Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3142 Corpse Poison

Allardyce really didn't mention anything. Eluga was already overly frightened and felt extremely aggrieved. When Allardyce mentioned "explorer", she felt a burst of hatred in her heart. Especially since Allardyce asked this question, as if he was watching her joke.

Elugao immediately said angrily: "They will die wherever they like, what should you do?"

"I..." Allardyce had good intentions, but he really didn't expect that Elugao could become so angry all of a sudden. After he was directly criticized by Elugao, he immediately didn't know what to say.

Uncle Cheng came to his mother in confusion. He couldn't understand why his mother was with so many young people and was still being carried on her back. Especially among these people, some of them still have blood on their bodies, and the fishy smell in them can be smelled very clearly when they are close.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Cheng saw Xiaomei. Xiaomei was also being carried on her back. Her face was haggard and she seemed to have blood on her body.

This startled Uncle Cheng and said hurriedly: "Xiao Mei, what's wrong with you?"

"Grandpa...I'm fine..." Xiaomei said weakly.

"You look can you be fine...Did someone bully you..." When Uncle Cheng said this, he looked at Zhang Yu and others warily.

After all, in Uncle Cheng's memory, people like Zhang Yu did not exist at all.

Grandma naturally saw Uncle Cheng's vigilance, and she immediately said: "Xiaomei is fine, but you are."

"I have something to do...I have something to do..." Uncle Cheng said in confusion.

"Some words cannot be explained clearly in a few words. I think this is how you go to my place now, and we two ladies can chat slowly. Xiaomei is indeed hurt a little. As for how she was hurt, I will tell you when the time comes. I told you." Grandma said.

"Okay." Uncle Cheng nodded immediately, but then turned to look at the things brought back by Zhang Yu's disciples and villagers, and said, "What should I do with these things?"

"This is easy to handle. You can eat what you have to eat, and you can share what you have to share." Grandma Grandma said.

"Okay, then I'll let people start the distribution now." Uncle Cheng said.

"Okay." Grandma Grandma nodded and said, "Then I will go back to Xiaomei's residence now and treat her injuries. You should be faster here."

"Okay, okay...I'll be done soon..." Uncle Cheng nodded hurriedly.

Although he is very young, he is quite obedient in front of his mother.

At that moment, Grandma Grandma called Zhang Yu and Meng Xing'er to go to her residence first. These later disciples followed Zhang Yu's instructions and stayed in the village to help.

Uncle Cheng was responsible for overall planning, but there was no looting in the village, so there was no need for him to stay longer.

Zhang Yu and others left first with their grandmother, but before they could get out of the end of the village, Uncle Cheng caught up with them. The group of people went up the mountain together to the grandma's residence.

When we arrived at the small courtyard where grandma lived, it was actually not a big place. There were quite a few people in Zhang Yu's group, and they all squeezed into the wing where Xiaomei lived. Now Pan Sheng has woken up, and his injuries are the same as Zhang Yu's, they are all serious injuries. There is no trauma medicine at the moment, so I can only hold on for now. Pan Sheng's injury was more serious than Zhang Yu's, but his body was stronger than Zhang Yu's and he was able to hold on.

Zhang Yu, Pan Sheng and Ye Linglong were resting on the kang, while the others sat beside the kang or on the ground.

Zhang Yu knew that Grandma Grandma was going to treat Xiaomei's injury. It was estimated that after Xiaomei recovered from her injury, she would also discuss moving with Uncle Cheng, so he was not in a hurry and just waited quietly.

Xiaomei's wing has a kitchen with some food and vegetables. Zhang Yu and the others were also hungry, so they simply asked his disciples to go to the kitchen and cook some food first.

Several female disciples started cooking, but before the food was ready, Uncle Cheng ran over.

"Mr. Zhang...Mr. Zhang..." Uncle Cheng shouted eagerly as soon as he arrived at the door of the wing.

Zhang Yu was lying on the bed to rest. When he heard Uncle Cheng's shout, he immediately said, "Go and ask Uncle Cheng what's the matter. I'll get up right away..."

Meng Xing'er was sitting by the kang, and she was responsible for helping Zhang Yu up. In fact, there was no need for anyone to ask. Yuan Xiaoxiao, who was cooking in the outer room, had already come to the door and asked: "Uncle Cheng... you are looking for me... What's going on with our Mr. Zhang..."

Yuan Xiaoxiao originally wanted to say, ‘What do you want from my master?

"It's my mother...she was treating Xiaomei's injuries just now...and suddenly she asked me to ask Mr. Zhang to come over..." Uncle Cheng said.

"Then wait a moment, I'll tell Mr. Zhang..." Yuan Xiao finished her novel and walked towards the bedroom.

Zhang Yu had already gotten off the kang with Meng Xing'er's support. Yuan Xiaoxiao entered the bedroom. Before she could speak, Zhang Yu gestured towards her and said, "I understand..."

He and Meng Xing'er left the room together, came to the door, and met Uncle Cheng.

"How is Xiaomei's injury doing now?" Zhang Yu said with concern as soon as they met.

"I don't know exactly what it is, but there is a smell... on her body..." Uncle Cheng said a little worriedly.

"It smells..." Zhang Yu groaned, and immediately understood what was going on.

Xiaomei was scratched by Pan Sheng and Ye Linglong. Every move they made was filled with corpse poison. At that time, they were fighting to the death, so naturally they used ruthless moves. If Xiaomei can use her true energy, with Xiaomei's skill, even if she is injured, she can use her true energy to force out the corpse poison.

But Xiaomei didn't understand this. Zhang Yu didn't even mention that he had checked Xiaomei's injuries before, so it was delayed. The corpse poison must have invaded now, and I don’t know if Grandma can do anything about it.

Zhang Yu then said: "Let's go and have a look."

"Okay." Uncle Cheng nodded quickly, "Follow me."

At this moment, Uncle Cheng, Zhang Yu and Meng Xinger walked into the main room together.

As soon as he entered the main room, Zhang Yu immediately smelled the smell of corpses. Such a stench made him frown.

"Grandma is Xiaomei..." Zhang Yu asked eagerly.

"Xiao Zhang... Xiao Mei is here... She, her injuries... I don't know what to do here... Can you help me take a look..." From the kang room on the right, a voice sounded. Grandma’s feeble voice.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Zhang Yu quickly walked to the door of the room and looked towards the kang. I saw Xiaomei lying on the kang, half of her clothes had been taken off, exposing her left shoulder and chest.

There was ulceration in that place, and thick red, white, and black water was flowing out. Not only is the taste disgusting, but the sight of it makes people want to vomit.

Beside Xiaomei, there are a few stones. Zhang Yu knew that this must be a Bianstone. Grandma must have used Bianstone to treat Xiaomei's corpse poison, but she didn't think it was successful.

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