"What are you talking about?" Mu Siwei looked at Zhang Yu in confusion.

"I have said before that since the other party intends to plot against your family, there must be prerequisites. That person can impersonate Mu Huayi and kill people. The first thing is that you must live in the guest room of Shuiyou City. If you go home, people How could that person pretend to be Mu Huayi and kill people when they are all at home?" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"This..." Zhang Yu had only told Mu Siwei before that Lu Mei was not around. When Lu Mei heard Zhang Yu say this, she was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Why haven't I heard of it..."

"I just told Uncle Mu yesterday, and I already gave the person to be suspicious of. This person is Tang Xing!" Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"Tang Xing...what do you doubt about him..." Lu Mei said in confusion.

"The reason is very simple..." Zhang Yu said seriously: "Tang Xing first said that his aunt was sick and wanted to leave Shuiyu City. As soon as he left, he drove the car away. Of course, if he said at that time, If he doesn’t come back in the evening, then you might take the car and leave after playing without waiting for him. You might even go directly to the hospital to visit Tang Xing’s aunt. However, according to Uncle Mu, Tang Xing refused again and again. You didn't tell you that you were going to the hospital, but he repeatedly said that he would come back to pick you up. Until night, he said that the car broke down and booked a room for you without your permission. Isn't this questionable? ? In your words, Tang Xing has always been honest. Would such an honest person book a room for you in Shuiyou City without your permission? He made the reservation and paid the money. You have to live in Shuiyu City...you think, isn't it like this..."

"This..."...Lu Mei and Mu Siwei looked at Tang Xing in unison, their eyes full of doubts.

Although last time, when Zhang Yu talked to Mu Siwei, Mu Siwei showed that he had no doubts about Tang Xing. But this time, Zhang Yu made a detailed analysis, especially the last two sentences, "Tang Xing has always been honest. Such an honest person will kill him first and then show it to you in Shuiyu City without your permission." Do you want to book a room? He booked a room and paid the money, so you have to stay in Aquacity."

Seeing his master and his wife looking at him, Tang Xing was obviously startled. He quickly explained: "Master, my wife... I really didn't lie this time... How could I harm my junior sister... I booked a room privately , I don’t want you to be too tired..."

Zhang Yu saw the doubts of Mu Siwei and his wife, and he said while the iron was hot: "Uncle, aunt, I think at this moment, you two can think about whether Tang Xing has ever, without your permission, He just did something without permission. Even if it must be done, does he have to ask for your opinion before doing it?"

"This..." Mu Siwei hesitated for a while, and then said after a moment: "No matter what Tang Xing does, he will always tell me in advance. Indeed, he has never said anything or done it in advance without asking for my opinion. time. This time should be the first time."

Lu Mei also nodded and said: "This time... it seems to be the first time... In the past, no matter what he did, he would first seek our husband's opinion..."

"Master, Mistress... Don't you believe me... I was just with my girlfriend at the time... and I was worried that you would come back late at night, and I was too tired, so I just got mad and booked a room without authorization... I, I didn't expect... something like that would happen at night..." Tang Xing said in a panic.

"Tang Xing, let me ask you, how much does a guest room in Shuiyu City cost per night?" Zhang Yu looked at Tang Xing and asked in a deep voice.

"Now...it's off-season in Water City now...I found a friend again and gave me an internal price...very cheap..." Tang Xing stammered.

"It's very cheap...how much is it? There must be a price..." Zhang Yu continued.

"One room...388 per night..." Tang Xing said.

This time, Mu Siwei nodded and said, "I asked the room attendant and the price is 388 per night."

"388 is no problem. Is this the internal price or the normal price?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"It's a normal price," Mu Siwei said.

When checking in, Mu Siwei had to ask about the price of the guest room and give the money to his apprentice when he returned.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "The normal price is 388 per night. Tang Xing, tell me what the internal price you got...which friend you got it from...let's check it out. …”

"I...I..." Tang Xing hesitated and couldn't say anything for a long time.

"What? I can't tell..." Zhang Yu laughed and said: "The guest room is 388 per night, and there are still four rooms. If I told your master before, your master would definitely not agree to live there! I think this, you It must be very clear, so you made the decision first and booked a room for your master. But you were worried that once your master knew the price of the room and refused to live in it, you deliberately said that you found a friend to get the internal price..."

At this point, Zhang Yu raised his hand, pointed at Tang Xing and continued: "And you don't know who your friends are and what the internal price is! Because these words are basically the person who instigated you. , I asked you to say that!”

Zhang Yu's words simply spoke to the psychology of Mu Siwei and his wife. A room costs 388 a night, or four rooms. This couple has always been relatively good at living, so how could they spend so much money? Zhang Yu could completely see this from the clothes of Mu Siwei's family of three. Water City is not particularly far from home, the drive is only about an hour, and this is in a van. If you switch to a car, the speed will be even faster.

"No... no... no one has commanded me... master... you have to believe me... I, I... how could I harm junior sister... Don't listen to his nonsense..." Tang Xing was already panicking When I spoke, I stuttered and my voice was a little trembling.

Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said: "I'm talking nonsense. At this time, it's very obvious who is talking nonsense. Looking at your nervous look, you have actually betrayed yourself. You have to know that many times , a person needs to use many lies to cover up a lie. The more lies, the easier it is to be exposed."

Seeing Tang Xing's panic, Lu Mei said gently: "Tang Xing, you never lie, you are very honest. Therefore, once you lie, it is easy to show it. My husband and I are not kind to you. , I have always treated you as my own son...you, you...why would you do such a thing..."

As she spoke, Lu Mei's tears flowed down unconsciously.

"Tang Xing... when Mr. Zhang said this yesterday, I didn't believe it at all... you have always been honest and sincere... why... why could you do such a thing..." Mu Siwei also shed tears, and his voice was extremely painful. .

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