"Oh?" Zhang Yu had a look of confusion on his face and said slowly: "This is really a coincidence..."

"You...you must be doubting Tang Xing...this is impossible..." Mu Siwei said quickly.

"Why is it impossible?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Tang Xing's parents died early, and his aunt brought him up when he was a child. Later, when I met this child, I thought he was pitiful, but very honest, so I accepted him as my apprentice. As a couple, we can be said to be his Treat him like his own son. How could he do such a thing..." Mu Siwei said seriously.

"But... people can change..." Leng Lingxue said before Zhang Yu could speak.

Zhang Yu's question just now and Mu Siwei's statement really made people realize that there was indeed something fishy about Tang Xing. If Mu Huayi's accident in Shuiyou City last night was the result of someone's deliberate plan, then Tang Xing's problem is definitely the biggest.

"Impossible...absolutely impossible..." Mu Siwei said seriously: "You have not had much contact with Tang Xing, so you have such a guess, but I have 100% trust in this child's character. ...If it were other people, I might also be suspicious, but when it comes to Tang Xing...it's absolutely impossible..."

It was not difficult for Zhang Yu to see Mu Siwei's trust in Tang Xing. In fact, Zhang Yu also met Tang Xing when he came last time. At that time, Lu Mei was being forced by loan sharks. Tang Xing also tried his best to raise 150,000 yuan to help Lu Mei tide over the difficulties.

Although this money is just a drop in the bucket for Lu Mei's debt. But 150,000 yuan is no longer a small amount for ordinary people. Tang Xing was able to collect the money to help Lu Mei, and it can also be seen that he is a person who values ​​friendship.

So, Zhang Yu quickly nodded and said: "Uncle Mu is right. This is not the first time I have met Tang Xing. He should not be that kind of person. It was just a guess. I think we should focus on As for tonight’s matter.”

Seeing Zhang Yu say this, Leng Lingxue could only nod and say no more.

Time passed little by little, and they were now preparing to go to Qianbeishao tonight.

In Zhang Yu's words, they couldn't go together, so they had to act separately. Zhang Yu said that he would arrive at Qianbeishao at five o'clock. After arriving, he would choose a seat and tell Mu Siwei the location. Mu Siwei would then call to book a table and just book a seat next to them.

After everything was discussed, Zhang Yu, Leng Lingxue, and Zhang Yinling left first. After leaving Mu Siwei's house and the community, Leng Lingxue said directly: "Actually, that Tang Xing is very suspicious. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Mu Siwei trusts him so much. Even if we continue to talk, what's the point." Zhang Yu spread his hands and said.

"That's true...but after hearing what you said, I still doubt him..." Leng Lingxue said.

"Of course..." Zhang Yu nodded slightly, and then said: "Didn't Tang Xing say that his aunt was sick? He rushed back from Shuiyou City because of this. Let's investigate whether this is true or not. Clear."

"But we are not familiar with the place here, and we don't know where Tang Xing's aunt lives or where to find her..." This time it was the little girl Zhang Yinling who spoke.

This girl was very energetic when she heard that an investigation was going to be conducted.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "This is not simple. We don't know and it's not convenient to ask. But Li Mingyue is different. After Mu Siwei goes to Qianbei Shao in the evening, I will ask Li Mingyue to find his cousin. , find out the details about Tang Xing. Then, start investigating whether he lied that day."

"Yes..." The little girl immediately smiled and said, "You really have a way."

"It's a joke..." Zhang Yu smiled again, "Let's go and find a place to rest near Master Qianbei first. At five o'clock, we will go directly there..."

The three of them took a taxi and went straight to Qianbei Shao. They got off the car at a nearby cafe, went in, ordered coffee and desserts, and took a rest.

It was almost five o'clock and he was about to leave. At this moment, Zhang Yu's cell phone rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

Zhang Yu took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Tai Wannian's phone number.

When he saw his call, Zhang Yu felt happy and immediately answered the call, "Hello, is this Brother Tai?"

"It's me." Tai Wannian's voice rang on the phone, "Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"Convenient." Zhang Yu said immediately.

"I have obtained the copies of the three surveillance videos, as well as the copy of Mu Huayi's surveillance video. I will go home from get off work soon. If you have time now, come to my house and watch it together." Tai Wannian said.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu felt even more happy. He really didn't expect that Tai Wannian could actually get the video out.

You know, this is definitely the key to investigating the truth. Sometimes, you can't just listen to what others say, you have to see it with your own eyes. Also, everyone has a different perspective. At least after seeing it with your own eyes, you can have an accurate judgment in your mind.

But I have to go to Qianbei Shao later. If I go to Tai Wannian, who will be asked to investigate the people who are in contact with Mu Siwei? Counting on the little girl is obviously in vain. Even though Leng Lingxue is smarter, she still can't do her job well.

Zhang Yu had no choice but to say: "I have some other important things to do now. Brother Tai, where is your home? Let's add WeChat and send me the location. I'll rush there as soon as I finish what I'm doing." ."

"That's fine, you go about your business first, and then come to my place after you're done. My WeChat is my phone number." Tai Wannian said.

"Okay, I'll add you right now." Zhang Yu said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu added Tai Wannian's WeChat account. After Tai Wannian passed, after a while, he located his home address and sent it to Zhang Yu.

When he finished his work, Leng Lingxue, who had been waiting nearby, asked directly: "Have you discovered anything else?"

Zhang Yu said truthfully: "A friend of mine has now obtained the surveillance video of Shuiyu City and asked me to go over and watch it. But we still have to go to Qianbeishao to do some business, so I told him to go there later."

"There is surveillance video!" When the little girl heard this, she immediately became excited. She also wanted to see what was going on.

Leng Lingxue also looked happy, even though Mu Siwei and his wife had seen the surveillance video and confirmed that the person on the surveillance screen was Mu Huayi. But she also wanted to confirm whether this was the case, so that it could be used as a standard for litigation. Leng Lingxue nodded and said, "After we finish the work here, let's watch the surveillance video together in the evening."

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