Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3124 The Power of Stone Man

Lei Zhengxiao hurriedly ran up the horse path to avoid having to fight the unbeatable stone man in the narrow space. After rushing up, he immediately realized that something was wrong with the situation above.

There were eight stone men on top, and they had been chasing them separately just now. But now, the stone people no longer split up to chase each other. There are seven standing not far in front, each holding a stone sword, standing in a straight line. The stone man whose sword was knocked away just now has now picked up the sword and is walking over to join the other stone men.

Seeing this scene, Lei Zhengxiao was stunned for a moment, wondering what it meant.

At this moment, the stone man under the horse path was catching up quickly. Lei Zhengxiao hurriedly ran towards Mr. Luo and conveniently collected the ruler that had just flown up.

Cheng Yi and Wang Guan also ran to Mr. Luo to join them. Their faces were full of confusion and they couldn't figure out what was going on. Zhang Yu ran to Elugao's side. Elugao was thrown out from below and fell to his knees, but it wasn't a big deal.

They were all looking at the stone men, each one inexplicable.

The stone man who came up last walked to stand next to his eight companions, and then saw them suddenly move.

The nine stone men quickly stood in a position. When they were all in place, Zhang Yu could tell at a glance that this was not the star arrangement of the Jiuyao Star.

Lei Zhengxiao and Mr. Luo also saw the clues. Mr. Luo said: "Fourth Master, this is the arrangement of the Nine Glory Stars."

"I can see it too. Could it be that these nine stone men can still form a formation?" Lei Zhengxiao said.

"It looks like..."

Before Mr. Luo could finish his words, the nine stone figures arranged into nine shining stars suddenly moved. The direction they moved was exactly to Lei Zhengxiao's side.

Previously, the speed of the nine stone men had changed, but this time when they came in formation, their speed was faster than before.

Lei Zhengxiao and others were shocked. Mr. Luo reacted the fastest and immediately shouted: "Run separately!"

The four of them immediately dispersed, but this time, the nine stone men had no intention of chasing each other separately. Among the four people, Wang Guan was the slowest, and the nine stone men went out towards Wang Guan together. Moreover, they not only chased him, they even had four stone men taking a detour to block Wang Guan's escape direction.

The outer circle here is cut off from the tomb, making it impossible to get out. How could Wang Guan avoid being surrounded and intercepted by nine stone men?

Suddenly, a stone man threw out the long sword in his hand and shot Wang Guan in the back of the heart. Wang Guan heard the sound behind him and quickly ducked to the side. With this dodge, it was inevitable that he would have to slow down a beat, and the two stone men who were outflanking him arrived at the same time, and stabbed Wang Guan's body with two long swords at the same time.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

In an instant, two holes were stabbed in Wang Guan's body, and blood spattered. As the stone man pulled out his long sword, Wang Guan's body softened and he fell into a pool of blood.

The nine stone men seemed to be sure immediately that Wang Guan was dead, so they did not finish the attack and then set up their formation. The stone man who threw the long sword just stretched out his hand, and the long sword that was shot far away flew back into his palm. With this hand alone, he is no different from a normal practitioner.

Zhang Yu, Lei Zhengxiao and others were all watching from a distance. They watched Wang Guan being killed by the stone men in formation. They were all shocked.

Although Shen Ruonang killed so many people in a row before, which was frightening, but Shen Ruonang still had something to be afraid of. But these stone men cannot be beaten to death. It is not difficult to predict that Wang Guan's fate will be the fate of others.

Mr. Luo shivered as he watched this scene, but when he glanced at the horse path, his heart immediately moved and he immediately said loudly: "Fourth Master, what did you just do down there?"

He and Lei Zhengxiao were neither close nor far apart. In desperation, he was worried that Lei Zhengxiao wouldn't hear, so he raised his voice.

"The two of us lifted the lid of the coffin, but there was nothing else." Lei Zhengxiao also answered loudly.

"What's in the coffin?" Mr. Luo asked loudly again.

"Before I could take a look, the two stone men chased them down. I don't know what they were pretending to be." Lei Zhengxiao shouted.

The two asked and answered questions, but as soon as they spoke, nine stone men rushed over. The direction of their attack happened to be the direction where Mr. Luo was standing.

As soon as Mr. Luo saw the stone man rushing toward him, he hurriedly ran diagonally and shouted: "Just lift the lid of the coffin... It seems there is definitely something wrong here... These rocks before People seem to have little IQ, and now they suddenly form a gang to kill people... Fourth Master, hurry up and see what is going on in the coffin!"

He kept talking as he kept walking, but the place was so big, and the nine stone men were targeting him alone. No matter how fast he ran, it would be of no use. Moreover, these nine stone men spread out and chased him.

Mr. Luo's words immediately reminded Zhang Yu. Seeing the stone man chasing Mr. Luo, Zhang Yu moved and rushed to the horse road. He quickly got off the horse track and came to the coffin.

This time, Zhang Yu didn't care whether there was any danger inside the coffin. He lowered his head and looked into the coffin. There weren't many things in the huge coffin. There was just a bronze mirror placed on top of it. Nine little stone figures.

These nine little stone figures are standing according to the position of the Jiuyao Star. Zhang Yu can guess without guessing that these must be the formation eyes.

Zhang Yu raised his hand, and five-color runes appeared on his palm. However, after the runes emerged, Zhang Yu paused and withdrew the rune palm prints.

He knew in his heart that if he broke the formation, Lei Zhengxiao and the others would not appreciate it once the formation disappeared, and they would definitely kill him to silence him. This kind of thing is not new at all.

So Zhang Yu thinks that he doesn't need to rush to do anything now, he just needs to wait. Unless those nine stone men come to kill him, otherwise, the formation will never be broken easily.

Similarly, Chengyi, who was standing above, also reacted after listening to Mr. Luo's words and quickly ran to the horse path. He ran down the horse path and happened to see Zhang Yu standing next to the coffin.

As soon as he saw Zhang Yu, Cheng Yi was stunned for a moment. When Zhang Yu heard the footsteps, he immediately looked at Cheng Yi.

The two looked at each other, and Chengyi hesitated for a second before running down. He came to the coffin, took a look at the contents in the coffin, then took out his money sword and stabbed the bronze mirror in the coffin.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu wanted to kill Chengyi, but he still hesitated. This is not because Zhang Yu is indecisive, but because Lei Zhengxiao is not dead yet. If he kills Chengyi, if Chengyi makes a sound, Lei Zhengxiao will definitely come to check. He himself is not Lei Zhengxiao's opponent. When Lei Zhengxiao is condescending and takes advantage of the situation, he is afraid that he will die in an ugly way.

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