Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 319 How capable is your family?

"This...let me think about it..." Yang Ying said perfunctorily.

It's impossible to get her back. Now that Zhang Yu and I are doing so well in Zhenhai, even ghosts are willing to come back. But if someone says so, you can't refuse it directly.

"What are you thinking about? I just told your eldest brother and sister-in-law, and your eldest brother and sister-in-law are also in favor of your coming back. Let me tell you, there are many benefits of coming back. Firstly, it is convenient to do business in the county, and secondly, the country is in the process of With the implementation of urban integration, rural areas will be as open as cities in the future. For example, our houses in the countryside are not very valuable to buy now, but when urban integration and developers come to the door, the price will increase many times. Have you not read the news? How many rural areas have made fortunes due to demolition? Look at our big villa. It cost less than 500,000 to build. When it is relocated in a few years, it will cost at least 20 million. What do you have? If you happen to have money here, why not build a big house like this in the countryside. Not only can your family live in it, but you can also make a lot of money when it is demolished. This kind of investment is not much more cost-effective than working hard outside." Luo's mother He said kindly again.

After Zhang Yu heard this, he felt that it made sense, but last night he heard his mother say that now they are not allowed to build a house casually, and no homestead land is granted at all. Even if the house is renovated on the original old homesite, the area cannot exceed The area listed on the previous real estate certificate.

Luo's mother's proposal was so good, Zhang Yu didn't believe that she had such good intentions. The Luo family was well-known in the countryside as being awesome. Their eyes grew to their foreheads and they didn't look down on anyone.

So, Zhang Yu said: "Auntie, I heard my mother say last night that building a house is no longer allowed in the countryside. If you want to build a big villa like yours, you won't be given a homestead at all. I originally wanted to give it to my family. We built one, but now we have to renovate it.”

"That's your family, how capable it is. Ask the village chief, our old Luo family's villa is a homestead specially approved by the county office's land management supervisor. How much dignity does this have?" Luo's mother was very proud. said.

The village chief Gao Jianwu, who was sitting diagonally, said quickly: "Isn't that right? My family also has some money now and wants to build a villa like this, but we can't get the homestead at all. We can only renovate the old house. It still has to be Dahai has the ability to make the director of the Land Management Bureau approve land, and his reputation in the county is greater than mine."

Yang Ying could tell that something was wrong, and she said with a smile: "Then your family is so capable, even the village chief can't do it, let alone our family. Even if I have money to build a house, I can't get it." Come on, it’s not all in vain in the end.”

"That's what I'm saying..." Mother Luo looked proud and changed the topic and said: "Our family Dahai is still single. He doesn't like ordinary women at all. Didn't you come back yesterday? I I heard that you are also single, and I feel that it is not easy for you to be alone outside, so it is better to get together with our family Dahai. Yesterday I did some work for Dahai, and he thinks you are also good, and we can take care of each other. "

Yesterday and this morning, the threshold of Yang Ying's family was almost broken, and everyone came to ask for marriage.

The Luo family's appearance is still relatively tough, and their routines are different. Even if they are asking for marriage, they have to be superior to others, as if Yang Ying has climbed up to their family.

Yang Ying knew that the other party had no good intentions, and now the fox's tail was finally exposed. It seems that this person is a snobbery. If he hadn't driven a Maserati back, he would have been drowned in saliva by now. It's good now, everyone sees that she is a single rich woman and proposes marriage one after another.

She was too embarrassed to slap the other person in the face directly, and said perfunctorily: "I have no plans to remarry yet, and although the business in Zhenhai is not big, it is still my hard work, and I have no intention of giving up right away. This matter... still Let me think about it again..."

How could the Luo family not see that Yang Ying was deliberately perfunctory? Luo's mother immediately said: "Xiao Ying, what are you thinking about? Even if you can't let go of the business over there, you can just settle the matter with Dahai first. In the future, you guys The couple discussed the business a little bit more. Think about it... your parents are not young anymore, and you can't always be around to take care of them. How many people live in your house now? How old is Xiaodong? She’s not young anymore, and it’s almost time to talk about a wife. It’s not easy to get married in rural areas now. They all require a house. With the current house your family has, how can anyone be willing to marry Xiaodong? If you build such a big villa, how can you It’s different, everyone must be willing to marry their daughter to Xiaodong, and those who come to propose marriage must not break the threshold of your family."

After saying this, Luo's mother looked at Yang Ying's eldest brother intentionally or unintentionally.

As if it had been discussed in advance, Yang Ying's eldest brother Yang Meng immediately said: "Little sister, Luo... what the eldest sister said is absolutely right. Our house is enough for living now, but at Xiaodong's age, he has to say Daughter-in-law. We don’t have a house at home, and no one is willing to marry their daughter to Xiaodong. If you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about your family. When we build a big villa and demolish it in the future, it will cost 20 to 30 million. How nice..."

He used to call Luo Mu his eldest sister, but now that Luo Mu's son is marrying his sister, he doesn't know what to call her better.

Yang Ying's sister-in-law also said: "Little sister, your elder brother is right. The family is so worried about Xiaodong's marriage now. Look at your mother, she is the most anxious and always gets angry... …”

As she said that, she pulled Yang Ying's mother and wanted her to do Yang Ying's work again.

But this time, before Mother Yang could speak, Yang Ying said, "Isn't it just a wedding room? I'll buy one for Xiaodong in the county."

It’s not that I have no money. A house in a small county only costs a few dollars. Compared with the house prices in Zhenhai, it’s simply heaven and earth.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law have never seen the world, so they can't be bluffed by Luo Mu's words.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the Yang family didn't know what to say.

When Fatty Luo's family heard this, they knew that Yang Ying had money, and they probably paid a lot of money for the divorce. Look, buying a house in the county is almost the same as buying groceries.

Fatty Luo immediately gave his mother a wink, and Luo's mother smiled and said: "It's good to buy a house in the county, but we can't let Xiaodong live in the house by himself. He doesn't have a job, and the girls in the county are more I'm picky. And the houses in the county can't appreciate in value, unlike in our villages. As soon as a developer comes, hundreds of thousands can turn into 20 to 30 million in a flash. You can still live in it before demolition, which is no better than in the city. The house is more beautiful. Twenty to thirty million... Can I make so much money in a lifetime..."

When she said "twenty to thirty million", she deliberately sounded off.

In the eyes of others, this amount of money is indeed an astronomical figure, but in the eyes of Zhang Yu and Yang Ying, it is no longer a big figure. You know, Zhang Yu now earns over 40 million.

How could anyone know that Zhang Yu made so much money? Yang Ying was at home last night and followed what Zhang Yu taught her, saying that it was part of the property she received after the divorce. Zhang Yu went home and gave his parents hundreds of thousands, which scared people so much that they were afraid that he had broken the law. If he said he had made tens of millions, it is one thing to believe it or not, but he would definitely do it for this child. What a shameful thing.

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