Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3205 The secret in the wine

Lu Mei knew the least. She was confused when she heard Zhang Yu and Mu Siwei's words. Lu Mei looked at her husband again, waiting for his explanation.

Mu Siwei nodded and said bitterly: "It was the same person who called me. He told me that the formula I gave him was fake. Then he said that Xiaoyi was locked up in the detention room and suffered. He said that today If you don't give him the real formula, then just wait until Xiaoyi is sentenced to death..."

"He told you...the formula is fake..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment and said, "How did he know..."

"I don't know either... He insisted as soon as he came up that the formula was fake... I said it was true, but he didn't believe it at all..." Mu Siwei said helplessly.

"This..." Zhang Yu became even more puzzled.

But Leng Lingxue said: "I think he is deceiving you."

"Fool me..." Mu Siwei said doubtfully.

"Who can judge the authenticity of the formula in such a short period of time. So in my opinion, the best way is to insist that this formula is fake and then threaten you. Once you feel guilty, It’s easy to expose the truth and admit it’s fake.” Leng Lingxue said.

As a lawyer, Leng Lingxue actually used this method to bluff the other party when fighting a lawsuit. Therefore, in her opinion, the other party should not be able to tell that the formula is fake, and they just want to deceive Mu Siwei so that they can distinguish the authenticity of the formula.

"It turns turns out to be like this...Then I was fooled..." Mu Siwei lowered his head.

"It doesn't matter whether you are fooled or not...Uncle Mu, I really want to know why this brewing recipe makes the other party so deliberate and even pull off such a trick..." Zhang Yu said with emotion. said.

"I don't know either..." Mu Siwei shook his head feebly, and then broke out into a violent cough, "Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

It was already winter. Not only did I get angry because of my daughter's affairs, I drank so much wine last night, and I was frightened again in the morning, no one else would be able to survive.

"Uncle Mu, are you okay..." Zhang Yu quickly sat on the bed, reached out and grabbed Mu Siwei's wrist and checked his pulse.

The moment his fingers felt Mu Siwei's pulse, Zhang Yu was stunned. It turned out that Zhang Yu discovered that there was true energy in Mu Siwei's dantian.

Mu Siwei's Qi was not very strong, but it was not weak either, and was even much stronger than Zhang Yu's when he first arrived in Zhenhai.

This discovery is really surprising.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu suddenly thought of another thing. He still remembered that he once checked Mu Huayi's pulse. At that time, he also discovered that there was true energy in Mu Huayi's Dantian. However, Mu Huayi's true energy is much weaker, but it is a miracle that an ordinary person can develop true energy.

Especially Mu Siwei, it is even more unbelievable that an ordinary person can have such energy.

Looking at Mu Siwei's pulse, it was indeed a slight cold due to internal heat and poor rest, but this was just a minor problem. Even if he didn't take medicine, it wouldn't take long for him to get better on his own. What's more, Mu Siwei still has such true energy.

Zhang Yu asked a little puzzled: "Uncle Mu, do you still meditate and practice Qi?"

"Huh?" Mu Siwei was stunned for a moment and said a little puzzled: "What... meditate and practice Qi..."

"You don't know..." Zhang Yu said suspiciously.

"I don't understand what you said..." Mu Siwei looked a little confused after what Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu could tell by observing his words and expressions that Mu Siwei really didn't know what he meant and was not pretending at all.

This made Zhang Yu even more confused as to how a person could practice Qi for no reason. The most terrible thing is that after practicing Qi, he himself doesn't know what it is.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while and then asked: "Uncle Mu, have you ever eaten anything special?"

"Something special..." Mu Siwei was confused again and couldn't figure out what Zhang Yu meant by this. Mu Siwei said dullly: "Something special..."

"For example, some unusual pills...or some special snake gallbladder, it's this kind of thing anyway..." Zhang Yu prompted.

"I rarely get sick...I haven't taken any medicine since I was a child...As for things like snake gall, I don't think I've ever taken any..." Mu Siwei said slowly.

"Then what do you usually eat..." Zhang Yu asked again.

"I eat whatever normal people eat... Ever since I was a child, I've always drank too much..." Mu Siwei said again in confusion.

"Drink too much..." Mu Siwei's words made Zhang Yu's heart suddenly move. He groaned, and then said: "Do you still have any wine at home..."

"Yes." Mu Siwei nodded.

"Give me a bottle." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Mu Siwei didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant, but seeing how mysterious Zhang Yu was, he still agreed.

Mu Siwei then looked at his wife and said, "Bring out a jar of the wine we saved."

"Yeah." Lu Mei agreed, immediately squatted down, opened the cabinet under the bed, and pulled out a jar of wine.

This wine jar is not small, it can hold almost five kilograms of wine. Lu Mei was also very puzzled. She handed the wine jar to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu took the wine jar, took off the lid, and smelled it carefully.

Zhang Yu also drank the Mu family’s Siquan old wine. The wine has a rich aroma, with a hint of elegance amidst the richness. The wine tastes mellow and is warm when you drink it. I still remember Mu Huayi said that their wine focuses on being clear, fragrant, mellow and pure, so it is called Siquan Laojiu.

After smelling it, it seemed that there was no difference from what I drank last time. It was the Siquan Laojiu I drank last time.

Zhang Yu then put the wine jar to his mouth and poured it into his mouth bit by bit. The mellow aroma of the wine is particularly beneficial to even people who don’t understand wine. As the wine flowed into his stomach, Zhang Yu felt a stream of heat entering his body. The warm feeling made people feel more comfortable.

However, Zhang Yu also didn't drink it. Besides being delicious, there was nothing special about this wine. This made Zhang Yu a little unwilling, and he continued to pour the wine into his mouth.

Mu Siwei, Lu Mei, Zhang Yinling, and Leng Lingxue all looked at Zhang Yu in surprise. No one could understand why Zhang Yu suddenly wanted to drink. And judging by the meaning, I haven’t drank enough.

He drank the wine into his stomach one by one. The last time he came to Mu's house for a drink, Zhang Yu only drank one glass. But now, because I am puzzled and must find out the truth, I drink more and more. In a short while, I could drink almost a pound and a half of wine.

Zhang Yu was a little confused, but he continued to drink. When he drank two kilograms of wine, a warm current suddenly appeared in his dantian.


Feeling this warmth, Zhang Yu's heart trembled suddenly, because he could truly feel that this warmth was a trace of true energy.

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