Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3157 Nothing more than that

What Zhang Chenghuan said was not wrong at all. Now that everyone is here, we can't say that just because there are people here, everyone will turn back. Master Zhang nodded, although he was now vaguely aware that Zhang Yu might be used as a spearman this time, but for the sake of the Frost Silver Mine, even if he was used as a spearman, he had to do it.

Of course, Master Zhang believed that Zhang Yu would never dare to make something out of nothing. Since there is frost silver here, it must be there.

"###%%%\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;......""¥¥¥###**\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;""# #¥¥¥\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;……”……

The foreigners in the heart of the mountain were still talking. Zhang Yu and others below could hear what they said clearly, but they couldn't understand what they meant.

Master Zhang looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Let's go up and have a look together."

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded and stepped forward.

Holding the money sword in his hand, he moved step by step, worried that the people in the heart of the mountain would find them and attack them as soon as they showed up.

Master Zhang and his entourage followed closely behind, and they all showed off their magic weapons, all kinds of weapons.

Zhang Yu took the lead and walked up the slope, but no one paid attention to them. Looking in the direction of the source of the foreign devil's voice, it was a bit far away, and it was actually not very clear. It can only be generally seen that there are probably a group of people busy with something on the stone wall.

Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Chenghuan and others also came up one after another, and together they looked in the direction Zhang Yu was looking. Of course, no matter who it is, it is impossible to see clearly from such a distance. At most, it can only be seen that there are many people on the other side.

Zhang Yu glanced at Zhenren Zhang, and Zhang Yu made a passing gesture. But Zhang Zhenren did not move immediately. Instead, he turned to look at Zhang Chenghuan, and the two exchanged glances.

Zhang Chenghuan nodded, Master Zhang waved forward, and everyone walked forward together.

After walking a certain distance, everything in front of you becomes clear. In front of the silver stone wall, there were about forty or fifty people, and they were carrying boxes one by one to the bottom of the stone wall.

Zhang Yu and the others saw each other, and after each other, someone also saw them. One of them suddenly shouted in a foreign language, "There's someone!"

This voice immediately alarmed the other people, who all turned around and looked at Zhang Yu and the others.

Immediately afterwards, the shouting continued, "###***\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;..." "##@@%%\u0026amp;amp ;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;…” “####@@@\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;…”…

But Zhang Yu and the others couldn't understand what these people were shouting.

Zhang Yu and the others carried their magic weapons and just moved forward slowly. As soon as the other party saw Zhang Yu and the others moving forward, they immediately took action. One showed his pistol, some showed his submachine gun, and some showed his staff. All in all, there is everything.

Not only that, these people also seemed to have a lot of combat experience. Some of them were lying on the ground, and some were squatting on the ground, looking like they were ready for battle.

As soon as they saw the opponent coming up in this posture, Zhang Yu and others were immediately on guard. Zhang Yu even stretched out his hand to pinch a divine talisman and sent it in through the collar. But it's not just him, Zhang Zhenren and others are also like this.

Immediately afterwards, Master Zhang said loudly: "Who are you?"

As he said this, he kept moving forward without stopping. However, what answered him was not a human voice, but the deafening sound of gunfire.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..." "Thud, thud, thud..." "Bang, thump, thump..." "Thud, thud..."...

It's really unexpected that the other party shoots as soon as they come up. Fortunately, there was a divine talisman to protect him, so Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yu and others also hurriedly knocked out the magic weapon.

Who are they? The magical weapons in their hands are overwhelming. To be honest, Zhang Yu's money sword alone is probably enough to deal with the opponent, let alone so many people doing it together.

"Ah..." "Ah..." "Ouch..." "Wow..."... For a while, all kinds of painful shouts could be heard.

The people who took action were a little confused as to whose magic weapon hit whom.

Before, there were some standing and some squatting on the opposite side, but now, all of them are either lying on the ground or prone on the ground, and no one can get up anymore.

Zhang Yu and others collected the magic weapons one after another, and then Master Zhang said: "Let's go to the front and have a look!"

They continued forward and came to the stone wall. There were a bunch of foreign devils lying on the ground, but it looked like many of them had been killed on the spot, and those who were still alive were not immune to serious injuries.

"Where are you from? What do you do?" They soon found an injured foreigner. A middle-aged Taoist priest asked directly.

But the foreigner seemed unable to understand the middle-aged Taoist priest's words and remained silent for a long time.

"He doesn't seem to understand Mandarin." The middle-aged Taoist priest said with a frown.

"Is there anyone here who can speak foreign languages?" Zhang Chenghuan shouted.

No one in the Tianshi Mansion said anything, but a disciple of Zhang Yu's sect said: "I have CET-6 English, I should be able to do it."

"Then ask this guy what he does!" Zhang Chenghuan said directly.

"Okay." Zhang Yu's disciples were all following behind. This disciple came to the front, looked at the foreigner lying on the ground, and said in English: "Where are you from? What do you do?"

The foreigner was lying on the ground, looking seriously injured. He was wearing different clothes than the others. It was a black robe, which looked similar to what Tony was wearing. Beside him, there was a cane.

After listening to Zhang Yu's disciple's words, the foreigner showed a trace of contempt on his face.

Seeing that the other party was injured and still dared to be so arrogant, the middle-aged Taoist priest who just spoke said: "It seems that if I don't give you some color, you still regard yourself as a person! Shooting as soon as you come up is really lawless. Got it!"

After saying this, the middle-aged Taoist priest fixed his eyes on the foreigner's head.

"Ah... Ouch... Ah... Ah..." The foreigner immediately held his head with both hands and rolled on the ground.

Zhang Yu naturally knew that the middle-aged Taoist priest used a headache curse.

Soon, the foreigner suddenly covered his stomach with another hand, and his cry of pain became even more miserable, "Ah...ah...ah...ah..."

He curled up from time to time, and rolled from time to time. The pain was indescribable.

It seems that Zhang Yu is not the only one to punish people with this kind of ability.

After a while, the foreigner rolling on the ground shouted in Mandarin, "No... I can't stand it anymore... Stop... Stop... I surrender... I surrender..."

Hearing his shout, Zhang Yu and others immediately realized that this guy could speak Mandarin.

The middle-aged Taoist priest took away the headache curse, and another Taoist priest took away the stomachache curse. The pain in the foreigner's body disappeared, and he gasped weakly, "Huh...huh...huh...huh..."

"Now I can tell you honestly, who are you?" the middle-aged Taoist priest asked in a deep voice.

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