Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3096 Pathfinding

Zhang Yu and Xiao Mei decided to act together. He left Elugao and Grandma Zu to rest where they were, and then set off with Xiao Mei towards the exit they found last time.

When he arrived at the place, Zhang Yu first poured his true energy into the soles of his feet. Three seconds later, he appeared in the corridor. Xiaomei followed his footsteps and then entered.

Zhang Yu and Xiao Mei walked forward together. After walking a short distance, there were upward steps in front of them. The two walked up the steps. They could see clearly because of the white light from behind. After walking up for a while, it was pitch black and they couldn't see their fingers.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly felt that his hand was grabbed by a cold little hand. He subconsciously said: "Who?"

But then he realized that it must be Xiaomei next to him.

Sure enough, Xiaomei said in a low voice: "It's too dark here... I'm afraid... I'm afraid that if I disappear suddenly, you won't be able to find me..."

Zhang Yu is thoughtful and can feel the presence of Xiaomei and Agou without even looking.

But Xiaomei was definitely in trouble. Without light, her eyes were blind. There were just the two of them here, and they were a little worried and scared. It is reasonable for a girl to take the initiative to grab a man's hand at this time.

Zhang Yu could feel that Xiaomei's hands were cold, it was definitely freezing. After a girl discovered that he was missing last night, she went to her grandmother to check on him, and then she got stuck in it without eating or getting a good rest. Everyone has caught a cold, but just before, he went down to the mountainous area to bring food to them.

Thinking of everything Xiaomei had done, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel pity. Xiaomei is not very old, just about the same age as Zhang Yu, but she is very hardworking and hardworking. This made him think of the girl with glasses he met when he first joined the agency.

Zhang Yu just let Xiaomei hold his hand and said: "You are right, it is really too dark here..."

As he spoke, his mind moved, and the Wudang Spirit Diagram emerged from his hand and flew slowly forward.

He did not make the spiritual map too big, otherwise the light would be too strong and it would be particularly dazzling in this darkness. The small white light can just illuminate the road ahead.

The steps are so long that you can't see the end at a glance, but fortunately they are not that steep. Xiaomei still held Zhang Yu's hand, but she said in surprise: "What is this? It can fly and shine..."

"This... is just a little trick, used to light up at night..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Then can you teach me, so that if I walk on the mountain road at night, I will be much more courageous." Xiaomei said with a smile.

"Although this is a small trick, it is not easy to learn. It will take at least a few years." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"It takes so long..." Xiaomei said a little disappointed: "A few years...but you can't stay, and I can't follow you..."

This girl really took it seriously, as if it was serious.

Seeing that she was a little disappointed, Zhang Yu comforted her: "If you are a smart person, you should be able to learn it in a few days. I don't know if you are smart or stupid."

"Of course I am smart." Xiaomei said immediately.

"If you are smart, I will teach you after you leave here." Zhang Yu said seriously: "However, you can no longer teach others."

"I promise." Xiaomei said excitedly.

The two of them walked up while chatting. After walking out for twenty minutes, the path in front finally became flat, and they could see the end if they walked further.

There is a stone wall blocking the road in front, and the spiritual diagram floating in front has passed through it and disappeared. It can be seen that the wall is a virtual shadow.

Zhang Yu said: "Let's come together now. If we can't see each other, then come back immediately."

"Understood." Xiaomei nodded and said.

Now, the two of them took two steps forward together, and then passed through the stone wall.

The moment Zhang Yu passed through the stone wall, he suddenly felt that the hand that had been holding him was missing.

"This is really evil..." Zhang Yu was filled with disbelief.

Fortunately, after the last experience, Zhang Yu understood that this place already belonged to the world of Wuli Village. For Zhang Yu, the entire Wuli Village, including the surrounding mountains, is a formation. For the people in Wuli Village, they can only enter the formation behind the illusory stone wall in the cave.

Zhang Yu was able to see everything in front of him clearly through the spiritual map. This is also a cave. The area inside the cave is relatively large, covering more than forty square meters, and it is empty inside. It was pitch black at the entrance of the cave, and no light penetrated. Zhang Yu was a little puzzled, so he simply used the spirit map to move over to take a closer look.

When the spirit map arrived at the entrance of the cave, Zhang Yu realized that the entrance to the cave was blocked by stones. As for who blocked it, that is unknown.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu recalled the spirit map and turned back into the stone wall. As soon as he entered, he saw Xiaomei waiting anxiously. Xiaomei was relieved when she saw Zhang Yu coming back, and then said: "I suddenly couldn't see you anymore... I will be back right away waiting for you... Fortunately you are back..."

"This is what we expected. It's okay... let's go back..." Zhang Yu said gently.

"Yeah." Xiaomei nodded.

The two of them just returned the same way. Because of the lighting of the spiritual map and the fact that it was the return journey, Xiaomei did not grab Zhang Yu's hand. The two of them went down the steps, came to the bright place again, and then walked into the heart of the mountain.

After coming back, Xiaomei said: "Mr. Zhang... look at what we should do now..."

Zhang Yu looked around for a while and said, "You go to grandma's place to have a rest, and I will study it further."

"Okay." Xiaomei agreed obediently, and then walked towards where Grandma Grandma and Elugao were.

Zhang Yu observed this place, and at the same time he was wondering if he could find the exit again.

He came to the exit and studied where to go first. On one side was the direction Xiaomei was walking in. He had already visited all the exits there, so there was no point in passing by. In the opposite direction, the distance to the frosty silver stone wall is not far away, roughly seventy or eighty steps. Zhang Yu walked that way first, still walking sixty-three steps, and then stopped.

Zhang Yu moved the Qi to the soles of his feet again, but this time, there was no reaction. It seemed that it was not successful. Zhang Yu returned the same way and reached the starting point. At this time, only the left and right sides were left to choose from.

Anyway, he had to try anyway, so Zhang Yu simply walked to the right and took sixty-three steps to the right. After standing firm, Zhang Yu used Qi on his feet again. Three seconds later, his eyes went dark, and he followed. You can see that there is another long corridor in front of you.

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