"Wrong?" "What's wrong?" "What did you find?"

Upon hearing Zhang Yu's sudden words, Leng Lingxue, Zhang Yinling, and Tai Wannian, who were watching the video together, almost asked at the same time.

"Freeze!" Zhang Yu said directly.

Tai Wannian immediately followed Zhang Yu's request and fixed the video. Zhang Yu then added: "Zoom in, just the face."

Tai Wannian enlarged the video screen and adjusted it only to Mu Huayi's face.

At this moment, Zhang Yu pointed at Mu Huayi's eyes on the screen and said, "There's something wrong with these eyes! These are not Mu Huayi's eyes!"

"How could it not be Mu Huayi's eyes..." Zhang Yinling said inexplicably.

Leng Lingxue has never met Mu Huayi in person, so she can't comment. After Tai Wannian heard what Zhang Yu said, he also looked at Mu Huayi's eyes carefully.

After looking at it for a moment, Tai Wannian said: "These eyes are bloodshot, full of murderous intent and hatred."

"It's absolutely true." Zhang Yu said immediately: "That's why I am sure that these eyes cannot be Mu Huayi's. Otherwise, let's look at the previous pair of eyes."

"Okay." Tai Wannian said, taking a screenshot of the freeze-frame picture in front of him and saving it.

Then, he returned to the video playback and set the time back to eight o'clock, when Zhang Yinling and the others appeared.

Tai Wannian specially found the picture with Mu Huayi as the main theme, and then stopped and enlarged it. The scene is also fixed on the face. Looking at Mu Huayi's eyes, they are very pure, completely different from the eyes she just got. Not only that, even the shape of the eyes is different.

Zhang Yu then said: "Let's compare the two photos carefully."

"Okay." Tai Wannian responded, and then just compared the eyes of the two people.

"It's different! It's indeed different!" This time, Leng Lingxue said directly without Zhang Yu and Tai Wannian talking.

As a lawyer, she is definitely a careful woman. By comparing the two pairs of eyes like this, it is easy to find the differences. Mu Huayi's eyes are of normal size, but those bloodshot eyes are big eyes. In addition, the shapes of the two pairs of eyes are also different, making it very easy to distinguish them.

"Their eyes are indeed different... But in this case, where will the problem arise... Could it be that there are two identical people..." Tai Wannian said in astonishment.

Although he is a patrolman and has handled many cases, this is the first time he has encountered such a bizarre case.

"It can't be such a coincidence that there are two identical people..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"What's going on?" Tai Wannian asked.

"I suspect that someone is disguised. After a person is disguised, other places may be the same, but the eyes cannot be changed." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Disguise and disguise... How is this possible? Although I have heard of it, I am also at home... When we go out on patrol to handle cases, even if we disguise ourselves, at best it will be unrecognizable. How is it possible? Make up to look like someone else..." Tai Wannian said with some disbelief.

"That's what I say, but if you really want to do this... it's not necessarily impossible..." Zhang Yu said.

After all, he is someone who has been to the black market and has seen the methods of disguise and make-up. If there is a master of disguise in this world, it is not impossible to make up to look like Mu Huayi.

"There are all kinds of wonders in the world. If you say that someone can really do this, then I will believe it for the time being. But the question is, what is this person's purpose? Everyone knows that anyone who does this kind of thing is It is purposeful and will never be without aim... This person went to such great lengths to impersonate Mu Huayi to kill people... What is his purpose..." Tai Wannian said with some confusion.

"I really know this." Zhang Yu said.

"Oh? What's the purpose?" Tai Wannian asked immediately.

"It's for Mu Huayi's ancestral brewing secret recipe..." Zhang Yu said.

"Just for this...what kind of secret recipe is this..." Tai Wannian said in surprise.

"I don't know how great this secret recipe is, but someone has taken action against Mu Siwei just for this reason..." At that moment, Zhang Yu told the story of the fire at Mu Siwei Winery last time.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Tai Wannian couldn't help but secretly chuckle. After a while, he said: "If you put it this way, Gao Yunbao, who attacked Mu Siwei last time, is the most suspect."

"It is true, but there is no evidence at all about what happened last time. Now Gao Yunbao has not come forward again, but let others blackmail Mu Siwei..." Zhang Yu said.

"Who is he?" Tai Wannian asked again.

"It was today..." Zhang Yu then went on to explain in detail what happened when he and Mu Siwei went to Qianbeishao.

The reason why he told Tai Wannian everything he had experienced was because in this kind of cooperation, he could not hide anything and had to tell the truth.

You know, Tai Wannian is now sincerely cooperating and secretly copied all the videos in the possession of the crime team.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Tai Wannian took a deep breath and said, "I can't believe... the situation is getting more and more complicated..."

"Yes, it seems that there is a clue at the moment, but it seems that there is no clue at all. The other party told Mu Siwei that as long as he comes up with the formula, Mu Huayi can be acquitted. I really can't believe this kind of thing. "Zhang Yu said.

"I don't believe that he has the ability to acquit Mu Huayi despite overwhelming evidence!" Tai Wannian said.

When the little girl heard this, she quickly said: "But... But now, don't we already have evidence to prove that the person who went to the deceased's room in the video was not Mu Huayi... Their eyes are different... With this, I think I should be able to clear Mu Huayi of the crime of murder..."

Leng Lingxue immediately shook her head and said, "This evidence is obviously not enough."

"Why is it not enough?" Zhang Yinling asked eagerly.

"First of all, our current findings cannot be disclosed to the public at all. We can only raise questions when we are ready to see the evidence. Secondly, the difference in the eyes is really too small to convince the judge and jury. Convinced. In addition, Mu Huayi came out of her room, so it cannot be said that there are two Mu Huayi in the room..." Leng Lingxue said seriously.

"Then...then our discovery is of no use at all..." the little girl said with some disappointment.

"You can't say that..." Zhang Yu said: "As Lawyer Leng said, what we have learned may not be very useful in the trial court. However, this is enough to prove my previous judgment that Mu Huayi will never Murder, the murderer is someone else. And how did this murderer get into her room? Now we can continue to study!"

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