Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3186 Not allowed to see

After listening to Mu Siwei's story, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown. According to this statement, isn't it tantamount to ironclad evidence?

Zhang Yu looked at Leng Lingxue and said, "Lawyer Leng, what do you think about this..."

Leng Lingxue did not answer immediately, her face looked very solemn. On the way here, Leng Lingxue had been very relaxed and full of confidence, but now, she has obviously lost her previous calmness.

After a while, Leng Lingxue looked at Siwei and said, "Did you see the surveillance video with your own eyes and are you sure that the woman on it is your daughter?"

"Yes..." Although Mu Siwei didn't want to admit it, he nodded and said: "That woman looks exactly the same as my daughter, and... she came out of my daughter's room and later returned to my daughter's room..."

"Then... did your daughter know the deceased..." Leng Lingxue asked again.

"She will definitely not know her... I believe my daughter... there are not many people in her WeChat account, and she never adds strangers..." This time, it was Lu Mei who rushed to say.

Zhang Yu also followed up and said: "Although I have not known Mu Huayi for a long time, I also believe that she cannot go to a man's room in her pajamas in the middle of the night... let alone kill people..."

Leng Lingxue said calmly: "The law does not rely on who believes who, everything depends on evidence. The evidence in the hands of the patrol now is very unfavorable to Mu Huayi. It can be said that based on the evidence currently available, , even if Mu Huayi doesn't admit it, she can be convicted with zero confession. On the contrary, it might be better if she admits to entering the other party's room and talks about the dispute with the other party. "

" daughter never lies. She said at the door of the deceased's room that she had never gone in..." Lu Mei said eagerly again.

"Who would believe what she said? The surveillance video of the patrol is clear. Even if we all believe her, it will be useless. Because the judge will not believe her." Leng Lingxue said seriously.

"Then, is there nothing we can do?" Zhang Yu asked.

"How..." Leng Lingxue thought for a moment and said: "Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to infer her innocence. The least... must be a manslaughter..."

" daughter will never kill anyone...never..." Lu Mei said nervously.

In fact, even she herself firmly believed in Leng Lingxue's words, but she just didn't want to admit it.

After all, the evidence is there, and it doesn't even matter whether Mu Huayi admits it or not. Moreover, in this kind of case, manslaughter or manslaughter is admitted, which is the lightest charge. If he still refuses to admit it, the police and the trial court will even directly think that Mu Huayi is guilty of murder.

"Let's's really late today...I want to see Mu Huayi, but I'm afraid the patrol won't allow it...I think so, let's go to the patrol room tomorrow morning, and I'll apply and see if I can see him. Go to her...ask her about the specific situation..." Leng Lingxue said a little helplessly.

Zhang Yu could definitely see that Leng Lingxue really had no choice in this case. The most she could do was try her best to excuse Mu Huayi and mitigate Mu Huayi's crime. It was simply impossible to plead not guilty.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "That's all we can do, it's getting late, let's take a rest first. Go to the patrol room early tomorrow morning and try to see Mu Huayi."

Mu Siwei and his wife have no other choice but to nod and wait until tomorrow morning.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest, but to be honest, who could sleep after something like this happened.

Mu Siwei and his wife definitely couldn't sleep, Zhang Yu couldn't sleep, and the little girl Zhang Yinling was also worried about Mu Huayi and couldn't sleep at all. Even Li Mingyue still couldn't sleep.

Leng Lingxue, like them, couldn't sleep at night. She was thinking of ways to excuse Mu Huayi and how to get the lightest possible crime.

Early the next morning, they got up early to gather and headed to the patrol house in the town. It is not difficult to see that these people all have dark circles under their eyes.

When they arrived at the patrol room, Leng Lingxue revealed her identity, showed her lawyer's card, and expressed that she wanted to see Mu Huayi. As a result, the patrol officer directly told her that Mu Huayi was no longer in their patrol room. Yesterday evening, she was sent to the Crime Unit of the Hongdu Police Headquarters. If you want to meet someone, go to the Hongdu Patrol Headquarters yourself.

Regarding this statement, Leng Lingxue nodded, because according to the procedures, even if the murder case caught by the local police station only has the power of preliminary trial, it will be reported to the serious crime team later, together with the prisoner and the transcript, all must be handed over Crime Unit.

However, Leng Lingxue still raised questions and said: "This arresting officer, normally, shouldn't the criminal be handed over to the superior patrol chief? Why... he handed the person directly to the Hongdu patrol chief? …”

"I don't know about this. This is a decision from above. Wherever you are given, you will be given away. Is this what the patrol room in our small place has the final say?" said the patrol officer.

"Thank you." Leng Lingxue said politely and signaled that everyone could leave.

After leaving the patrol room, Leng Lingxue said that since they were sent to the Hongdu Police Headquarters Major Crime Team, they could only go to the Patrol Headquarters.

They got in the car and headed to the Hongdu patrol house.

Arriving at the main patrol room, Leng Lingxue had to reveal her identity at the door, saying that she was Mu Huayi's attorney and wanted to see Mu Huayi.

Naturally, the patrol guard guarding the gate couldn't let them in directly. He had to contact the crime squad first and then listen to what they wanted. Soon, the crime squad gave a reply, and the patrolman on guard relayed it, "Sorry, the crime squad said that Mu Huayi is indeed in the team, but she is an important prisoner and is not allowed to see anyone now. Same. Including lawyers. You go first."

For some important cases, especially murder cases, generally the suspect will not be allowed to see anyone at the beginning. Only when the trial is almost over are you allowed to meet with the lawyer.

Leng Lingxue just came here with the attitude of giving it a try. Now that the police were not allowed to see her, Leng Lingxue had no other choice but to shake her head angrily.

After all, this is Hongdu, not Zhenhai, and there is no acquaintance. It is indeed impossible to see the suspect immediately.

When Mu Siwei and his wife saw that the patrol would not allow them to enter, they became even more worried. Mu Siwei looked at Zhang Yu and said anxiously: "What should we do now..."

Zhang Yu is also anxious to see Mu Huayi now, because she believes that Mu Huayi will never do such a thing. Therefore, only by meeting Mu Huayi can the truth be revealed.

Unfortunately, I don't have many acquaintances in Hongdu, especially the Hongdu patrol chief, who has no acquaintances at all.

After pondering for a while, he came up with the idea of ​​asking Pan Yun to find a solution. After all, they were all from the patrol system, so perhaps Pan Yun had an acquaintance.

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