squatted on the ground.

"Ah..." "Ouch..." "Ah..." "Ah..."...The messy cries of pain rang out. It was because the speed of the javelin was too fast. The only ones who could fall to the ground in time were Ling Hongzi and There are two little girls, Zhang Yinling. Because Zhang Zhenren missed his daughter, he was a second late and was hit by no less than seven javelins. Leng Lingxue, Tai Wannian, and Mu Siwei all squatted on the ground, and each of them received four or five javelins.

At the same time as the cry of pain, two more sudden sounds sounded, first a "boom" and then another "clang".

The rain of javelins leaves just as quickly as it comes. As soon as there was a pause, Zhang Yu jumped up from the ground and shouted: "Is everything okay?"

When Zhang Yu turned around, he was immediately startled. It turned out that the stairs they had just descended had collapsed at this moment. The "boom" sound must have been the sound of the stairs collapsing.

Everyone is either lying on the ground or lying on the ground now. The little girl raised her head and said timidly: "I'm fine..."

"I'm fine too." Ling Hongzi got up from the ground.

The other people were different, their faces were full of pain.

"Ouch..." "Uh..."...

"Dad, how are you?" The little girl's first concern was her father. After she got up, she immediately went to look for Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang was lying on the ground, gritting his teeth in pain. When he heard his daughter's voice, he said, "It's nothing, just a slight skin injury... I have a divine talisman to protect my body, and I am invulnerable..."

Zhang Yu didn't go to check the stairs immediately. He ran over and took a look at Master Zhang first. Not to mention, there was indeed no blood on Master Zhang's body, but there were two holes in his clothes and trousers. He followed and rushed to Leng Lingxue's side. Leng Lingxue also had a look of pain on her face, but because her face had no skin and was just flesh and blood, the way she grimaced in pain looked particularly terrifying.

Fortunately, like Zhang Zhenren, she only had two holes in her clothes and there was no bleeding. It was probably just pain and not life-threatening.

Zhang Yu went to see Tai Wannian and Mu Siwei again. The two brothers were in the same situation. There were holes in their clothes, but there was no blood. They were grinning in pain.

There was no danger to his life. Zhang Yu was relieved. He looked around and saw that the holes on the walls on both sides were still there, densely packed and terrifying. The ground was full of javelins, and it was not difficult to predict that if Master Zhang hadn't distracted everyone in advance and cast talismans, several people would have died on the spot.

Zhang Yu followed and walked towards the collapsed stairs. The entire steps made of cement and bricks were scattered on the ground. Looking further up, the location where I came down before has been sealed.

Naturally, other people also discovered this. Ling Hongzi immediately ran to Zhang Yu's side, looked up, and said, "The road above is blocked? What happened?"

"This seems to be a very powerful mechanism..." The little girl Zhang Yinling also ran over. When she saw that the intersection she came from was gone, she couldn't help but worry.

The basement is about three meters long from the ground to the roof. Zhang Yu smiled lightly and said, "It's not a big deal!"

After saying this, he turned his palm over, and five-color runes appeared on his palm. He then raised his hand and hit it towards the lower position.



There were two loud noises, the first one was the roar of the Five Thunder Palms, and the second one was the sound of the rune seal hitting the roof of the shed.

The runes were printed as if they were struck on a steel plate, and the sound was so loud.

Looking at the roof of the shed, cement residue was falling continuously. Only then did Zhang Yu and the others realize that the cement brick wall here was clearly a steel plate.

"This..." "How could it be like this..." Ling Hongzi and Zhang Yinling were both a little confused.

Not only the two of them, Zhang Yu was also a little dumbfounded.

The Five Thunder Palm is indeed amazingly powerful, but it is not so mysterious that it can penetrate a steel plate. Especially listening to the sound, the steel plate seems to be particularly thick.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth, and then five-color runes appeared on his palm. This time, he shot diagonally above his head.


The colorless rune seal immediately hit the roof of the shed, followed by another "clang" sound.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." A series of cement slag fell again, and the steel plate was still exposed at the location hit by the Five Thunder Palms.

"Why are they all steel plates... This... Isn't it impossible to get out..." Zhang Yinling became even more nervous this time.

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