Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3144 Promise

"I..." After listening to his mother's words, Uncle Cheng scratched his head again. He hesitated and said: "This's really not just our family...other families are still wondering...why there are so many people in the house suddenly. A pig came out... At that time, no one could figure out how the pig came... Mom, we won't... really get amnesia..."

At this moment, there was a look of fear on his face.

You know, grandma is not only his mother, but also the authority in the village. Everyone in the village listens to grandma.

Now, since my grandma said this, that’s what is happening in all likelihood.

Grandma said seriously: "The situation in the village is very serious right now. I asked you to come this time just because I want to discuss with you the matter of moving the whole village out of the mountains."

"Move out of the mountains..." Uncle Cheng was shocked and stammered: "Mom, you can't be serious... Our ancestors have lived here for generations... Move out now... How can this be possible... "

"I also know that I don't want to move away... But the village is losing its memory every day, which is definitely not a good thing. And now, society is developing rapidly and high technology is everywhere. Everyone in our village knows every word There are not many people there, and they can’t keep up with the progress of the times. Do you hope that the descendants of the village will always live like this? It’s not like you haven’t been to the county... What is it like in the county, and what is the village like? What does it look like...haven't you ever compared it..." Grandma said earnestly.

"This..." Uncle Cheng nodded and said, "This is true...but...if we move out of the village...where will we live..."

"Mr. Zhang said that he is willing to help us, provide us with accommodation, help the big guys find jobs, and solve the problem of children's schooling... Son... I think this is an opportunity for our village... We should let the big guys Went out..." Grandma said again in a serious tone.

"Go out..." Uncle Cheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Actually... I don't want... Yi Fei's descendants to live in the village... So be it, I'll go now Let’s discuss it with the villagers and ask for their opinions, and I’ll give you the news tomorrow…”

"No!" Grandma said bluntly.

"Why?" Uncle Cheng asked puzzledly.

"Tomorrow you will lose your memory and forget everything today. So, you must give me an answer today!" Grandma said seriously.

"Today... was good..." Uncle Cheng nodded hurriedly and said, "Then I will go back to the village now to discuss with everyone..."

"I didn't want to talk about the big guy's amnesia at first. However, now it's obvious in the village that people who go out have memories, and those who stay in the village forget what happened before... I think so, you first Discuss the move with the big guys, and if the big guys object, tell them about it too..." Grandma Grandma said.

"Okay." Uncle Cheng nodded again.

Grandma nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, that's all I have to say... You go back first... I'll wait for your news..."

Uncle Cheng quickly agreed, got off the kang, and left the room.

Grandma looked at her son's leaving figure, then looked at Xiaomei next to her, and suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her body.

She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes unconsciously.

In fact, she has been struggling for the past few days. At her age, there is no way she can withstand this. She had always relied on her breath to hold on, but now she was finally safe, and she could finally relax her tightness on the string. After relaxing, people will naturally feel exhausted.

Besides, after Zhang Yu and Meng Xing'er returned to the wing, the disciples had indeed prepared the meal. Although it was just a simple meal, everyone ate it with such gusto.

It has to be said that after a person has been hungry for a long time, no matter what he eats, it tastes better.

Zhang Yu ate with everyone and then rested on the kang. There was a package on the kang, which contained the captured magic weapons.

Zhang Yu couldn't sleep now, so he asked Meng Xing'er to take the package over and look at these magic weapons. Among these magic weapons, the one that made Zhang Yu most curious was the dream lamp.

Taking the dream lamp, Zhang Yu could really feel that there was no aura on it, which was completely different from other magic weapons.

It is not difficult to determine that this magical weapon must have been destroyed. Zhang Yu had a feeling that the reason why the villagers lost their memory was entirely because of this.

Uncle Li lit the dream lantern with ordinary fire and never extinguished it, causing the dream lantern to keep burning, eventually destroying the wick of the dream lantern. Since then, people in the village have lost their memories and seem to be dreaming every day.

Of course, it is simply unbelievable that a magic weapon would be destroyed by mortal fire.

But there are always many incredible things in this world. Just like that saying, if you order the tofu with brine, you will lose something.

Putting down the dream lantern, Zhang Yu felt melancholy and worry again. The signal that Tony sent out before he died would most likely be received. Once the men with black gloves arrived, they might be able to find the frost silver veins very quickly. Although he was determined to get the Frost Silver Mine, it was obviously not enough with his little strength as a Taoist temple.

With everything that happened here, Zhang Yu thought that he should go back and discuss it with Sun Zhaoyi and the Great Protector, hoping that these two people would give him some advice.

Qin Xiyun, in particular, has always been far-sighted. Zhang Yu believes that Qin Xiyun will definitely have the best solution.

Zhang Yu could clearly hear the sound of Uncle Cheng's footsteps as he left. In the blink of an eye, more than three hours had passed and the sky was already dark. From the footsteps coming in from the outer courtyard, Zhang Yu could tell that they were the footsteps of a person.

The footsteps entered directly into Grandma's room, and she quickly walked over and outside the wing.

"Mr. Zhang, is Mr. Zhang inside?" This time, it was Uncle Cheng's voice again.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Here! Uncle Cheng, what do you want from me?"

"It's my mother who wants to see you." Uncle Cheng said.

"Okay, I'll go over right away." Zhang Yu said.

With Meng Xing'er's support, Zhang Yu got off the ground and left the wing. They followed Uncle Cheng into the main room. Grandma and Grandma were leaning against the wall, sitting cross-legged. Xiaomei was now dressed and sitting next to Grandma and Grandma.

Uncle Cheng said hello to his mother, and after getting his grandmother's approval, he got on the kang with Zhang Yu and Meng Xing'er.

They sat down cross-legged on the kang. Grandma looked at Zhang Yu and said gently: "Mr. Zhang, my son has just asked the villagers for their opinions on the move. After some discussion, everyone has agreed. There should be no problem with your previous promise to me about moving out of the village."

Upon hearing what his grandma said, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel happy. He immediately said: "No problem! Housing, work, and schooling are all taken care of by me!"

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