Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3240 Growing up

Wu Nannan's house is about 90 square meters, with two bedrooms and two living rooms.

Wu's mother invited Zhang Yu and the others to sit in the living room. When Wu's father in the kitchen heard that the patrol was coming, he quickly turned off the fire and came over to greet them.

Seeing the patrol officers coming with fruits, Wu's father was also very puzzled. He was busy pouring water for Zhang Yu and others, and said: "Several arrest officers, I wonder why you came here this time?"

"We are here to find out something about Wu Nannan." Tai Wannian said.

"My you have any news about her...have you found her..." Wu's mother said eagerly as soon as she heard this.

Ever since Zhang Yu sat down, he had been waiting to see Mother Wu's face. It was true that Wu's mother looked a little haggard, but she didn't look that tired.

Wang Ying said before that Wu's mother suffered from depression. Usually, depressed people can see it in their eyes. But Mother Wu's eyes didn't look like depression, they weren't so dull.

"I haven't found it yet..." Zhang Yu said.

As he spoke, he looked around again and found that the house was very neat and tidy, and it didn't look like what Wang Ying said it would be like. It couldn't be better.

Zhang Yu believed that Wang Ying would not lie. Could it be said that Wu Nannan's parents had recovered from their grief?

"Not yet..." After hearing this, Mother Wu's face showed a depressed look, and she murmured: "Actually, it's been so long...I'm afraid the person is dead...but...even if he can't be found, It would be nice for people... to be able to see the corpse..."

Her tears followed.

Father Wu poured water for them and then sat down next to his wife. His face also looked a little haggard.

"Please rest assured, our patrol will definitely do our best to find the person." Zhang Yu immediately said seriously.

Then, he added, "Uncle, aunt, did someone come to your house just now..."

"How do you know?" Wu's father said in confusion.

"I also heard from Wang Ying that you two have been in a very low mood. Now that the house is so clean, someone must have helped clean it up. We are patrol officers, and sometimes we are sensitive." Zhang Yu said with a laugh.

As soon as these words came out, Tai Wannian and Leng Lingxue looked around unconsciously. They also found that the home was indeed clean and tidy.

Not only the two of them, but also Wang Ying looked around unconsciously. She nodded, but said nothing, obviously recognizing Zhang Yu's words.

"It's like this. Last week, Nan Nan's elementary school classmate Tang Min came to my house. She said she heard what was going on at home, so she came to take a look. Seeing that the house was a bit messy, she helped clean it up. In the past few days , she would come to help clean basically every other day. This afternoon, at around two o'clock, she came again..." Wu's father said truthfully.

"What did I say...I heard Wang Ying say before that my aunt was a little depressed because of her daughter's incident...Looking at her complexion now, she is obviously much better..." Zhang Yu said this deliberately.

"Alas..." Wu's mother sighed and said with a bit of sobs: "Nan Nan has a hard life too... Isn't this Tang Min here? She is Nan Nan's childhood friend and best friend... She has been here every time. She enlightened me every time and even recognized me as her godmother... When I heard her voice calling me mom, I felt that it was so familiar... Under her guidance, my mood... also improved a lot..."

"It is indeed a good thing to have such a person to enlighten you... By the way, has Tang Min often visited your house before?" Zhang Yu said again deliberately.

"Before..." Mother Wu shook her head and said, "I have never been here before...I don't remember much about Nan Nan having such a good friend...It's just that after Nan Nan's accident, she heard about it last week , just rushed over..."

"Being able to come here every other day must mean that I have a deep relationship with Wu Nannan. I don't know if I am busy with work..." Zhang Yu said insinuatingly.

"She has settled abroad and only found out through friends... She said she would come back to deal with some things and come to see us... She will return to the United States after a while... She also wants to take us two with her. The United States is here to relax... This child is really good..." Wu's mother said with great emotion.

It can be seen that Wu's mother's mood has indeed improved. She probably has a kind of sustenance. Of course, she still misses her daughter.

However, Zhang Yu did not think that this so-called Tang Min was really Tang Min.

In Zhang Yu's mind, he can basically conclude that the so-called "Tang Min" is probably the real Wu Nannan.

It seemed that his previous guess was not wrong.

Now that we have clues, everything is much easier. Next, Zhang Yu told Wu Nannan's parents the news of He Zhenhua's death, and they started chatting casually, making it seem like they were trying to find out whether Wu Nannan's parents had hired someone to kill He Zhenhua.

Of course, Wu's father did not pretend to be confused, and answered very straightforwardly, saying that even though he heard about He Zhenhua and his daughter, although he hated He Zhenhua in his heart, he and his wife were law-abiding people after all.

After chatting for a while, Zhang Yu already knew it in his mind, so he didn’t go into details. After another polite exchange, Zhang Yu looked at Tai Wannian and said he could leave. Tai Wannian immediately said goodbye, and the three of them left Wu Nannan's house with Wang Ying.

Zhang Yu proposed to send Wang Ying home first. Wang Ying said that if nothing happened, he would not bother the police and he would take a ride and leave. Zhang Yu didn't stop them, the three of them got into the car, and Tai Wannian drove away from the community.

As soon as the car left the community, Tai Wannian said directly: "Brother, did you find something?"

"If my guess is correct, that Tang Min should be the person we are looking for." Zhang Yu said bluntly.

"You mean...Tang Min is the murderer!" Tai Wannian's spirit was lifted.

"That's right!" Zhang Yu said confidently.

"How are you sure?" Leng Lingxue asked puzzledly: "You have never seen this Tang Min..."

"Although I didn't see Tang Min, I still smelled the fragrance in his home." Zhang Yu said seriously.

" said you smelled the fragrance at Wu Nannan's house..." Leng Lingxue said excitedly.

"It's absolutely true!" Zhang Yu said confidently: "Wu Nannan's mother also said that Tang Min is Wu Nannan's elementary school classmate. Now she runs to their house every other day to help clean up and undress the elderly. She even recognized Wu Nannan’s mother as her godmother. Think about it... Even if she is really young, how could she be so caring... Moreover, she still settled in the United States, would she come all the way back just for this... …Furthermore, just by settling abroad, you can basically erase all your information in the country… You don’t have to say anything, you don’t have to worry about being seen through, it’s so simple…”

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