Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3098 Shimen

Zhang Yu took the lead to walk forward. At this moment, his fists were clenched tightly unconsciously. He was indeed nervous. In this situation, people encountered the only chance of life. To be precise, the only chance of hope. It would be the same for anyone else.

He released the Wudang Lingtu and used the Lingtu to illuminate it. He believed that there would be no one here, so he could act openly.

This time, the two people only walked forward for more than 40 steps. Zhang Yu unexpectedly discovered that this place was different from the corridor he had walked before. First, Zhang Yu did not see the upward steps or steep slope; second, the road here became wider and wider.

In the past, the corridor was of normal width and could accommodate two people walking side by side. But now, there was a certain amount of space around the two of them. At least one more person could be accommodated on the left and right, and four people could walk side by side.

After walking for a while, two stone doors appeared in front of them.

That's right, it's a stone door, not a stone wall. Because there is an obvious gap in the middle of the two doors, and there are stone rings on the two doors.

"What...what is this..." Xiaomei couldn't help but said in surprise when she saw Shimen.

"This is the Shimen. I think there must be something else behind the door. Come on, let's go and have a look." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Xiaomei nodded lightly and followed Zhang Yu forward.

As she walked, the girl turned to look at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu felt this and said, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"I'm afraid you suddenly disappeared..." Xiaomei said a little worriedly.

This girl is still holding a vegetable bowl in one hand and a steamed bun in the other. Her hands were shaking a little, firstly from coldness, and secondly from nervousness.

Zhang Yu said: "In this way, put the steamed buns and vegetable bowls on the ground for the time being, and don't hold them all the time."

"Okay..." Xiaomei nodded, and put the vegetable bowl on the ground and the steamed buns in the bowl as Zhang Yu said.

When she stood up, Zhang Yu took the initiative to grab her hand and said, "Let's go forward together, as before."

"I understand." Xiaomei nodded again.

Her hands were still cold, and there were some frostbites on the backs of them. Last time it was Xiaomei who held Zhang Yu's hand, but Zhang Yu didn't notice it, and only now did he realize it.

Zhang Yu felt pity again in his heart, but he didn't say anything. Now was not the time to say anything. He held Xiaomei's hand and walked forward slowly. Xiaomei didn't make a sound. She stayed close to Zhang Yu cautiously and moved slowly.

Soon, they came to the stone gate. The spiritual diagram is also there, and has not disappeared without a trace like before.

From this point, Zhang Yu could conclude that this stone gate should be a real stone gate. Zhang Yu raised his hand and pushed gently towards the stone door. Sure enough, it was indeed real.

"You can't get through here..." Xiaomei said immediately when she saw this.

"If you can't get through, it means this place is really different..." Zhang Yu said slowly, and began to use force on his hands, trying to push the stone door open.

The strength of his hand was so strong that the stone door did not move at all under the force he exerted. He then raised his hand to grab the hanging ring on the stone door and pulled it outward with force, but it still couldn't be shaken.

When Zhang Yu saw it, he couldn't pull it or push it open. He simply let go of Xiaomei's hand and said gently: "Xiaomei, please step back a few steps and I will study this door myself."

"Okay." Xiaomei nodded in agreement and took a few steps back obediently.

Zhang Yu stood alone in front of the door and began to look at the stone door carefully. After observing it for a while, there seemed to be nothing special about it. He stretched out his hand and knocked, and there was a hollow sound inside. It was obvious that there was a cave behind the door.

However, Zhang Yu did not hear that there was any mechanism inside the stone gate. In addition, Zhang Yu was able to determine from the knocking sound that the stone door was not heavy.

If the stone door is too thick, it will definitely be useless to force it. Now that it is determined that the stone door is not thick, why should Zhang Yu be polite?

He also took a few steps back, came to Xiaomei's side, and said, "Xiaomei, stand behind me."

"Yeah." Xiaomei immediately responded and hid behind Zhang Yu.

In fact, when I first met Xiaomei, Xiaomei was a smart and capable girl. But now, because of everything that happened, she realized that she was so powerless and could only rely on the man beside her.

Zhang Yu faced the stone gate, and five-color runes gradually appeared on his right palm. Zhang Yu was confident that with the power of Five Thunder Palms, he would have no problem splitting open this stone gate.


Zhang Yu was not polite, raised his hand and swatted it away.

The five-color palm prints immediately hit the stone door heavily, followed by a violent sound, "Bang!"

The stone door trembled obviously, but then something unexpected happened.

Zhang Yu felt a strong wave of air coming toward him. This air wave carries a strong wind, which is somewhat similar to his own Five Thunder Palm. Zhang Yu was caught off guard, and by the time he reacted, it was already too late. The strong wind hit Zhang Yu directly, and he was knocked backwards involuntarily, hitting Xiaomei's body, and the two of them fell backwards together. .

"Ah..." "Uh..."

The two people fell to the ground one after another. Zhang Yu fell on Xiao Mei's body. Xiao Mei was crushed by him, but Zhang Yu was even worse. He faced the strong wind directly, which shocked him and suffocated him. , I almost couldn’t breathe.

Zhang Yu vaguely realized that this strong wind was clearly his Five Thunder Palm. Fortunately, when the force of the Five Thunder Palm hit the stone door before, most of it was absorbed by the stone door, and the impact was limited. If it bounces back completely, not only will he lose his life, he will basically be half dead.

"Ouch... Ouch..."

Zhang Yu was just wondering what was going on when he heard Xiaomei's painful voice. Zhang Yu immediately realized that Xiaomei had used him as a flesh pad, and he didn't know whether the injury was serious or not.

He quickly turned over, bent down and said with concern: "Xiaomei, are you okay?"

"It's's just that my waist hurts a bit..." Xiaomei said bitterly.

Zhang Yu knew that the bump he had just made backward was not light, and Xiaomei, as a flesh pad, would inevitably be injured. Even if she withstood all the strong winds, her own impact was not something Xiaomei could easily bear.

It was just a pain in the waist, which Zhang Yu thought was minor. He immediately said: "Did you escape? I'll help you up and see if you're okay."

"Hmm..." Xiaomei responded softly.

Zhang Yu grabbed Xiaomei's hand with one hand and supported Xiaomei's shoulder with the other, slowly lifting her up.

Xiaomei slowly got up along with his hand, but after standing up for less than half, she couldn't help but said with a bitter face: "It hurts... Oops..."

"Does your back still hurt?" Zhang Yu asked again with concern.

" waist seems to be twisted..." Xiaomei flattened her mouth and said in pain.

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