Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3211 Investigation

"Actually, it's not easy to know where a person is. You only need to know the phone number. Using patrol methods, you can basically locate the person through the phone number. Doesn't Tang Xing have that person's phone number? I I believe that based on the friendship between Mr. Zhang and Song Feng, it is estimated that the location of the other party can be determined within an hour." Leng Lingxue said directly.

"Yes..." Zhang Yu looked at Tang Xing and said, "Give me that person's phone number."

"Okay." Tang Xing nodded immediately, then took out his cell phone and pulled out a number from the phone book.

He marked the number with the word "Important" and below it was a phone number.

Zhang Yu immediately recorded it, then took out his cell phone and dialed Song Feng's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Song Feng's voice rang, "Hello, brother Zhang?"

"It's me, brother... I have something that I want to trouble you with..." Zhang Yu said.

"What's the matter?" Song Feng asked.

"I want to find someone, but I only have this person's phone number." Zhang Yu said.

"As long as you have a phone number," Song Feng said.

"Then I'm sorry, brother...his phone number is..." At that moment, he gave him the phone number Tang Xing gave him.

Song Feng recorded it and said, "Just wait for my news. It shouldn't take long."

"Okay." Zhang Yu said.

Hongdu Confidential Investigation Bureau.

In a conference room on the fourth floor, there were more than a dozen people sitting at the moment. The two people sitting at the front of the conference table were Tan Song, the deputy director of the local Confidential Investigation Bureau, and Zhao Gang, the leader of the fifth team of the Special Branch of the Zhenhai Confidential Investigation Bureau. Most of them were brought by Zhao Gang, and they were all the best. People like Yang Jiecheng and others came here.

There are only four people from the local area.

In front of the conference table, there is a projector. At this moment, there is a middle-aged man from the local Confidential Investigation Bureau. This man's name is Gao Pei, who is the head of the research section. He was holding a very thin pointer and talking.

A picture has appeared on the projector. This picture is a photo of a man dead in a bathtub.

"This is a murder that happened last night. The deceased's name was Zhao Qiangdong, the owner of an online store and a small clothing factory. He died in his home last night, and his back was skinned. His death was similar to several previous murders. Exactly the same. According to the patrol and our autopsy report, the deceased was first held down on his head, drowned in the water, and then skinned. The time of death was probably around 12 o'clock in the morning. Regardless of the time or the method of killing, it was also consistent with The previous murder cases are exactly the same." Gao Pei said loudly.

Everyone sitting at the conference table nodded, and then the picture on the projection changed and was replaced by a mobile phone photo.

Gao Pei continued: "According to the patrol's understanding, the deceased used a sleep-enhancing mobile phone. This mobile phone has disappeared and was not found at the crime scene. This is the same as in previous cases. The patrol has contacted The operating company tracked the deceased's mobile phone, but could not find the exact location of the mobile phone through the number. The patrol also learned about Zhao Qiangdong's call records and WeChat chat records. There were not many abnormalities in the call records, but in the WeChat chat , and found many dates and ambiguous chats between the deceased and women. The patrol found six women who had sex with the deceased, and were able to rule out the possibility of murder for these six people. However, there was a woman named "Tianxin" on the Internet. , but could not be found. Through the chat records between her and Zhao Qiangdong, our patrol found that the deceased had three dates with this woman. The first time was to eat and watch a movie; the second time was when the deceased went shopping with the woman, and then went on another date. Where, it’s not in the chat history; the third time was when Zhao Qiangdong invited ‘Tianxin’ to his home. That was last night.”

After he finished speaking, Zhao Gang, who was sitting in front of the conference table, said, "Have you heard anything from Section Chief Gao?"

There was silence in the conference room for a moment, and then Yang Jiecheng said: "Through the analysis of the chat records of the deceased Zhao Qiangdong, as well as the previous chat records between the deceased and female netizens, I think there is a commonality here. The suspected female netizen had a certain A large number of WeChat IDs, each using a different one, and then the person was found. Secondly, after the suspected female netizen dated the deceased, she did not directly kill someone the first time, but had to go on two dates first. Most of the time they meet for dinner or a movie. The second time they go shopping or play somewhere. Only the third time do they get a room with the deceased. Sometimes they go to a hotel, sometimes they go to the deceased’s home. In fact, when a woman wants to date a man, It’s easy. If the murderer wanted to book a room with a man and kill him on the first date, he could do it. However, the murderer didn’t do that, and there is a big problem here.”

After hearing these words, everyone sitting here nodded. Immediately afterwards, a local staff member said: "Yes, we have studied this before and believe that this is probably a psychological problem of the murderer. The murderer may not want to kill someone for the first time when they meet, and seems to deliberately want to enjoy it. In this process of dating a man, after two dates, he will not be killed until the exact day he sleeps with him."

Everyone nodded again, and the man in his mid-twenties sitting on Zhao Gang's side said: "However, it is through this that we can almost confirm one issue, that is, Mu Huayi should not be a perverted murderer. First According to the police's WeChat chat records of the deceased, the suspect "Ru Mu Qiufeng" dated the deceased for the first time. To be precise, the two met through people nearby on the day of the deceased's death. This is not It is not in line with the committing style of a perverted murderer. Second, the deceased was not skinned on the spot, but was just drowned. Third, even though Mu Huayi was arrested, a murder still occurred. Fourth, through WeChat comparison, we can confirm that Mu Huayi was arrested. Huayi's personal mobile phone did not have any communication with the deceased. This has also become a doubt, that is, whether Mu Huayi knew the deceased. You know, Mu Huayi was not only interrogated by the patrol in the patrol room, but also After being interrogated by us and under the fatigue offensive, Mu Huayi never admitted the murder. It gave me a feeling that Mu Huayi was not the real culprit who killed the deceased."

"Guo Xin, I agree with what you said." Zhao Gang said seriously: "Through the WeChat chat records and Mu Huayi's reaction during the trial, if it were not for the surveillance video as evidence, I would think that Mu Huayi Not the murderer. However, one thing is very suspicious, that is, there is true energy in Mu Huayi's Dantian, and she can't tell where the true energy comes from. At present, the most we can rule out is Mu Hua There is a possibility that Yi is not a perverted murderer. Regarding the murder case in Shuiyu City, we cannot say for sure. Of course, if it is confirmed that she is not a perverted murderer, then who the real culprit is is a matter of patrolling, and we can ignore it. "

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