Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3232 Painted Skin

Seeing Leng Lingxue mention this problem again, Zhang Yu knew that he could not hide it from her, so he nodded and said: "I was at the murder scene. Although I smelled a smell of blood, I also smelled a strange fragrance. This fragrance... ...It's very light...but it doesn't smell like's hard to I asked you and Sanmei if you smelled it, but neither of you smelled it..."

Leng Lingxue nodded, and then said: "Then why did you ask this again when you were in the car? Is there that smell in the car too?"

"It's like this. When I was in the cliff tomb, I also smelled the smell, and the smell was stronger at that time." Zhang Yu said truthfully: "So I suspect that the murderer must have entered the cliff tomb. Combined with Wu Nannan After falling down the mountain from the back of a hump, and seeing no one alive or dead, I thought that Wu Nannan did not die after falling onto the platform, and then entered the cliff tomb. The coffin was buried in the soil at that time, but there was a box on it. But when I opened the box, it was already empty."

"That being said, it is really possible... It's just that I didn't smell the fragrance you mentioned... Since you have come out of the cliff tomb, why can you still smell that fragrance when you are in the car? Well..." Leng Lingxue said with a frown.

"I doubt it... maybe the fragrance is on the clothes..." Zhang Yu said.

"That's it..." Leng Lingxue hesitated for a moment, then said, "Then you have to wash your clothes quickly."

"Why?" Zhang Yu asked puzzledly.

"You have already said that this scent was present at the crime scene, so it is obvious that the murderer most likely also has this scent. If you meet the murderer by chance, even if you smell this scent, you have to think that it belongs to you. Could it be that he missed the murderer?" Leng Lingxue said seriously.

"Yes..." Zhang Yu suddenly understood and said, "It seems that the clothes need to be washed immediately..."

"The hotel should have a laundry service. You can call the guest room and ask them to collect the clothes." Leng Lingxue said.

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded in agreement.

He then walked to the bedside, picked up the landline phone, found the guest room number, and dialed it.

The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Yu told the room service staff to come and pick up the clothes.

After a while, he took out all his magic weapons and emptied the contents of his coat and pants. As soon as the waiter arrived, he handed all the clothes to the waiter.

After the waiter left, Zhang Yu could still smell the fragrance. He shook his head and said, "This fragrance is really strong. You can still smell it now. I guess it won't dissipate in the room for a while." "

"Then it won't be smelly again..." Leng Lingxue said with a frown.

"It shouldn't be... the fragrance in the room is very light, just like the fragrance smelled at the murder scene..." Zhang Yu said: "After I left the bathroom, I couldn't smell the fragrance..."

"That's not bad..." Leng Lingxue nodded and said, "Besides the fragrance, did you find anything else..."

"Others..." Zhang Yu thought of the skin he peeled off from the skeleton, and he wondered whether he should tell Leng Lingxue about this.

Seeing his hesitation, Leng Lingxue immediately said: "There must be other discoveries, please tell me quickly!"

"Okay, okay... I said, I said..." Zhang Yu could only nod his head and said: "The skeleton of the woman I saw at that time was all bones. Only her face was not rotten. She was as beautiful as a fairy... …Later I discovered that it was actually a human skin mask…”

At that moment, Zhang Yu told the truth about his discovery of the human skin mask, and finally added: "My analysis is this. The reason why the murderer wanted to peel off the skin from the human back was actually to make a human." Leather mask... There should be some explanation in this... Maybe it will be some kind of cultivation method..."

"The method of cultivation... peeling off human skin to make a human skin mask..." Leng Lingxue muttered, with a look of horror on her face. After a moment, she suddenly shouted, "Then... isn't that Painted skin!”

"Painted Skin!" Zhang Yu had not seen the movie Mianpi and asked curiously: "What is Painted Skin?"

"I also saw it from the movie... It was about a scholar named Wang Sheng who met a beautiful woman on the road. Seeing that the beautiful woman was sad, he asked the beautiful woman what was wrong. The beautiful woman told him that her family wanted to marry her off. She was unwilling to be given as a concubine to a rich family, so she ran away. Now she didn't know what to do. Wang Sheng saw that the beauty was beautiful, so he took her back to his study and kept her in his study, so they lived together. Because of this beautiful woman, Wang Sheng not only became indifferent to his wife, but even thought of divorcing her. Unexpectedly, one day, Wang Sheng went to the street and met a Taoist priest. The Taoist priest said that he would die soon and asked him to take care of himself. .Wang Sheng didn’t believe it at all. After returning to the study, he saw that the courtyard door was locked, so he climbed over the wall and entered. When he came to the study, the study door was also locked. He unconsciously thought of the old Taoist words and pierced the window paper. , to see what was going on in the study. It turned out that a faceless woman was drawing on a piece of human skin. This frightened Wang Sheng, and he hurried to find the old Taoist. The old Taoist said that the painted skin was also a miserable person, and he couldn't bear to hurt it. She saved her life, so she gave Wang Sheng a whisk and asked him to hang it on the door, and everything would be fine. Wang Sheng did not dare to go to the study again. After returning to his home, he hung the whisk on the door. I didn't want Hua Pi to see Wang Sheng for a few days. When he couldn't reach the study, he came to look for it, and saw a whisk at the door of Wang Sheng's bedroom. Hua Pi was injured by the whisk, and Hua Pi cursed Wang Sheng for being ruthless and ruthless. He desperately knocked down the whisk, rushed into the room, and dug out Wang Sheng's heart. I ate..." Leng Lingxue said slowly.

After hearing this story, Zhang Yu couldn't help but arouse curiosity, and he continued: "What happens after that..."

"Although Wang Sheng was not good to his wife since he had Hua Pi, he quickly went to the Taoist priest for help when he saw that Wang Sheng was dead. As soon as the old Taoist heard that Hua Pi destroyed the whisk and killed Wang Sheng, he immediately became furious and went to look for Hua Pi. The painting skin died in the hands of the old Taoist. Wang Sheng's wife was still grieving her husband's death and hoped that the old Taoist could save her husband. The old Taoist told her that she did not have the ability. There was a crazy beggar on the street. If a beggar has this ability, you can go Beg him. However, the beggar will definitely humiliate you in every possible way. If you listen to him and do what he says, your husband can survive. If not, there is nothing you can do. Wang Sheng’s wife went to the beggar according to the old saying, As expected, the beggar insulted her in every possible way, and even spit a mouthful of phlegm for her to eat. The woman endured nausea and swallowed the phlegm. When she raised her head, the beggar was no longer there. Wang Sheng's wife looked for the beggar everywhere, and never saw him again. She couldn't find it. When she got home, her husband was still lying on the ground, not alive. She hugged her husband's body and cried loudly. Unexpectedly, she felt nauseated and spit out a heart from her mouth. The heart went directly into Wang Sheng's stomach. Here, Wang Sheng came back to life..." Leng Lingxue said.

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