Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3117 Shengmen

"What can I do!" Lei Zhengxiao said arrogantly. He had just arrived, so he looked at Zhang Yu and said, "What's going on here?"

Zhang Yu spread his hands and said, "I don't know what's going on. This place is different from the previous corridor. If I look back, I won't be able to go back at all."

"I can't go back..." Lei Zhengxiao was less than one meter away from Zhang Yuneng. He took a step forward and came to Zhang Yu's side. Facing the soil, he stretched out his hand and pushed it. It was indeed solid.

At this point, Lei Zhengxiao became puzzled and said, "It's really strange. Could it be that this road has no return?"

"I really can't go back..." Mr. Luo did not go over to check, even though the corridor was relatively wide and could accommodate at least four people walking side by side. But he knew that since Lei Zhengxiao said so, it must be like this.

"It's true that I can't go back... I really don't understand what the hell this place is... I can't figure it out..." Lei Zhengxiao said through gritted teeth.

How much cultivation he had, but when he got to this place, he found that he had nowhere to use his energy and hit a wall everywhere, which could torture a person to death.

Mr. Luo looked around again. The Yong Road kept going forward. He didn't know how far it was and where it led to.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Luo said: "Since we can't go back, there is only one road ahead. I think we might as well just follow this road and see where we can go."

Lei Zhengxiao nodded and said: "This is the only way..."

Mr. Luo looked at Zhang Yu again, smiled and said, "Brother, what do you think?"

Zhang Yu spread his hands and smiled and said: "Other than that, I can't think of any other way. We can only take it one step at a time."

At the moment, the group of people walked forward along the corridor. The corridor here is relatively wide and can accommodate four people walking side by side.

Zhang Yu, Lei Zhengxiao, and Mr. Luo walked at the front, followed by Xiaomei and Ai Lugao supporting Grandma Grandma, and finally Chengyi and Wang Guan.

They kept walking forward, and after walking for about three minutes, the corridor began to narrow, and there were steps leading up.

After walking up the steps for a while, there was a dead end in front of a stone wall. Zhang Yu is very experienced in this place. The so-called stone wall may not really be a stone wall, it may be just an illusion. However, as it gets closer to the stone wall, the corridor becomes narrower, forming a width that can only accommodate less than two people walking hand in hand.

Finally coming to the stone wall, Zhang Yu reached out and pushed. After pushing, it turned out to be solid. However, the stone wall made a hollow sound.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu's ears are so keen, especially after learning the mechanism technique, he can judge sounds more clearly.

He immediately tapped the stone wall gently, and a hollow sound came from behind. Not only that, Zhang Yu could even hear that there seemed to be a mechanism on the wall.

Mr. Luo held the luminous pearl behind and illuminated it, so Zhang Yu could see clearly the surrounding situation. Glancing around, he saw a very obvious bulge on his right side. Zhang Yu stretched out his hand to grab the bulge, and then twisted it slightly. Immediately, he heard a "click, click, click" sound in front of him.

"What's going on?" "Is this an agency?" Mr. Luo and Lei Zhengxiao couldn't help but say when they heard the sound.

That's right, the stone wall in front of Zhang Yu began to slowly sink and fall into the ground. Soon, a hole more than one meter high appeared in front of Zhang Yu. There was light outside the hole, and it was obviously daytime.

Zhang Yu rushed out, swept around, and was shocked.

This place is extremely familiar. Isn't it the tomb of Wuli Village? The place where he came out happened to be in front of Cheng Zhiyuan's tomb, on the left side of the steps to the platform.

"How... could this come out of here..." Zhang Yu was simply baffled and couldn't figure out what was going on.

They went down from the back of the tomb before, and Zhang Yu didn't notice any secret passage in front of the tomb. Fortunately, now, after going around in a circle, we are back here.

Mr. Luo, Lei Zhengxiao, Grandma Zu, Cheng Yi and others also came out of the passage one after another.

When they came out, their expressions were the same as Zhang Yu's, they were all extremely shocked.

"Why are you back here again..." "I came out from the back last time, and this time I came out from the front. Are you kidding me..." "Who said it wasn't... I've been going around, but it's still the same place..." ... Lei Zhengxiao and others couldn't help but murmur.

Although they complain about suffering, their desire to survive is very strong. They walked forward slowly, looking around.

Suddenly, Cheng Yi pointed at Cheng Zhiyuan's tombstone and shouted: "Look, there are words on the tombstone this time!"

Hearing his shout, other people looked over together, right? After digging the grave, all the words on the tombstone became blank, but now they have returned to normal.

Wang Guan also shouted: "It's true, the old man was lost before, and the words on the tombstone were gone, but now there are words."

Mr. Luo said: "Let's go up and have a look!"

The group of them walked quickly onto the platform. The tombstone erected on the platform was the same tombstone Zhang Yu had seen before, with the words "Cheng Zhiyuan's Tomb" engraved on it.

"What's going on? When we came here, there wasn't a single word on the tombstones here..." Lei Zhengxiao said in confusion.

"Didn't Chengyi tell us before..." Mr. Luo's face showed joy at this moment, "It was only after they dug up the grave that the cemetery suddenly changed... In my opinion, we are very happy now." It is possible that we have left the formation and can leave the mountain..."

Previously, Lei Zhengxiao had troubled Cheng Yi and Wang Guan, so Mr. Luo had to ask them how they got here. So the matter of Tony and others digging the grave was already clear.

Now that Mr. Luo sees this, the words on the tombstone have returned to normal, and his intuition tells him that they are no longer in the formation.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but tremble in his heart, because he also vaguely realized that Mr. Luo was right, they had indeed left the formation and escaped happily. The so-called coffin should not be a formation eye, but a life gate.

If he could leave here, Zhang Yu believed that Lei Zhengxiao would definitely kill people and silence them. A sense of crisis arose spontaneously, and Zhang Yu's mind began to spin rapidly, thinking about how to escape from the danger.

When Lei Zhengxiao heard what Mr. Luo said, he was very happy. He immediately said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's get out of here quickly!"

"Exactly." Mr. Luo nodded and said.

Of course, he was not sure whether he could really leave. But no matter what, there is hope now.

"Let's go!" Lei Zhengxiao waved his hand. He didn't care about anything else and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Everyone turned around with him and walked towards the steps. Zhang Yu was still thinking about countermeasures. At this moment, a scene in front suddenly attracted his attention.

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